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  1. SAKHAL: RANDOM PLAYER FEEDBACK (1/2) It’s well known that this forum is neither massive nor very popular among the DayZ community. But perhaps that makes it the best place to try to get this feedback out there for the Devs without ramifying the debate in absurd subjectivities or even risk to sound completely ungrateful towards a new DLC in a game that is over 10 years old and has given me thousands of hours of enjoyment. As I understand that the Devs regularly visit this place because of their institutional responsibility towards it, I will keep my hopes high that some of them will dedicate a few minutes to read my post. Without further ado, after playing it for over a month, I will try to offer my personal feedback of Sakhal in an orderly and quick way (probably oversimplifying some things in an irresponsible manner), to finally comment on how the map could be improved, thus achieving its best version. NOT IN THE MOOD TO READ: CHECK THIS TLDR Sakhal is probably the most aesthetically appealing map of the 3 official DayZ maps and the one that really deepens the survival element of the game through permanent PVE threats. However, in my experience it is sinning of the same mistakes that Livonia DLC had in its beginning where the points of interest of the map were not attractive enough to provide a cyclic and constant gameplay through them, regardless the to the classic loot/tier progression. What this thread proposes is that the path to take to revitalize and re-signify these points of interest is not only through exacerbating the quality and quantity of loot (like adding more military loot everywhere) but to do it in conjunction with a deeper lore that allows some kind of linearity in the gameplay, more precisely with an organic mission and a global event. The map has plenty of realistic elements to make this possible. If many people feel the same way regarding Sakhal points of interest and are interested in publishing an idea of what could be an organic global mission, I can do it in a future post. POST INDEX 1) Introduction: some general concepts 2) Gameplay global balance in a DayZ Map 3) Sakhal feedback after playing for a month. 4) How could Sakhal be a much better map. 5) Some final words 1) INTRODUCTION: SOME GENERAL CONCEPTS A) About this feedback: This post is just the opinion of a random DayZ PC player with almost 12k hours in the game and with a preference for hardcore vanilla style. I clarify this not because it could somehow give me more “argumentative authority” over a new player or those who enjoy a more casual experience, but simply to contextualize who says it, from point of view or preference and who this feedback may eventually represent. The dayz community is quite heterogeneous, with many playstyles and servers, so I thought that this precision was needed beforehand. In addition, my observations are made from a strictly in-game evaluation and sensations. I am fully aware that there are external factors such as the DLC as a product behind a commercial reasoning, its initial price, the possible questionings on having used and old map terrain and the fact that the two DayZ DLCs (Livonia and Sakhal) often receive subsequent support that expands their original content and that their first builds do not usually maximize the map's attributes, and that all this could have its incidence in a general evaluation of Sakhal. B) Maps are much more than just a terrain: They have now an essential function for the gameplay with a new standard that has evolved throughout the years. I’m not talking only in their general features but also in their impact on the actual gameplay, becoming more and more relevant every time. The fact that DayZ is a multiplayer sandbox does not imply that the map itself cannot provide with lineal objectives for the player in parallel to the natural free will. In other words, DayZ always has some core “passive organic goals” that are intrinsic to the game such as the survival of our character and the natural progression based on loot/tiers/zones, but over the years, it has been incorporating more and more “active organic objectives”. Examples of these could be the toxic zones in Chernarus/Livonia (and NBC suit), the bunker in Livonia, the briefcase in Sakhal, the dynamic events, the PVE incidence and threats, some particular CLE settings, etc. In conclusion: a map is far from having a passive role. C) Underestimate linearity that a deep map lore could provide: One of the elements that is usually overlooked in all the official DayZ maps is it’s the idea of a global organic mission to work alongside with lore of a map and the game, complementing it and allowing to address the gameplay in a linear way and re-signify most of the points of interest around the map (apart from their original relevance in terms of loot progression). Neither Chernarus, Livonia nor Sakhal seem to be committed to exploiting these depths in a noticeable way. Instead, it is always done in an extremely subtle and background manner in order to provide with some “flavor”. Make no mistake, I do understand the risk of a full lore I fully understand the risks of delving too deeply into a lore that should always remain open-ended and I know the effort behind the 3 maps by replicating the realism of the areas taken as reference and the logic they possess is a marvelous task that no other game usually does. But But here I am not referring to a lore that provides answers, but one that deepens the questions and has much more impact on the gameplay. The expectations of this to happen with the Livonia DLC where huge because everything - from the bunker to the trailers, the mysteries, the clues, the toxic zones - gave us the feeling that this would finally happen. But after almost 5 years of its release, it has not yet reached that that depth or relevance besides adding an amazing new point of interest with the bunker. In other words: Neglecting the potential of an active lore in a map that could provide a more cyclical and interesting experience miss out a lot of the potential that each map could offer. 