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About akula692008

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. The name in the launcher: Hamsters | 3PP | HP building x2 IP: Discord: https://discord.com/invite/YTPafZfvgt Many additional modules have been added for weapons from the TF modification : New bulletproof vests and their modules : New items of equipment : Disabled blurring when aiming, which improved performance in firefights : The intensity of the fog has been changed : Sky from modification SkyZ :
  2. akula692008

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 24

    Finally, you have added the option to change the drawing range! Please also consider disabling blurring when aiming in the settings.
  3. akula692008

    My Infected Wishlist

    It would also be nice to add head mobility for zombies so that they track the player's position.
  4. akula692008

    My Infected Wishlist

    By the way, the problem with textures that stick out from behind objects is caused by this zombie animation.
  5. akula692008

    My Infected Wishlist

    10. This is nonsense. According to the lore of the game, zombies in the game are ordinary infected people, just a little sick.
  6. akula692008

    The sky and clouds need to be returned.please!

    Clouds were removed from the game due to the load on network synchronization
  7. akula692008

    Remove the blur effect of guns when looking down them

    Blurring when aiming also reduces FPS.
  8. akula692008

    System of medicine (Several suggestions)

    I will add: The harness can be used on the go (As it is done with food and drinks)
  9. akula692008

    System of medicine (Several suggestions)

    I think a broken arm would fit perfectly into the game.
  10. 1) New dynamic event "Crashed medical machine" 2) A civilian splint to eliminate a leg fracture. Treatment time is 10 minutes, instead of 15. Tactical splint for fracture repair - 7 minutes 3. Medical tourniquet - allows you to eliminate 2 sources of bleeding at once in one application. Tactical tourniquet - allows you to eliminate all sources of bleeding at once in one application.
  11. akula692008

    DayZ | +50 QoL suggestions | Part 5

    I actually have one suggestion
  12. I think it will be useful for new players. In addition to the hints that the developers added in update 1.21
  13. 1. Worms near mass graves. 2. Honey from apiaries with bees. P.S. It would also be nice to make it possible to collect honey in bottles and a saucepan. 3. Extraction of firewood from racks with firewood.
  14. akula692008

    Press F to open storage

    I suggest adding a body search animation. Then the inventory will be available.
  15. akula692008

    DayZ | +50 QoL suggestions | Part 4

    I support, let the developers pay attention to this article.