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Posts posted by amadieus

  1. 27 minutes ago, BCBasher said:

    What happened in the year I was out, nothing?

    Not surprised but when I heard it's 1.0 I was expecting to come back to every piece we got to play with in the .60s plus a helicopter and hazardous environments like NBC and radiation. Literally couldn't believe temperature and basic diseases aren't even implement right now and seeing what the console kids have to say about needing M4s and their superiority "wrecking" people, guessing they've been gone awhile? 

    A bunch of good dudes I never actually played with but chatted daily about science with are missing and that says a lot about BI dropping the ball on us.

    Quite a lot actually. The first stress test version could barely be online for an hour due to poor server performance, constant kicks and crashes. Nevertheless, they made some good progress over the year. Putting a game on a new engine is not the easiest task. Still, they have a lot to do! Enough content and features are still missing.

    • Beans 2

  2. 14 minutes ago, kopo79 said:

    seems like good patch.
    just tested few things..
    killed sheep with my fists and skinned it with stone knife.
    i ate whole sheep...no health problems beside over eating.
    also managed "loot farm" with two houses...plenty of clothes keep spawning in...but noticed that food in pockets was reduced..i guess.

    is there any plan to check loot farming problem and eating raw meat problem?

    They said that more dangerous diseases are coming. So I guess the impact of eating raw meat with that as well. I hope it will be soon! Want to cook my meat again before I can eat it

  3. 2 hours ago, IMT said:

    No offense but you shouldn't get your hopes up too high. When they were still making the engine they said that DayZ would a flood stream of content after it is finished. Many months further and we barely got any content. This Status Report was far from nice, in fact, it's horrible to come up with this after 1 month.

    No, I already expect that reality will different from my expectations. Like having a functioning core game by Christmas :P. While I am disappointed in how stable the current game is, I can't really complain about the rate of content patches we received. I still think that they come with decent rate. So far it was most of the time between 2 and 3 months, and each patch had various features and content. But we will see, I hope they can keep a steady pace in 2019.

  4. Pretty nice Status Report! I was especially happy to see that the first platform update comes in February, as I personally was even expecting it more around March. Now I still have to see what this update brings, but it is already great that it includes two new weapons. However, I do hope to see vaulting/climbing and fishing in it as well, since these features were already in development before the feature freeze. Hopefully this patch will see the solution to the persistence problem as well and with a noticeable increase in server performance.

    It is a pity that the roadmap is not finished yet, so I do hope/expect to see it at least next month. Nevertheless, I do hope to see some steady content and features coming this year! It would for example be pretty disappointing if we had to wait all the way till spring for vaulting/climbing and fishing, as these were supposed to be in 1.0. In one of the streams you mentioned that the current goals still will take till 2020 to be completed. This worried me a bit, as when looking at the features and content from the roadmap released back in November 2017, I would expect to see all that or at least 90% of it in this year. Thinking about the possibility that even at the end of this year we still won't have two-wheeled vehicles or planes annoys me.

    • Like 1

  5. 35 minutes ago, airborneguy said:

    Yes this is a game breaking issue in my eyes. Every time I shoot at someone, they run behind the bushes. Bushes should effect the trajectory of the round but not deflect it entirely. This looks like Brian Hicks at work again. We dont want to go back to those years, do we?

    Damm, yeah it is a huge issue. Dissapointed that it is not fixed yet.

  6. With this stable update I noticed on two occasions that when relogging on a different server my character has a roll back. First time I spawned back on a road that I walked on 5 minutes ago and I lost the gear that I looted in a tavern. Second time I got killed, quit the game and then logged back in a few days later. Till my surprise my character was alive as he was in an area that I visited prior to my demise.

    • Confused 1

  7. 1 hour ago, GigiGamer87 said:

    I quit the game from 1 months, waiting better version, and I think I'll wait some more time looking at the slow progress made... Remember, 1.0 released for 40€ ? lol... 40€... No more words other then shame

    Oh just one month? Welcome to game development. Feel free to show me a game developer that delivers fixes faster for a similar game.