2) MAPS: GAMEPLAY GLOBAL BALANCE In my experience as a player, each map should logically aspire to achieve a “gameplay global balance” when you add together all its pros and cons. Always with the intention of offering an organic and, above all, a cyclical gameplay, one that you can repeat over and over again without fear of exhausting it. What do I mean by “gameplay global balance”? That the map manages to compensate for its weaknesses by maximizing its high points and not that everything on the map is just “there”. Imagine assigning a qualification to each one of the features of a map (terrain, points of interest, basebuilding suitability, pve focus, lore incidence, dimensions, CLE distribution, pvp focus, assets, biomes, wildlife, predators, dynamic events, static events…), keeping in mind that the result of the addition should always be 10. No more, never less. A great map can have a very low score in terms of its suitability for basebuilding due the lack of an extensive terrain or loot progression (Namalsk for example), but it could compensate this by having extremely well defined (ergo, extremely populated) points of interest and or a permanent PVE threat (cold). Now, what happens when a map does not reach this “gameplay global balance”? What happens when you get less than 10 after adding all its elements? The consequence is that the gameplay becomes stagnant quite soon after exhausting the passive organic objectives (Surviving and transitioning between tiers.). Considering that in DayZ there is not really a character progression that is independent of our gear (there are no passive skills to develop, intrinsic benefits of survival time or relevant global stats or even a deep cosmetic reward besides beards), just surviving for survival's sake does not seems to be appealing enough. Even games that have this objective build it in parallel to a linear global mission (TLD for example). There must always be something else. 3) SAKHAL FEEDBACK: IS IT BALANCED ENOUGH? Following with the above criteria, I believe that these early versions of Sakhal have established it as an average map in terms of gameplay global balance and I’m going to try to explain why: It is a map that for the first time (officially) offers a latent PVE threat (weather, frozen food) that serves as a rhythm for the gameplay and at some point, collaborates with the idea of grouping players (I have experienced friendlier interactions in Sakhal than in other maps and I don't necessarily attribute it to the novelty or server, but to the survival factor in a map large enough to think twice about pvp). Aesthetically beautiful, the map is probably the most beautiful of the three official maps. On another note, it has managed to revitalize fishing and added a new step of difficulty in relation to food and water. I also see as positive that the lore of the map now is merged more with the CLE (Russian gear exclusive, cold clothes…), even if this means partially relegating content (equipment, dynamic events, toxic zones, etc.). However, even when Sakhal does this better in those regards than the previous DayZ maps, its points of interest are neither better nor more well defined than in Livonia or Chernarus. I initially thought it might be a result of unfamiliarity and that they would then re-signify themselves organically over time. But after a month of playing, analyzing the CLE and seeing the loot and tier distribution I notice that most of the points of interest lack a reason to visit them, or if you do it to get to know them or for reasons other than mere progression, you will not find many reasons to visit them again. In this sense Sakhal repeats a bit what happened with Livonia before the adjustments to its terrain, the addition of more POI´s and the presence of the bunker (remembering that Livonia was released in March 2019 with version 1.06 and had perhaps its best moment after version 1.19, almost 4 years later). And I particularly doubt that DayZ players can wait another 4 years to revitalize a map with a fundamental addition like that. I think Sakhal tries to drive the gameplay only through the progression of tiers but without this being so determinant or hard as to completely re-signify the points of interest across the map. And what happens when there are no well-defined points of interest? Simply the interactions are much lower and Dayz is all about player interactions. So in my eyes the issue with Sakhal is clear: the map still does not offer enough reasons to make the points of interest attractive enough to visit. Neither through what they offer in terms of loot, nor their novelty in terms of features, nor through a lore or global mission that justifies their presence. 4) POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT: RESIGNIFY THE POIs The development of Dayz in its official and community maps and the immediate antecedent of Livonia have shown that there are two ways to improve the points of interest 1) Only through the central loot economy (adding more loot or high gear as a reward) or, 2) Through a map internal lore that proposes a cyclic tour of these points of interest (along with a loot progression, of course). The first alternative has been seen a bit with the last modifications of the map: add more loot rewards to the visit of certain places, even if they are not necessarily related to the context (Example: militarize the geothermal plant). Even when I do think this is the right move in the short term, it is definitely not the best alternative to follow from now on. What I propose then is that the lore of Sakhal offers such a depth that gives a reason of life to the multiple points of interest around the map (again, in collaboration with the CLE of course) in an active and, why not, global way. The mere presence of a latent global mission would allow to re-signify the different points of interest through the map working as a complement to its already existing raison d'être (working in parallel). Sakhal needs some kind of linearity in the absence of strong points of interest along the map. It needs a guide that allows a cyclical gameplay and nucleates players. And it needs this guide to be visible to everyone so that it can be noticed as soon as one respawns dead of cold. To be concrete: Sakhal needs a difficult, deep and rewarding global mission. Continuing with the same superficial style and small winks implemented in Livonia has shown that this lore only works as filler and does not give real transcendence to the gameplay. People visit the Livonia bunker only for the loot reward and the novelty of the darkness, not because it is part of a much more complete endgame with impact on all the rest of the players. I fully understand that there are risks when talking about lore because the story of DayZ must necessarily throw up questions and not answers. But what is asked here is not to sacrifice the mystery or modify any story, but to give more depth and impact on the gameplay through the fundamental questions linked to the story of DayZ. Otherwise, we will repeat the story of Livonia having remained a mere attempt at narrative depth and excellent trailers. 5) SOME FINAL WORDS I hope this opinion is taken in accordance with the intention behind it: to achieve the best version of the map in a game that I consider to be the best survival that has been created to date. I am fully aware that, regardless of the good intentions and ideals of the Devs towards each new DayZ update, here is a company that must also sustain and reconcile the viability of a product and its development having already completed a cycle of +10 years. I understand that perfectly. That's why this feedback tries to be measured in the criticism and aware of what DayZ may eventually continue to offer in the future. In case this post turns out to be interesting or valid enough, I can then share my idea regarding what could serve as a deepening of the lore and/or dynamic global mission within the guidelines and context offered by Sakhal, always considering the technical boundaries of the game, the possible deadlines and development team and of the ambiguity and mystery that the lore must always preserve. Thank you for Reading!
  2. Hi there! Long time no see! I've been away for a while (and still kind of am) but every now and then some idea crosses my mind and I would not want them to die as just a thought without first sharing them. What this list is about? A new list of QoL (Quality of life) suggestions for DayZ Standalone. I have created several of these lists in the past (you can check the links down below) and fortunately, many of them have made it into the game (Not because I have suggested them, of course). What is a QoL suggestion? These are small changes/tweaks that I think could/would improve the game experience and that do not imply huge development efforts for their implementation. Always within the philosophy and style that I understand DayZ has: a hardcore survival game. Do you have to read everything? No, the titles and pictures are intended to be illustrative and self-explanatory. Just make sure to check the brief explanation before commenting about them. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/259915-dayz-30-qol-suggestions-part-6/ HERE ARE MY +30 QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Continuous action for patching clothes and repairing/cleaning weapons As it has already been done with the bandaging action a few updates ago, wringing clothes, patching multiple wounds and many other actions that are now continuous (you just hold the click and it performs multiple cycles). The suggestion is then to apply the same logic to everything related to repairing clothing, weapons or equipment. It is functional, intuitive and definitely a quality-of-life improvement for a smooth gameplay. 2) Increase Gorka/Patrol Jacket and pants insulation value Many of us were probably surprised to learn that the Gorka equipment (known as Patrol Jackets/pants currently in DayZ) has a low level of insulation. This means that they are not very functional clothes to combat the cold, although they are functional since they are waterproof. However, I think this definitely needs to be reviewed and modified to at least a medium insulation value. Is reasonable, easy to implement and would have a better match even with the gorka/patrol equipment description itself. 3) SAM splint as an alternative way to treat a fracture At present, the only thing we can use to treat a broken leg is an improvised splint or resign ourselves to wait long enough (30min) to heal a broken bone. It would be interesting - and in tune with the DayZ era -, to be able to add a specific mid/high tier medical item to treat a broken leg. Dr. Sam Scheinberg's invention during the Vietnam War, commonly known as SAM splint, would be an excellent alternative to broaden the range of medical items and provide them with a greater depth. This item could be better than an improvised splint by offering a shorter recovery time or maybe, just a compact size in our inventory with the same exact recovery time. 4) Dropping a headtorch should always point straight ahead (like flashlights) As has happened at some point with flashlights, if we decide to leave a lit headtorch on the ground by dragging it to vicinity or holding the "G", it should always point to the front. Throwing lights on the ground to illuminate the front is a widely used resource. This same criterion was used a few patches back with the flashlight, which now always points to the front. 