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About amadieus

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    Bean King

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  1. I don't agree. I think DayZ is as how it was advertised. Sure, you can say that the game lacks helicopters or the two wheeled vehicles and by that definition the game is not as advertised but hey... plans change. I also do not see what is wrong with using the template of an existing map? Why re-invent the wheel? Survival mechanics bare bones and unbalanced? Mmmh I would some more clarification on that one. I like the survival mechanics and I think they are pretty fleshed out without getting too much. Besides, you can make survival mechanics as difficult as you want. People will learn them and successfully manoeuvre around them. I honestly do not know any survival game that is ''difficult''. The empty world I might somewhat agree on? I just do not know in what sense you meant this. I would love to see more car wrecks and as I mentioned in some posts before I think there are still some empty buildings around the game. But if we are talking about POI's, I do not agree. I think there are plenty of towns and places to visit across the provided maps. Could they add more unique points of interest? Sure, 100% and I hope they do. The Syberia Project sounds pretty cool. I haven't heard of it but I will give it a look. I can remember some extreme hardcore servers that some Youtubers played on a year or 2 ago which also had these much more advanced medical systems. Okay, I just went to look it up and I am 99% certain that the Syberia project was the hardcore servers that I saw on Youtube some years ago. So, I never played that server myself but maybe I will. But what I saw from the videos it was pretty hardcore and the thing with that is, it might alienate another part of the playerbase and that could also be the reason why the devs are not adding all of that stuff or thinking of adding it. With that being said, I do think soft skills are a fun way to get more attached to your character. Maybe not as RPG ish like the Syberia Project. Honestly, I think you just want a very hardcore survival experience. But as long as I am following this game, it was clear to me that DayZ is not going to have all that. Additionally, the rest of your comments are far off with my view of the game, so probably we could talk hours on this matter and still not agree hahaha 🙂 Cheers!
  2. Gotcha! I think I did not experience the bug myself but clearly seems like an annoying one. About the list you gave. Those are definitely things I would like to see in the game as well. But I guess I just don't care that much for the majority of it? Like I do not think it will improve the game by a lot, most are like an extra or ''nice to have''. And of course totally fine if these are very important to you! I guess we just look at it all a bit differently🙂 But of course, it is not like I think that DayZ is done or something. I think that the Nr1 priority of Bohemia is reworking the AI in general as it the worst part of the whole game. Fix zombies stuck on the roof, fix the pathfinding, fix them hitting you while not looking at you, improve and add more animations etc... Besides that I would love to see ragdolls return (would add more fun to the fighting of zeds (what we all are doing a lot), more immersion) and lastly fixing the old textures and ugly empty buildings the game has. Everything beyond that I would see as a nice to have (more guns, vehicles, notes to write on, books etc..)
  3. I am pretty certain that the Chernarus apartments do not have loot on purpose. But I do agree with the lack of loot on bigger buildings, I would like to see it more worthwhile to visit the school building, for example. And yes, I have been pretty vocal on those awful ugly looking industrial buildings from the Arma2 era that plague Chernarus. They need to be re-worked or re-placed. Mmmh, personally I don't see what is wrong with the game being decent. Perhaps we have different expectations. I for one do not know any mods that make the game ''better'', just different. Of course I want to game to become much better on certain regards, like the infected. They are in my opinion the worst part of the game at this moment. But besides that I would love to see ragdolls make a return and perhaps upgrade the graphics a bit for some older assets. The game will be close to perfect for me then. But then again, I am not expecting helicopters, motors or a major graphical overhaul. What would make the game perfect for you? By the way, what is the issue with the heat buff indicator? Genuinely curious as I have the feeling it always worked on my end?
  4. But what makes it feel like Alpha? What is wrong with the loot balance? I played quite a lot since the Frostline release and sure there are some bugs here and there but the I had only one that was a bit annoying and was was my character having a D-sync. The game is in a decent state, far from perfect, but definitely decent.
  5. Sakhal only released 1,5 month ago. What the heck are you even talking about?
  6. amadieus

