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About LyrikalD

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. LyrikalD


    Didnt realise they do? Id say freedom and rights of speech, if thats where they choose then thats their prerogative but at the same time as only a console player i wouldnt feel comfortable talking on a subject in which i have no experience or experienced knowledge. (DayZ PC) Ive seen alot of DayZ on PC i mean how else are people hyped about the console version, and religiously watch frankieonpc. (Why i even know of the game) but you wont see me complaining about console stuff in the PC section that just seems counter intuitive 😂
  2. LyrikalD


    Look I get that, everyone Does have a right for input, freedom of speech and all that. But there is a PC section and a seperate Xbox section for a reason. Wii players could have input on the topic but it would be an invalid point as it shouldve been in the respective forum. Not here to divide anyone just confused how someone who has never played DayZ on xbox can comment on it 🤷‍♂️
  3. LyrikalD


    PC player yet youre in the Xbox section? Okay then.... 🤦‍♂️ Late or not I'm here now 🙋‍♂️ and how could i miss anything? I read it from top to bottom before i replied 😄 I see someone else corrected you too but ya know 🤷‍♂️ I like to chime in 😉
  4. LyrikalD


    What world you been living in? Default survivor_## get outta here with that! If youre on console you'll see their names/GT. You thinking of vigor or something 😅
  5. LyrikalD

    Baby AK 100% broken, clip to follow

    Havent watched but its probably weapon desync as it always is with "invisible bullets". As most people say its better to relog before you get into a gun fight (if you can help it) otherwise you may think you have a gun but the server and everyone else sees rags or something else etc. So bullets womt do anything in that situation. Against Zeds melee is always recommended due to there not being any lag associated with melee. Correct me if im wrong
  6. LyrikalD

    Missing Lumber?

    So they are still in? I searched all around Novay Petrovka to the 3 different sets of lumber spawns and couldnt find a single lumber stack
  7. LyrikalD

    Missing Lumber?

    So I use Izurvive and they're pretty much bang on for everything but ive noticed even from going to where i used to get lumber that i cannot find the stacks anywhere in the game. Is it just me or is there a problem with them? I dont remember reading anything in the latch notes about them other than they tripled the output from 3 to 9 from lumber stacks and you can get lumber from wood logs. But Im still at a loss as to where theyve gone
  8. LyrikalD

    Mk2 pistol sound broken?

    Ive had zombies react to a mk ii from at least 10m away, ill get proof when im on later.
  9. LyrikalD

    How long

    Thanks man 🙂
  10. LyrikalD

    How long

    How long is the night and day cycle?
  11. LyrikalD

    23/06/2019 Hotfix Statement

    Literally not been on this game for 2 - 3 months join yesterday like oOOo and update! Only to join and have every scope broke hmmm yh wont be playing for another couple months 😂
  12. LyrikalD

    Character rolls back and inventory disappearing

    You really trust bohemia to create a system with a 3 hour roll back without it affecting any other players by mistake?
  13. LyrikalD

    Xbox Launch Update 1.01

    So you cant freelook and zoom in while sprinting what the actual hell! Do developers even playtest the game on xbox? Its a actually a joke theyve put in all this work, fixed so much and they cant design a control scheme that would work
  14. LyrikalD

    Xbox RP server?

    Why would I? I said: So I’d like a better chance of cool encounters, in which I will get in the server I’ve found :)
  15. LyrikalD

    Xbox RP server?

    I’m aware of the risks and so what if people KOS in rp servers I expect that :D every play style is needed in DayZ for it to truly be DayZ. Survivors need to survive. Heroes need bandits to kill. Just sadly the bandits on Xbox are mostly small minded individuals who can’t contemplate the exponential amount of opportunities of amazing encounters there are to be had. But that’s fine I enjoy killing them anyway, especially when they get a chance to come back, it’s usually easy but if not EVEN BETTER! XD I’m always willing to take a chance for an encounter and experience. And if people are dedicating themselves to a server with rp in mind whether they’re “actual” bandit or not the chances for cool encounters is still much greater. If it goes wrong.... well that adds to the excitement. If I get backstabbed oh well that’s DayZ XD