5) Sawed-Off M79 Grenade Launcher Self-explanatory title, I suggest to add the possibility of sawing-off the M79 to make it even more compact in the same way we can do with the BK-43, BK-18, Mosin, etc. The saw-off feature is not really popular in general (there is no overly convenient reason to do it) but in the case of the M79 it would probably be the only weapon where this would imply a benefit for the gun since there is no really need for marksmanship nor precision. Would also be a way to revitalize this feature (sawing off weapons) with a concept that existed for decades IRL (very common in the Vietnam conflict for example). 6) Change the 40mm ammo position in the vests (vertical) Following with the M79, while it is mostly an aesthetic thing, it is unnatural in relation to how it looks on our player outside the inventory where grenades are carried vertically, while inside our inventory they are placed horizontally. The logical thing would be to unify and that they are always seen and stored vertically, like the rest of the grenades. 7) Allow to craft a tripwire with a Barbed wire Add the possibility of creating a tripwire with barbed wire (in addition to the classic one with metal wire) but that this also generates a cut in the player who crosses it. It would be a good alternative trap with or without attachment (grenade or whatever item) since it would generate a stumble followed by a cut, slowing down our prey. 😎 Bury barrels as a new storage method A bit more than a QoL suggestion o simple tweak, but I don't think it is a very complex implementation (credit to Dabs for reinforcing this idea with his server), being able to bury barrels underground, exposing only their lid, would be an excellent (and realistic) storage method for DayZ without being extremely OP. It would work exactly the same as the feature of burying any other container, except that it would expose the lid (which could be unified in the same color for any type of barrel). I also suggest that, in an area of at least 0.5 meters around, we could apply a metallic noise when walking on them as a way to balance the possibility of finding them. 9) Allow to fix the weapons attachments with epoxy putty I could not find too many reasons of why this should not happen to be honest. Simply allow the gun attachments to be repaired with the epoxy putty stick like the vehicle’s parts, helmets or vests. 10) Allow to get bark/sticks from trees by using a crowbar Right now, you cannot get bark/sticks from trees with a crowbar when common sense would tell you that it is probably the tool that would most easily allow you to do so. I suggest enabling this as happened with the axes at the time. 11) More item combination (The ones that make sense) Since the title is quite explanatory, so I will just mention the most obvious examples of items that could be linked together as being perfectly logical and possible: Leather sewing kit, regular sewing kit, Electronic Repair Kit, Duct tape, Tire Repair Kit, Garden Lime and bandages. This would improve the organization of our inventory, help to economize the quantity of items in general and would be a clear improvement in quality of life considering an eventual extension of the continuous cycles for the multiple actions (bandaging, repairing clothes, cleaning/fixing a weapon…) 12) Make portable gas lamp illumination warm (orange) instead of cold (white) This is a bit of a whim but it does not escape the realism argument, the portable gas lamp currently has an extremely white light as if it were an LED lighting when in fact it should be a much warmer light because it is still a flame. In this sense, the suggestion is to modify the tonality of the light for a less cold and more orange, giving a better atmosphere in pursuit of realism. 13) Codeine pills effects. Calm/hide coughing, sneezing, shivers and pain sounds. Codeine tablets are probably the least used drug in DayZ because it is basically the little brother of morphine and there are very few scenarios where its use is really justified. In the quest to give more utility and depth to this drug, and always respecting the correlation with its realistic use, let's remember that codeine is an analgesic, a sedative and an antitussive. Thus, in addition to the current use to prevent shock damage (while having a broken bone), it would be interesting to be able to suppress flu/cold symptoms (coughing, sneezing) and shivering caused by cold through codeine. It would also be reasonable to also affect the pain sounds (low HP) from our character. By this, codeine will thus have a much more important role, not only to treat an ailment but also as a good ally at the time of a PVP or to hide our pains or noises (sneezing or coughs) when necessary. 14) Non-disinfected rags/bandages should have a visual representation In line with the previous suggestion, the suggestion is that rags/bandages that are non- disinfected should simply have a yellowish coloration (plus the wear and tear according to their state), while the disinfected ones should be white like the ones we currently have. I know that many will tell me that you only need to inspect the item to realize it. However, this QoL suggestions is not necessarily aimed at old players, but at those who find this a great frustration as they are unfamiliar with most of the DayZ features when they start playing. Believe me when I tell you that there are tons of new players who find in the wound infection feature one of the first major obstacle to learn if there is no one to teach them (plus I believe that anything that allows us to keep them out of our inventory/interface is always a good thing.) 