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Posts posted by amadieus

  1. I agree that building a base works fine, but as you said, it is so poorly balanced that it is just a worthless feature. And that is a pity since it could be a great time sink and offer so much fun possibilities. 

    My problem with the infected is that they act so cheap. You still move right threw them sometimes when fighting, the poor pathfinding in buildings and sometimes in combat, the missing turn animation (without animation they just turn around) and the lack of aggressive stance animations. Sit in a house and look out the window when surrounded, they way they are animated and behave looks so poorly and cheap. 

    I just want them to fix the current things first before implementing stuff like helicopters and two wheeled vehicles. I rather play a game that has a stable core gameplay. Now even one year later I still don't see a reason to message my buddy and say: let's fix up a car and build a base somewhere! No it still remains walking around and doing pvp. At least the survival elements were improved...

  2. Great list, but quite shocking to see what still  needs to be implemented and fixed. It is mind baffling to think that game is actually released for already a year.

    Also, I would like to add the poorly implemented base building that we have since 1.0 and the infected that still act rather poorly. 


  3. Thanks for the patch! Hopefully we see another hotfix before the Christmas holidays will start. 

    I have been toying around with 1.06 a bit on Livonia. Barely played 1.05 as I spend my time on some other games. Can say so far that Livonia is a very pretty map. Feels new, love the ruined structures with the ivy overgrowth. I am also happy to see fishing back, four weapons, better car wrecks with obtainable car parts, the bear etc. Great sizable patch, although I have to say that all the other patches in 2019 were pretty good as well. Always coming each 1,5 month and with new content and/or features. Still missing a lot of of stuff though. Ragdoll, bone fractures, helicopters, planes, two-wheeled vehicles, other animals, weapons and probably some more that I can't think of right now. Personally I do not mind as the content/feature flow was pretty good in 2019 and I am confident this will be the same in 2020. What bothers me though, and probably the main reason why I write this, is that some core game features are still not working properly. Features that we already have for around a year or longer. Cars/server performance still does not function properly, base building is still poorly implemented, weather effects on character are not proper, diseases feel not finished and infected are pretty crap. I think it is pretty sad that such important core game mechanics still work half-assed after a year after the so-called ''cough'' 1.0 release ''cough'' . So please BI, fix and develop the important core features first. It is already taking too long.

  4. 3 hours ago, William Sternritter said:

    These are all conscious choices by the dev team and if the game suffers for it, it's not an excuse. To this date they have not cleared the basic bugs from the RV engine and what is worse, in this update they are coming back more than usual. They really should be open what is going on in the background and address all of this regularly. 

    I agree that the state of the game is not what I wished for either. But I doubt that either staying on RV or changing 100% to Enfusion would be the way to to. Either way, I was talking more about the graphical capabilities such as lightning of the Enfusion engine. Sumrak has mentioned before that Chernarus was made on RV and therefore modern lighting techniques would be impossible.

  5. 1 hour ago, Derleth said:

    Enfusion also has some pretty unattractive limitations when it comes to lighting. Especially interior lighting is, to be perfectly honest, awfully bad. Interiors have a set light value depending on the outside light, there is no dynamic interaction with open/shut doors etc so e.g. bunkers are bright as day even with the doors shut. You get some pretty god rays and shadows through windows when sun/moon is low, but the light level is not affected.

    Also, at night they can't let moonlight provide enough illumination, because there is no way to control the amount of illumination depending on moon phase, position and weather.

    These are serious limitations in a brand new engine supposed to be the future of the company. I very much hope they are not happy with it that way, so future versions will improve.

    Remember that DayZ is a hybrid between Enfusion and the RV engine. A first real showcase of Enfusion and its capabilities will probably be Arma 4.

    • Haha 1

  6. 43 minutes ago, Cursedgreaser said:

    I've played on xbox from day one plus on PC, and I cant even find it on market place. Disappointed AGAIN !! But not surprised anymore. I think I'm gonna start supporting dead matter. They at least give us a dev update every now and then. So good luck on dragging your supporters through this nightmare you have designed.  I didn't  ever think I would have given up on this  game because I loved it so much. 

    Perhaps you can't find it yet because it is not released everywhere....?

    • Like 1

  7. 39 minutes ago, William Sternritter said:

    Mate, of course there is no purpose to a base if you cannot hide it and defend it. You're trying to apply basic everyday safeties to a post apo scenario. This morning when I left the flat, I can be fairly certain that it will not be robbed and locking the door is enough. Because the whole house is also locked, there are other people in the house who can disturb the looter and generally robbing flats is not the daily scenario in the area. However; should anyone want to rob the flat, they do not need much in the tools department. I'm sure the doors can be smashed down with enough force, not to mention an axe or such. Should the house be abandoned for some time, it WILL be looted. And the looting time is certainly laughable compared to how long it all took to build. 