    DayZ Frostline Expansion & FaQ

    Not really. With all the information we had and with experiences of the past, a new title in a similar fashion to Reforger was the most logical. Of course the most logical does not always have to be right, as seen in this case. With that being said, I haven't seen Tanoa brought up at all and since when did it get updated for Enfusion? Now I do not follow every channel related to Bohemia, but I do follow everything DayZ. Yeah I was also expecting a new DayZ title only to come after Arma4, but with the trademark thingie (and other reasons) it seemed logical to expect a new title. But now that we know it is ''just'' a DLC, we surely can say for 100% that a new title only comes after the latest Arma game. But yeah the future looks bright and I cannot wait to play a new DayZ title on Enfusion in the future. I hope rather sooner than later as DayZ is slowly showing its age.
  7. amadieus

    DayZ Frostline Expansion & FaQ

    As Kuyzn already mentioned, but DayZ is on a hybrid engine. A mix of RV and Enfusion. I am not 100% sure which parts are Enfusion and which are RV, but I think the physics, network, player controller are all on Enfusion while the map and the environment is still running on RV. That's why, for example. the indoor lightning effects aren't that good. Arma Reforger is the first game that runs fully on Enfusion.
  8. amadieus

    DayZ Frostline Expansion & FaQ

    Got to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with the announcement as I was confident it was going to be a new title running fully on the Enfusion engine. But still, really looking forward to the new map and discovering it. But I do hope to see more than just a few new assets/weapons/animals etc.. I mean, this is supposed to be the biggest year since DayZ got the engine change in 2018. So bigger than the Livonia update from 2019 that brought us Livonia, bears, thunder storms, weather impact on characters, fishing and a bunch of more stuff like weapons etc.. At this moment I am not seeing anything more special than the previous DLC gave us. So I am kinda expecting more significant things to be revealed. Maybe ragdolls, AI rework? We will see.
  9. amadieus

    ValentineZ contest

    ''Is that a zucchini in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?''
  10. Now I understand there are some more pressing matters, such as fixing and improving the AI. I do want to say immersion is one of the most important things for DayZ. So re-doing certain objects/buildings dating from 2013 is really welcome. I mean, there are some objects like the book shelf, those single beds or entire buildings like the Chernarus supermarket that really really need some attention. Does not even have to be each patch or something. But if from time-to-time some stuff gets a makeover, it would really help to make DayZ prettier and thus more immersive. Especially since DayZ is in it for the long haul, considering you are still looking into expanding the team 😉
  11. I completely agree. There are so many military weapons already, which is not bad, but at this moment it is just adding stuff without really enhancing the gameplay. Adding more weapons in the low to mid tier actually improves the gameplay due to a lack of weapons. Right now there is still only one submachine gun and shotgun to be found in police stations/guard houses, so adding the Rak and pistol grip shotgun would really create a much needed variety. I really like this. However, are there any much needed plans to revamp some of the low quality textures of furniture (or other stuff)? The book shelf itself looks way uglier than they the newly added books.
  12. amadieus

    DayZ in 2023

    Yes you are right, sometimes my brain goes back to how they used to be. Nonetheless, still frustrating when you can't do much about it. Especially considering, at least in my experience, that a good portion of the hordes that chased me did not happen because of me being reckless. Most of the time, it is just a chain reaction of infected screaming and pulling in more. I like the random nature of DayZ, so also having multiple infected jumping at me out of nowhere is exciting and cool. But if there are only single door entries in my near vicinity I am just set up for a good beating. That's why I am just saying, I am fine with the feature but give us the tools to react to it. Like blocking the door or perhaps make it a possibility to hide in another room. :) I can imagine that. I haven't played the Long Dark, but I did enjoy Green Hell.
  13. amadieus

    DayZ in 2023

    No you can't. Go in offline mode, pull a few infected and run around a building. Go zig zag around various objects etc. You won't lose them, and that with 80% stamina. Most geared players have 50% or even less during actual gameplay. Thanks, but I don't see the connection with the Long Dark on this topic.
  14. amadieus

    DayZ in 2023

    No, it is about keeping the game fun. There are quite some houses / buildings with just one entry/exit. So you run into the wrong house out of mistake and then just dead? Like I said, I ain't against but some extra tools to combat this are welcome.
  15. amadieus