15) Quick bait (worm) replacement for the fishing rod I hope I saw right, but in some gameplays of the new DLC (Frosline), this would already be possible. But to reinforce the idea, I emphasize this quality-of-life improvement: currently when fishing, we must craft a hook by combining the hook and the bait (worms). This requires a slow and clumsy animation for a very simple process. The suggestion is then to be able to combine them directly - without an animation, as with meat and a sharp stick for example. Once your bait is gone, you just drag and combine a new one into your fishing hook. Easy, simple and definitely possible. 16) Broken leg, “+” symbol after applying a splint Many of these suggestions arise after playing with friends who are completely new to the game and struggle with a learning curve. Dayz shouldn't be an easy game by any means (it isn't), but it shouldn't be counter-intuitive either. In the case of broken bones, we have the classic fracture symbol until we heal. However, when we apply a splint, the symbol remains exactly the same, without warning if we really did something right to heal the bone. The QoL suggestion in this case is to simply add a "+" symbol to the broken bone after applying a splint (could be any other symbol representation different from the broken bone stat symbol), indicating that the fracture is being progressively healed (similar to the "+" we get with the heat buff). 17) Bandanas should go to the mask slot by default Very simple but definitely a QoL change, I think 99% of players assign that slot directly by dragging it to our inventory and it always, by default, ends up in our character's head. It would be a simple and quality of life change that the default slot is the facemasks slot. 18) Slightly less “limiting” and more immersive unconsciousness This suggestion could be a bit more controversial than the previous ones, however, I am convinced that it could add a lot to the gameplay: Currently, when we fall unconscious, our screen turns completely black for the first seconds and then, we progressively recover vision through a dark vignette that alternates between 0 vision and minimal vision (small circle). The sound, both of the world and from our character is nonexistent, and if it were not for the lack of the classic “you are dead” message on our screen, we would not be able to distinguish death from unconsciousness at all. I think this could be improved by trying the way ARMA REFORGER treats unconsciousness, which is actually quite similar, but with subtle changes. How? 1) First of all, the screen is only completely black only in the first seconds after falling uncon, but then, the field of view (black vignette) is reduced to a minimum but without reaching full black. 2) Then, as we recover, this dark vignette becomes slightly larger and its edges become more transparent. Unlike ARMA Reforger, our head should NOT be able to move at all. 3) Simultaneously, the sound (both of the environment and of our character) is not completely suspended, but continues but in a mitigated form. We hear our heartbeat while the ambient and effect sound is significantly reduced. You can see an example of this concept of unconsciousness here: https://youtu.be/UWJq0q1hbcE?t=7850 19) Improvised fishing hook crafted from metal wire We have "professional" fishing hooks that we find around the world and improvised ones that we can craft out of bones. It would be interesting to be able to also have an intermediate and realistic version crafted from metal wire or barber wire as "metal fishing hooks". You can get one just by combining any of these items (metal/barbed wire) with a pair of pliers. 20) Improvised sewing needle from metal hooks Directly linked to the previous suggestion, metal hooks should not be limited to fishing, but, when combined with a rope or netting, could be transformed into an improvised sewing kit to repair our clothes (not leather). I am neither the first nor the last to suggest this. Of course, they should have less "uses" than the regular ones. 21) Allow to abort the climbing animation Definitely an idea that far exceeds what would be an easy implementation but, at the same time, a real evolution in terms of gameplay and control of our character, the suggestion is to eventually be able to have some control over complex animations such as vaulting, allowing us (in some case) to cancel the animation in the middle of its execution. In this way we could, for example, cancel the vaulting animation when jumping over a tall fence, backtracking the steps and performing the same animation but backwards. I repeat, I am sure there are hundreds of factors that limit this idea but I would like to leave the concept to get feedback from people who have more technical knowledge about this to analyze its feasibility. 22) Craft double armbands by using a sewing kit I am not suggesting anything new because there are already mods that allow it in an excellent way and its official implementation, I believe, should not have too many difficulties. The possibility of crafting a double armband from 2 armbands and a sewing kit would allow a much more visible identification between the members of a squad, an element that is sometimes a bit lost with single armbands. It's not a major or decisive change, but I think it would add depth, content and freshness to the gameplay. 