    Secondly, no matter what you do, if you're building a large base you will get visitors. You know that, right? Large bases are really hard to hide, compared to a few tents with camo net and so on. How many of you are there that you need a large base with massive structures? Because right now it sounds like you're building a base for the sake of building one, rather than for the purpose of having a persistent-ish (badumtss) place to camp and stash loot.

    Roaming the map, we quite often find fortified existing houses, which makes much more sense in this environment when you don't have the manpower to defend a large standalone base. 

    Honestly, I am only looking at it from a balanced gameplay perspective. 

    Being able to be raided is one of the many exciting and fun things from having a base. It is the excitement when logging in to see if everything is still in order or if somebody broke in. But it has to be balanced. It is the balance between the effort of raiding, time to build a base and usefulness of having said base. Now it is time consuming to build, easy to raid and thus not usefull. Quick to build and easy to raid is more balanced but still not usefull for storing any loot. Gameplay and realistic wise it would be best to have a time consuming base to build, and difficult to raid. Building stays more realistic, but sure it is not realistic that a wooden wall is difficult to break, but it makes a base worthwhile to have.

    The base I had in 1.01 had only room for just one tower and a tent. Guess it had 10-15 walls in total. So not that huge, I would never want anything that remotely resembles a mega base alà Rust/Ark.

    Barricading was on the 2017 feature list for post 1.0. I think it would be an awesome addition and it could be implemented as something more as an temporary base in comparison with actual base building.

    Edit: this topic gave a few good examples on balancing: 


  8. 11 hours ago, FunkInYourTrunk said:

    now to be fair i have not played in months and will not untill fishing and bows are back and i have yet to try basebuilding.  that being said..... no....no your base should not be 'safer'.  you are building structures out of salvaged wood and nails and shit.  ill tell u what, ill give u a saw, an axe, a hammer, and unlimited nails and drop you in a forest.  you will have 3 days.  if you can build something that i cant get into with a hatchet or even woth no tools at all..... itll blow my mind.  

    imo you dont need to protect ur base all the time.  you just need to hide it well and assume every time u logg on that it will have been broken into.  y?  because this is an apocalyptic survival simulator.  this is not rust, this is not ark it ia supposed to be a realistic hardcore survival game where if you make a mistake.... you lose everything and thats it.  maybe ur smart enough to hide things well in multiple locations, or maybe ur base is hidden well enough that it isnt found for a while but maybe u show up to grab ir pew pew amd ur base is now owned by someone else.  thats the way the cookie crumbles

    First things first. I'm not a fan of Rust and Ark. If I would take inspiration for base building balancing then it would be the game Mistreated. Also, I want this game to be as 'hardcore' survival as the next guy. But I do see when realism makes a game feature such a base building become completely worthless.

    Anyway I take it that you, just like some others, promote the idea of having an easily enter able base on which you rely on hiding the base itself as well as hiding your loot on multiple locations? 

    This concept could somewhat work but has so many flaws that it would still be a poor feature. First of all, these kind of bases should be easily build without it taking hours upon hours to do so. However, considering your 'three days to build a base story in the real world' I expect that you want base building in Dayz to take a while right? Well now we have a base that takes hours and hours to build (the way it is currently) but can also be taken down completely within 30 minutes. But we should hide right? Well every base will be found within a few weeks anyway. Additionally, there are not enough secluded spots for player count that a healthy server has. Hiding stuff in multiple locations kinda defeats the purpose of having a base doesn't it? I mean it is kinda cool to just hang out in your base, but would it not be nice to actually be able to store at least some loot? I'm all for having mutliple hiding locations, but currently you can't have any loot in your base.

    To conclude,  the only way this concept works if bases are easily and fastly constructable. This evens out the risk of investment. If we can make sure that dismantle option is not there for other players than the base owners, we even might enjoy the base for longer than a month. Then the only problem is that having any loot inside is kinda worthless due to the high risk of it getting stolen. So a very flawed concept. To be honest, I see no reason to even include base building this way. Why would anyone ever want to invest so much just for having a broken wall every time you log in, like you even mentioned. What is the purpose of having a base then? Simply, there is none.

