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About FunkInYourTrunk

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  1. FunkInYourTrunk

    Stable Update 1.10

    all i want is the improvised bow...
  2. if there is no bow, its a no go. add all they want, no reinstall untill they bring my craftable bow back
  3. FunkInYourTrunk

    Stable Update 1.10

    they added the flying pan? how did they miss that in the patchnotes?
  4. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    reads as an awesome update, love that leathercraft is back. now u just need to bring back the bow.
  5. FunkInYourTrunk

    The end of DayZ ?

    if 1.10 has the bow then they are forgiven. if not....
  6. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.08

    is it possible that the rates of fire are different? or different recoilamounts/patterns? just because it is easier for you to use one gun to kill people than the other doesnt mean that it does more damage per shot. maybe you are hitting more consistantly with one then the other. maybe the fights took place in different lighting conditions or distances. maybe ur victims had different amounts of armor or were hit in different places. there are tons of variables here and unless tested in a controlled environment the arguement that one does more damage than the other is pretty hard to demonstrate. not to mention if it were true that identicle rounds were doing different damage ammounts from different rifles i would imagine it would be something that should be on the bug tracker
  7. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.08

    ....try the console section of the forum. personal oppinion tho..... the reason the console version isnt as good as pc lies in the fact that consoles themselves suck in comparison.
  8. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.08

    wow good sciencing. have some beans.
  9. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.08

    i mean thats cool and all but i just want a craftable ranged weapon. i loved the improvised bow. kinda wondering how many people even remember it. i would guess at this point most of the old crowd of players has moved on and been replaced with people who have never had a chance to even experience crafting ur bow and goin huntin with it. leathercraft was always nice too. my favorite dayz life i scooped rocks from the beach, looted houses till i had enough rags to make a rope and off into the Bush with improvised bow. grew food and hunted untill i realized i had a solid system for survival and needed goals. by the time of my death i had set up a small camp (really just a barrel, small tent, firepit, gardens) and no longer wore any clothing that i had not crafted from fallen game. i even took the extra time to find nails (not sure why it was nails) to dye it all black. those were the good ol' days
  10. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.08

    ....damn.... still no bow
  11. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 1.07

    i would imagine that a large update would take a lot more effort than a smaller one. in theory they could release one large update that takes 10 months to put out and then 4 small additions in 4 seperate updates after that and they would still be releasing 5 updates this year. 5 updates a year does not necessarily mean an update every 2-3 months. if that was what they meant then would they not have said "we are planning a new update every couple months this year"? in summary: the next update will be released when it is ready
  12. posts like this used to be so common. often illustrated by amazing screenshots. those were the good old days. i miss the day we could hop onto the forum to find such epic stories of survival. thanks bro or sis.
  13. FunkInYourTrunk

    we need a new update, right now.

    you speak for no one. do i wish they would release another patch? yes. i would also like the bow back. would i allow someone to rudely demand the patch because they feel entitled to it now on my behalf? not you, not anyone. i can speak for myself thank you.
  14. FunkInYourTrunk


    try and single out some zeds. often when u kill them they have food in their inventory and they are easy to kill one at a time