    DayZ in 2023

    Just adding my opinion on DayZ for 2023 here. First I want to touch upon the things mentioned in the blog. - update cycle I have to say it is pretty vague what is meant with more dynamic updates and to expand the focus when it comes to the DayZ game, brand and team. It sounds positive, but I would like some more clarification on this during the stream on Thursday the 16th of February. 🙂 - More cosmetics I am pretty pleased with this one and also because it was mentioned that we would receive cosmetics that fit the theme. I found the masks from 1.20 to be pretty meh. They are fun for some giggles but they remain gimmick items. I rather see more usual clothing that I would actually pick up when I traverse the world of DayZ. New civilian clothing or mid-tier clothing. - NWAF rework Pretty neutral about this one honestly. On one side I think it is a somewhat waste of resources as NWAF was reworked with the 0.63 update already and looks good as it is right now. I can imagine that gameplay wise there are things to make it more streamlined. However, there so many others parts of the Chernarus that could make use of some touch ups and makeover. The streets of big cities feel very empty. Some goes for some towns. Industrial areas, such as the one of Cherno still consist of low poly building with blank interiors. Various docks around the coast feel empty. And so on... These things should be improved upon if Chernarus ever wants to be on par with the quality of Livonia. - Infected Very happy with this one. Infected are one of the biggest parts of DayZ and also one of the most lacking. The only concern I have is what will be done with the infected. In my opinion, the focus should be on improving them as they are right now. Meaning, better animations that are much smoother and not as janky. Fix the issues as standing on roofs, standing inside your body, better pathfinding etc. Getting these things right is the most important. Regarding new features, it would be fun to have hordes walking around the map. Infected being able to smash in doors is something I am neutral about. Right now it is great way to escape when you find yourself chased by a ton of infected. When they are able to open doors, you are basically dead whenever you pull a too big group. And I had chain reactions of infected getting pulled to me due to their screams, so it is pretty easy to get a bunch on top of you. This would make PVE too rough. So, if they will be able to open doors, it is important to find a balance and perhaps give players some new tools to escape. Perhaps give us an action to block doors? Basically a continuous action that you can do for how long you want to. You do this till the infected calm down and go back to wander mode. Of course you are more vunerable for other survivors that could peek through a window. Just to conclude, please focus on improving them first instead of using resources on adding new features. Now below I will mention some stuff I hope to see in 2023 or perhaps beyond. - Visuals Immersion is important for games such as DayZ and one way to improve is by improving the visuals. DayZ still looks good but in some places it is lacking. Now I am aware that some things aren't possible due to the limits of RV engine on which the map is based on. However, some stuff could be done: Improve texture quality of various objects around the world. Example, the cooking furnace in houses, the old beds, some other furniture. Improve cloud quality. I heard it was mentioned that volumetric clouds were considered for 2023. Please do! This will really improve the visuals Improve the old industrial buildings on Chernarus with higher textures and adding more objects to these buildings Replace the bus wreck model - Wildlife variation It has been a while since the bear was introduced. I think it will be fitting to add one or two animals to the world again. The rabbit, fox or pheasant would be fine additions (they were mentioned back in 2017). - Weapons I understand that there are a lot of weapons in DayZ right now and thus that resources are being shifted. For the few weapons that you still want to add, I would ask to add more variation to the police departments per weapons. Such as the pistol grip shotgun and the PM-rak 73. Bows/crossbows would also be a perfect addition. - Ragdoll effects I know this request is not an easy one to implement. It however, would make the game much more immersive. I know it works pretty well with Arma Reforger. Now I know a regular DayZ server has a lot more happening than Arma Reforger, but perhaps with time the performance impact becomes much more minimal as Enfusion is still high in development. Please consider 🙂 - Some small stuff Longer unconscious state. I think the shortest is around 15 seconds? Minimum should be 45 seconds and longer unconscious should be close to two minutes. I feel that the infected bleeding happens sometimes a bit too often Some more car wrecks on roads would make the world feel more alive Melee attacks with shovel look likes the character is just using his fists Birds flying around. Would it make more immersive. I can remember it was on the 2017 list. Add more graffiti, like from the contest, to the game. I really adds to atmosphere and makes the world feel alive Thanks and if I think of more I will add to this.