  9. 2 hours ago, Riki68 said:

    Perhaps we each other not understood, recall version of 1.0 or even earlier version of and that in them was from hardcore. In a result 1 th embody, and obtaining one thing bleeding, can be quietly still Bohemia and bandage wound by. .308, 7. 62x54r-was deadly, from 5. 56x45, 5.  . . . . 45x39 and 7. 62x39, too, were very powerful damage.  Now on fact 2-3 embody with distance there is 150-200 meters, take slightly less than half khelspointov, a sense of such, that weapons shoots rubber bullets and not Clarion live rounds.  That's it in those days, shooting was really hardcore. The fact that the developers introduce diseases, new bleeding and so on, it's good on the contrary, but spoiling the damage from weapons, they made the shootout very arcade.

    I like this game, but most of my friends stopped playing Dayz because of it.

    Haven't had any pvp sessions lately, so I can't comment on the recent changes to bullet damages. However, I do agree that bullet damages should be as realistic as possible.

    • Like 1

  10. 6 hours ago, William Sternritter said:

    No, I don't have a base exactly because I know I cannot be there to defend it. Duh!

    You go around looting everything civilian and military exactly because it is abandoned and you can do so without hassle. You don't even need a tool to break in, unless someone locks doors. Because that is the state of the world of Chernarus and real world as well. Abandoned places can be raided and looted and there is no reason in the current world why player built structures should be significantly harder to get into compared to the regular loot. Why do you expect that all of a sudden a wooden fence is something that stops anyone from entering? In the real world fences get damaged by trespassers regularly and all you need is basic tools. Abandoned place, no matter how well hidden, cannot be a safe storage, it does not make any sense. All we get then is hoarders hording stuff and being safe.

    Now, I do agree that the time and materials to build something should be more common and it could take even less  time to build. Because it is a great idea to be able to barricade yourself in a house or such while you rest/cook/farm and so on. But again, this is very temporary and as soon as I leave the place is left on its own and anyone can enter and take whatever I left behind. Because why couldn't they? 

    Again you make it sound that I or my clan should be there to protect it 24/7. That is a very unrealistic expectation. Offline-raiding is part of the game, but my problem is how people have to do literally almost nothing to get inside.

    As I mentioned before, sometimes gameplay goes before realism and this situation is a perfect example of it. Yes, a wooden fence should stop most from just entering, and taking it down should only be viable by those prepared. I don't see a problem with items being ''hoarded''. It at least gives a base a purpose besides just looking fancy. Besides, people already hoard stuff underground. Lastly, it should never be safe 100%. Bases always should be raidable.

  11. 2 hours ago, William Sternritter said:

    As far as base raiding goes, I'm pissed I can't just shoot a lock or climb over the wall. Because that is exactly what anyone would immediately do, instead of chopping the fence for a few minutes. So the bases have more than enough gameplay protection as it is. Because even if it would take 10 minutes to make a hole in the fence or whatever, if you're not there to defend your base it will still get looted. If you really have that many valuables inside, defend it, set traps and whatnot. Also, thank you for hoarding stuff in one place, it's always a pleasure to avoid high traffic/high risk areas and get geared at the same time

    Did you ever have a base? Honest question, because your arguments show lack of experience.

    Bases do not have enough protection right now when every fresh spawn can break in with the first hatchet he finds within a few minutes. Obviously I cannot be there to protect the base every day. I work the whole week so I might log in just a couple days a week. Traps will be next to worthless with the current ease of raiding. 

    Moreover, it is currently a huge time sink to build a base. Which again is ridiculous when you invest hours upon hours to build it, just to have some random break in within 2 minutes. Even worse, they can just dismantle instead of destroying everything. The last time I had base was with 1.01. It had no loot inside but it got dismantled twice for just the lulz. 

    Just the fact that it is dumb to store your loot in your base shows how poorly balanced it is. We should be able to somewhat safely store it in the base. Like I said, raiding needs to be a time sink. In other words, the raiders need to be prepared and have a plan to raid a specific base or go on a trek to find a base to raid with all the stuff required in their backpacks to do so. Not some smuck that just stumbles on a base and can use his single melee weapon to break in without any planning and sweat. 

    Walls should take longer to destroy and the impact on durability should be much higher (e.g. needing three axes to break one wall) Make base building items spawn more often or reduce amount needed, only two handed melee weapons can destroy walls, introduce more specific items that are needed to destroy a specific thing (e.g. the current need to have pliers to remove babred wire)


  12. 1 hour ago, William Sternritter said:

    But what do you expect? Bases are wood against bullets, axes and saws. Of course it is possible to break through that and quite easily. The base must be defended in order to be effective. Otherwise it's just another place to loot, same as rest of Chernarus. Building a base does not mean you now have magically untouchable place that no one can get into. 