  8. 6 minutes ago, MaxwellHouse69420 said:

    Haha no thanks bud I’ll just wait for a game that’s not broken as FUCK in its 1.0 stage . What a sad pathetic build they gave us , and they are taking all of January off Too XD 

    fucking hilariously sad , I wish I had a kushy job in which all important work can be pushed off for personal months of vacation in the middle of turmoil in the office over dev made mistakes and poor game design decisions ... oh and not to mention the cash grabby rushedness of this 1.0 build .

    Never have I ever seen so many bad decisions from a respected developer in such a small time period (well I guess we can count blizzard and all of their mishaps , but this is worse IMO cuz blizzard has been dead to me since Starcraft 2).

    Where does it say that they take all of January off?

    • Beans 1

  9. 42 minutes ago, Chris Aus-berlin said:

    And item duplication will be not fixed?


    Double click on planks and metal plates will give us every time 10 pieces!!!


    1.0 are out now for weeks and nothing happened at this bugs!!!

    They just started working again last week Wednesday.... Give them some time

    • Haha 1

  10. 6 minutes ago, eno said:

    DayZ devs seemed to lose interest in preserving that uniqueness and instead pandered to the shorter term PVP crowd- which was my original point. There is 0 about PVP in DayZ that isn't done better by any other PVP title. 

    And now there's very little that sets it apart in its niche market of PVE... since it's not doing that very well either and never really has done so in a consistently reliable fashion. 

    So we're left in a state of ambiguity a few weeks after the launch to 1.0 that we all knew was going to be a gong show while the devs enjoy a holiday that couldn't have been more poorly timed. Like I said in another thread... everyone needs a vacation but when the forecast includes launching a severely bugged project to catch money train at Christmas time- plan around it and take the holiday when the dust settles. 

    What is that uniqueness in your opinion, if I may ask? Of course, the different aspects of DayZ on its own are no match against other games, as you stated. There are enough PVP games that are better, as well as games that offer a better survival experience. But if you take all these things into one game and then compare that full game to other similar games, then there is no other that really surpasses it.

    Anyhow, the devs have a ton of work to do and I do really wish them the best with it. I personally hoped to have a better working 1.0 right now and i'm disappointed that this is not the case, especially during these holidays.

  11. Get rid of each and every server crash is pretty difficult. Adding new features can re-introduce new server crashes as well. They said that they are looking for a long term solution, which sounds to me more than just fixing each crash that there is.

    But then again, there are plenty other base building online games that do not have their bases wiped. So it should not be like re-inventing the wheel.

  12. I'm actually looking forward to 2019 and all the stuff that will be introduced to the game, as well as all the improvements to the current game (which it really needs). Looking back on 2018 I can say I am both disappointed and satisfied. The communication was not always spot on, calling the current version 1.0 was ahum... a pretty dumb decision and the overall stability of the current version is disappointing. I mean, I hoped to play a stable build during these holidays but so far I got killed by a flying car, the infected do not work and driving is impossible because of the poor server performance. And don't get me started on the persistence issues. But, I do acknowledge that they made some big steps this year with the introduction of the new engine and all that came with it. And I think that they came pretty fast with new content and features throughout the second part of the year. I have a hard time understanding when some are actually afraid that BI will just drop this game in 2019, because I am pretty confident that 2019 will be an amazing year for DayZ. We can easily expect to get more vehicles, guns, working persistence, good server performance, more advanced health system, fishing, climbing, helicopters and better visual additions to the game. Plus all those mods and Namalsk. I'm pumped for 2019!

    • Like 1

  13. It is pretty worry-some that tents become destroyed by a few bullets. Imagine the griefing done by other players! It is pretty easy to hit the tent from a higher angle as the walls are not that super high, so people can just shoot a few bullets and poof! Gone is your tent with all the loot in the next hour. 

    I would actually say, make tents invincible against bullets/melee weapons.

  14. 4 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:


    ^He lost me when he started talking about bandit skins that were in the mod like they were part of the SA.

    Also, among himself and the multiple people he played with, none of them knew to craft torches.

    This is what is featured at the top of "news" in Steam for DayZ. @ImpulZ

    While in some respects it's a fair review, it's certainly not an educated one.

    I'm not sure I've ever read a review from a major outlet where the writer sounded like he actually played the SA enough to write about it properly.

    Read it as well. The guy is completely clueless about the development. Stating that is similar to 6 years ago.

    • Beans 2