23) Disable traps from the vicinity tab I’m sure I already suggested this a while ago so I will use it as a reinforcement, the fact that you can detect active traps such as landmines or tripwires just by walking next to them with the vicinity tab open is kinda is a bit discouraging. This not only conspires against their effectiveness but also against the realism the game could have in this regard. The proposal is then that the traps, once set, cannot be seen at all through the vicinity tab. 24) Running heavy melee blow > regular heavy melee blow Many may not know it (probably because they don't follow WOBO, shame on them…), but the "strong" melee attack does the exact same damage (HP & Shock) as the running heavy attack. I think this should be slightly modified by increasing either health damage or shock damage in the latter case. By that, to be able to hit this blow that is “loaded” with our body's own inertia, in some cases would have to knock out the target in one hit. 25) High light and low light for vehicles I think it would be a good addition - and not extremely complex to implement in my opinion - the possibility of having high and low lights in vehicles with different levels of energy consumption (battery). The reasons are the same as in real life (higher consumption, higher visibility and vice versa), and at the same time the possibility of achieving a little more stealth when driving a vehicle. The low/high lights could be activated in the same way, but in one case you just need to hold the lights key (default L) and in the other, just tap it. 26) You should not be able to carry barrels full of water/gasoline Barrels are one of the first items to “disappear” after a server wipe. Players hide them for the first few days and then it is almost impossible to find one. At the same time, they are a key element in large bases to store liquids (water/gasoline) and equipment. The idea in this sense is to benefit both universes (availability of barrels in the world and persistence in the bases). For this it would be good that the barrels loaded with liquid can NOT be carried by the players without emptying them first. At the same time, and as it already happens, if one punctures the barrel, it loses all its liquid content and logically allows to transport it. In the latter case, it would also be interesting to reduce the lifetime of the barrel with holes to 1944000 seconds (22 days) instead of the 3888000 (45 days) of non-perforated barrels. 27) Immune system boost along with the heat buff Since its addition (about 3 years ago), the temperature boost (+) mostly implies a “bonus/buff” to prevent your temperature from dropping below a certain limit when obtained. Although this feature is key in cold maps (like Namalsk), is very rare to find its use in other maps like Chernarus or Livonia where it only works as a residual effect of cooking next to a fire. Therefore, my idea is to extend this feature a little bit by allowing that, once obtained, along with the temperature “bonus”, we also get a immune system boost (quite similar to the vitamins pills effect) that fulfills the same role but can be achieved thanks to this “comfort status”. (Thanks Dumpgrah for the feedback on this suggestion). 28) Reduced the sound for vaulting when crouching (or alternative animation) Let me illustrate it with an example: you are crouching stealthily in a city tracking some shots from inside a house close by and suddenly, you come across a very low fence. When trying to overcome it, your character jumps over it as if it implied a massive effort, making a loud sound and a dramatic animation. So much for our stealth. It would be interesting, therefore, to have an alternative animation (or sound reduction) when we pass over a fence from the crouching position. Perhaps something similar to the good and old vaulting back in the DayZ (one leg first and then the other). (Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2s6z-qC4Yo) 29) Smoke grenades should cause coughing after a while (Tear gas alternative) Smoke grenades are an item that could definitely be given more love with small changes to their effects: when we find ourselves inside the smoke, they should cause our unprotected character (no gasmask, or facemask) to cough (alerting us to our presence to others). By this, their use be not be limited to cover a position or signaling, but also as a way to detect the presence of camping players inside buildings. An alternative to this may well be to simply add a 6230 CS grenade with the effects mentioned above that can be found under the police loot flag. It would be an excellent “low tier alternative” for the PO-X Vial, fulfilling a similar role in PVP situations (although without generating any real damage) and expanding this amazing PVP dynamic without the need to reach high tier areas or dynamic events. 40mm tear gas ammunition could also be a thing to consider in that case. 30) Butane canister | Apartment buildings stove and gas cannister refill This suggestion is intended to do 2 things: 1) Extending the use of gas canisters as a non-disposable item once they are used up. 2) Provide with a little life to the apartment buildings with a functional asset. What does it consist of? As with the wood-fired indoor stoves in multiple houses around the map, we can do something similar in the apartment buildings around the map by adding portable butane canisters stove. This item could be “fueled” with the – already in the game files – butane cannister. In addition, the butane canister should be able to refill the gas cannisters by combining them together. 