    Gameplay is much more important than realism in this case. Of course bases should be raidable, but it should be a time sink. Not how it currently is, with some fresh spawn in his hoodie using just a hatchet to break in and steal all your loot. 

    • Beans 1

  13. 4 hours ago, Riki68 said:

    The game becomes more and more arcade with each patch. Blood loss has decreased, damage have become toy. Gentlemen developers, let me ask you, do you want to kill the game after its recent revival?

    Come on... the game became much more 'hardcore' with the 1.05 patch. Besides, I want DayZ to be hardcore and even I acknowledged that the bleeding rate was too much when having multiple wounds. Additionally, please test it on experimental first before yelling something that is not even remotely true, like some others are doing as well. The bleeding rate is still pretty fast... you can't even run to the next town when having three cuts.

    Lastly, in 1.06 the bleeding rate will go back to the earlier 1.05 rate. They will add differences in bandage time between different types of bandages and also add a blood pressure modifier. So we will see how that enhance the gameplay.

  14. 8 hours ago, haxordie said:

    It's a shame that it's so small compared to Chernarus, which seemed really small and empty to me already. I also expected BI to expand chernarusplus, not add a separate map. Eh.

    I'm kinda happy that the new map will be 163km2, it creates more player interaction and exciting moments. Chernarus can sometimes feel pretty lonely, especially on servers with a pop limit of 50/60 (Chernarus needs minimum 80 to 100 players imo). Also with Namalsk coming and it being a 53km2 map, there will be different sizes for all 🙂 

  15. 8 minutes ago, ThePugman said:

    The map is set for November 13th release on CONSOLE. That means they have a lot to do, to get 2 patches out by then. As a pc player, I’m happy, because surely 1.06 experimental is damn close

    Didn't even think about that yet, but this surely might indicate that an experimental release is on the horizon.

    If Dayz follows the same system of A3, we should be able to play the dlc on the experimental branch, if it is purchased. Considering the 13 November release date (i know it is not yet 100%) is pretty much a hard deadline, they probably release experimental early to find bugs ASAP. So halfway October experimental release? 

  16. Simply the idea of being able to experience DayZ on a new map makes me kinda excited. I already have Livonia on A3 but I haven't played it that much that I consider myself experienced with the roads in this fictional Baltic state.

    I'm wondering about the price like so many others though. € 10 or maximum € 15 will be decent. But it also depends on how much work went into the map in comparison with the A3 version. Having the A3 Livonia in the back if my mind, it needs to have an decent overhaul to match the more apocalyptic style and also the forests felt more A3'ish than DayZ. Because it will be kinda shady to sell a map with barely any changes for a second time. Anyway we will see.

    What I mostly wonder about is what will accompany this dlc release in the terms of features and content. Knowing the style BI has with dlc for A3, I'm very confident that we pay for the map and get the content and features in Chernarus as well. I do sincerely hope that whatever improvements to interiors, ivy growth, ruined buildings and other assets will find its way to the Chernarus map as well. It will be a pity if Chernarus would be lacking in quality in comparison with the new Livonia.

    I can understand that some might feel like not purchasing it though. The 1.0 release was ridiculous and now almost one year later we still do not have a full functional game cycle with flying cars and unbalanced base building. But this is more of a problem on calling it a 'finished game' than development progress, as progress is coming around nicely in general. Anyhow, people can make up their own choice if they want the DLC or not. I for one will probably be buying it.

  17. The map is desgined by different people than those fixing duping and whatever. As a PC player myself I can't wait to see where this new map will take place and what kind of new things this will bring (objects, assets) that might also be used in Chernarus.

  18. 1 hour ago, ThePugman said:

    That’s a good point, actually. Unconsciousness MUST compliment blood loss. In 1.05 it just kills you. 

    What’s even worse is, with several cuts, you die so quickly that you don’t even have a chance to go unconscious!

    1.05 blood loss definitely needs a slight nerf. Perhaps they could reduce the time of blood loss-related unconsciousness. Make it more akin to blacking out/fainting. I’m pretty sure DayZ Mod did this. Sometimes you’d only black out for a few seconds. 

    Also, more visual/auditory cues for bleeding (all status effects need this - we talked about this in the 1.05 experimental thread). Why don’t characters react when they receive a cut? I still, occasionally, don’t notice that I’m bleeding. I’ve seen many others do it, too. In 1.05 this really screws you over. Characters don’t even yelp when they get shot... 


    My suggestion would be to make the red phase and red blinking phase of blood loss to take significantly longer. With blinking red being the phase where the player is unconscious. 