31) Extend the detonator range by using an electronic repair kit (or combining it with a GPS) Both the plastic explosive and the improvised explosive (case protector) require a remote detonator unit to be able to active them whenever we want (not with a timer). However, the detonation distance is, at most, about 50 meters, which for me is quite a small range to work as a trap and not just a raiding tool. That's why I think it would be a cool idea to be able to combine the remote detonation unit with a GPS (or retrofit it with an electrical repair kit) to double its signal range, leading to much more interesting (and safer) scenarios. Regardless of the item or method involved (it can also be the field transceiver for example), the concept is to allow improvement of this item to increase the detonation distance. 32) Modify the compass holding position/animation The idea is to slightly modify the position of the compass in our hand to avoid those situations where the excess or lack of illumination prevents us from seeing it correctly. Simply giving a greater verticality (as ARMA Reforger does, for example) would be enough. 33) Increase bullet dispersion in automatic weapons This suggestion is far from being simple and definitely requires a lot of testing to reach the best conclusion. However, after having personally tested all automatic weapons in DayZ, my humble opinion is that the bullet dispersion of automatic weapons when firing from the waist (misnamed “hip fire” or “off ADS”), is extremely low (impacts are extremely close together). Why is this a problem? Mainly because, even on hardcore servers that disable the crosshair, TONS of players are using artificial crosshairs (from their monitors or with external software) to have an advantage. They abuse the “hipfire” thanks to the (IMO) minimal bullet dispersion that exists in automatic weapons, controlling recoil much better than in ADS and delivering many, many shots almost effortlessly. The suggestion, therefore, is to significantly increase bullet dispersion for automatic weapons when shooting outside ADS, so that PVP does not become a mere point + click. I really recommend checking out the other suggestion threads. Most of them are still valid and Im sure they would make excellent QOL additions for DayZ. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/259915-dayz-30-qol-suggestions-part-6/
  3. Asmondian

    DayZ in 2023

    Im not sure if that just your alt account or you guys are just continuously synchronized in the comments. Anyway. I see that you quickly abandoned the "we want the game we were sold" argument because you realized it was leading nowhere. Now you are playing with pre-enfusion parity card. But its ok. 1) Enfusion was never fully implemented (not even today). It was added partially, in stages, starting with the rendering 7 years ago. When you talk about "pre-Enfusion parity" do you mean 0.59 (Around June 2016) or do you even have any idea what you are talking about? Parity in terms of what? Please dont tell me that your comparison criteria is only the content... jesus... 2) But let's take the "pre-enfusion stage" then. That would mean that what you want is: No modding support | No climbing | No FPS optimizations | No modifications in Chernarus | No Tisy | No new DirectX | No modding tools | No documentation | No sound improvements | No inertia | No stamina | No new diseases | No wounded animations | No new hitboxing system | No new animation system | No basebuilding | No new night lighting or anti-gamma system | No Gaunter, Sarka, M1025, SSG82, claymore, deagle, m16 ... | No bunker or underground/dark areas/triggers | No toxic areas | No tracers | No bears | No improvised shelters | No NBQ suite | No new dynamic events... I could be all day. I think you get the point of why complaning about a lack of parity with 0.59 its just ridiculous and a completely superficial analysis. 3) There were definitely changes to make the game compatible with a new platform (consoles). Many of them were extremely positive, others not so much (and you can look up my criticisms at the time). Look at the result? The playerbase did not exceed 5k people (only on PC) back then and today the game has recently reached maximum peaks and has presence in three different platforms. I do look at the results and I think people like it. The funny thing is that you bought three times a game that you hate, even after the BETA. The company achieved presence on three platforms, allowed them to extend the life of DayZ without the DLC model implemented like with ARMA, they were able to continue the development of Enfusion thinking about future titles and in parallel to make the mods compatible with the consoles (Reforged). But nah... everything was a big failure because before we had volumetric clouds and now the sky looks much uglier. Come on dude... ts time to grow up. Again, I think you fall prey to a narrative or major infantilism, with arguments so uninformed that it is questionable whether they are even worth answering. My advice is to just let it go. You are here imprisoned by an obsession for something you don't seem to enjoy anymore. There are over 55k people currently enjoying DayZ on PC alone and a huge majority of them purchased the game in its early access stage (and are quite happy with the results). Many of us still have multiple reservations about some of the changes and I do think there were some very particular downgrades in terms of gameplay (I have discussed and elaborated on this many times). But to assume an obsessive stance with the game by commenting negatively on every single post, attacking the staff or creating an "anti-consoles" crusade its quite pathological. Have a good one !!!