  19. 6 hours ago, g4borg said:

    to be honest, the game is dwindling, if you try to arbitrarily make it harder than real life just to keep it more "hardcore survival", especially, since it is now way beyond it's prime.

    so yes, untreated infections, diseases, etc. would be nice mechanics, if they have long time survival consequences. on the other hand, surviving diseases could give you resistances. and surviving longer should make you tougher for some threats. and in any case, giving constant issues for the character is not really a play experience.

    player numbers seem to show, that making every issue a critical one seems to not fare well.

    after all, the nice thing about dayz was the constant danger, until you forget it, and death happens suddenly. a constant "you need to fix another issue with your character or you die in 10 minutes" is just not fun gameplay. It does not achieve the goal to make the game harder, only more ridiculous.

    Not sure what the player numbers have anything to do with it, as they are pretty constant throughout 2019. 

    But back on topic. I guess we mostly agree on things here. As I said, some tweaking and further development of the diseases should be in order. Diseases should always be hindering and some to become lethal or more dangerous as time passes.

    I do think that we more or less continuously need to fix issues with our character. At least that would make the game fun for me. The important point here is the size of those issues. Issues become goals, but should not always be cumbersome or annoying. Something that is the case now with the diseases, as they appear too fast and too fierce. Nonetheless, I do think that the disease and health system went a step into the right direction with the last patch.

  20. 13 hours ago, Derleth said:

    @ImpulZ A couple of questions, I'm hoping you can answer them:

    1. Why would tents not be damaged by projectiles or explosions? This makes no sense, as long as they do not despawn (if ruined) while there are still items inside. (Same should apply to crashed cars, do not let them despawn while there are items in the trunk.)
    2. I still get the error where magazines are broken and cannot be refilled after using "R" to change magazine. The error is temporary and fixed by relogging, but very annoying. The feedback ticket is acknowledged, so shouldn't it be listed as a known issue?
    3. Cars that jump around getting damaged and/or despawn at server restarts, this issue has been around for months now. Are you any closer to tracking it down?
    4. Car physics: Cars are still very sensitive to when players have poor internet connection, having just one nearby player with high ping can trigger Harry Potter episodes with dancing and flying cars, even though server performance is otherwise good. You touched on this subject in the livestream a few weeks back, is there any news? I have a very restrictive max ping on my server now due to this, shutting many players out.
    5. Where is the M3S truck? It was supposed to be in 1.0, even the parts were spawning, yet now we're in September 2019 and three other cars have been added in between. Is it the physics "bug" behind #4 above that makes it too unsafe?

    Good points. From which some of them are longstanding issues. Especially point 3 and 4 need to see improvement ASAP. If I could add something: please balance base raiding with the 1.06 patch. 

    I did want to comment on point 1 though. Tents should either not be damaged by projectiles and explosions OR should not be despawned upon being ruined. It has to be either one of them and preferably the latter.
    But right now I am very glad that tents cannot be destroyed anymore. It was just too easy to pop a few holes in it and have some poor sod lose all his stuff, including the tent. 

  21. 15 minutes ago, Tarkules said:

    Bad design, it is.

    I got sick from a contaminated bottle of water...

    My hunger and hydration started to drop rapidly, so I had something to eat but I ate maybe too much (like 2-3 bites more than I should), started to vomit, my hunger dropped to yellow, thirst dropped to red.

    The well was on the other side of the town, I died on the way.

    The entire tragedy took 5 minutes.

    To be honest, I think it is more of a case of getting used to. Diseases should be hindering or in come cases lethal. Sure some tweaking could be in order. Such as making the incubation time longer and adding gradations to the diseases. So that it starts mild but becomes worse over time when not treated. 

    Blood loss is something similar with this patch. Initially I was pretty happy with it. I don't do much PvP so the most cuts I get are from the infected or in some rare cases, broken shoes. Usually I fix those cuts directly after receiving them. But I saw some PvP footage and how easy it is to get 4 cuts from being shot. In those cases the blood loss is a bit too much. Like IMT mentioned, I think the sweet spot is more in decreasing the blood regeneration speed while also simultaneously decreasing the fast blood loss rate.

    Shoes however, I haven't had any problems with so far. Usually I already traversed a good portion of the map before it becomes nuisance. Especially military boots can go for a very long time. 

  22. 50 minutes ago, hsv7ltr said:

    It's Bohemia's signature move to half finish things and then open the mod tools to all,

    Huh? They have supported each Arma game till its successor was released. Arma 3 has been already released since 2013 and still receives patches till this very day.

    • Beans 1