  4. Asmondian

    DayZ in 2023

    Honest question: What would be those things/features that have been "promised" back in the day that turns the current DayZ development - in your eyes - into some kind of "complete scam" for those who bought it during the early access? Because I did it and Im quite satisfied with the result and after almost 10 years, with more than 10k hours, after having gone through all its stages, hosted servers, created mods, edited maps, enjoying many new features that were never even mentioned in the beginning, meeting amazing people, playing vanilla/modded/rp/deathmatch/events... and only paying $28 almost a decade ago, I think this was one of my best investments tbh. Even when I can objectively say that 1.20 was one of the worst updates or that I would like to see priority given to other things that I consider fundamental for the game or maybe that the communication is still bad. But you seem to take it to an extreme that is hard to take seriously. If the issue is that you think you "got ripped off" because you were promised helicopters or animal companions and now you can only get them through a mod, then I have no doubt that someone will be able to give you back those 28 bucks and put you out of your misery. Just leave your paypal. Maybe the devs can send you a hoodie or something as compensation, idk. But if what you really want for the game (and im sure you do, otherwise you wont be around) is to become the best survival it can be in a context where almost NO company decides to develop this genre as a MMO (you ask yourself why), you are definitely taking the worst possible attitude (although it may not even be an attitude and you're just trolling). There were communication errors, lack of transparency and a terrible management of expectations throughout the development of DayZ. I (and many many others) have been quite vocal about all of this AT THE TIME. But this is a discussion from almost 5 years ago. Constantly bitching to a development team that has little to do with the previous teams, in a completely different context for the game and the company, ignoring factors like profitability, development complexity, the implications of having an hybrid engine, the fact that the game was one of the first experiments launched under the early access mode, that it has been changed at least 4 times development leadership, that DayZ was never the "old reliable" of BI in its essence, entering the console market as a way lay the groundwork for the next titles and extend the life/development what it was a 7-8 year old game... It doesn't really make any sense and implies that you're just trying to follow a rhetoric you've started and now can't stop. Out of boredom or inertia maybe? Probably. But absurd through and through. I am not going to enter into a chain of endless responses because I know its pointless. I simply wanted to give whoever reads this another POV because you spoke on behalf of "all of us who bought the game in early access", when not all of us think like you.
  5. Hi there! This is a new list of QoL (Quality of life) suggestions for DayZ Standalone. I have created several of these posts in the past, which I invite you to visit in the links below. The intention is always to come up with achievable ideas within the general framework of the game. What does this mean? It means that you will not find crazy new features that would imply a lot of development time, or requests that may break the original concept of the game. Although the complexity and feasibility of any of them can only be determinate by the dev team, I invite everyone to keep this same QoL focus in future suggestions because I’m 100% positive that those are the kind of ideas that could eventually make it into the game at this stage. Do you have to read everything? No, the titles are intended to be self-explanatory of the core idea, but be sure to check the brief explanation under the images to understand the context before commenting about them. Having said that, I hope you find this an interesting read! OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ HERE ARE MY +50 QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Interactive actions menu | Disable them while running The game shows the contextual menu allowing us to “perform” certain actions while we are full sprinting, leading to unwanted situations. One of the most common examples of this is when we try to make a strong/running melee attack with a shovel or farming hoe and instead we end up getting the garden plot blueprint in the middle of a fight. Since most of the actions require an animation and that our character remains relatively still, the smarter thing would be to prevent these options to even showing up on our screen while we are full sprinting, avoiding this kind of scenarios. This would also have a visual positive impact since, as I think we all have the experience at some point, while running through a forest or hiding behind a bush you usually get the interactive pup-ups with bushes and trees right up to your face when it is clearly not our intention nor is it something we could do while running. Suggestion: Disable the contextual menu when we are full sprinting, cleaning the screen and avoiding any unwanted action to perform by mistake. Limit those for jogging or walking. 2) Burlap sack cover | Visibility according to its condition This is simple and cosmetic idea, but it could add to the gameplay experience. Depending on the condition of the burlap sack cover its the visibility it offers. Then, if it’s a damaged burlap sack cover, it will allow you to see through it with a soft overlay. Players can use this attrition for their own benefit, either by using it for their captives or on themselves, providing with more depth to this item than just having a complete black screen. Suggestion: The overlay of the burlap sack cover should not be completely black but should offer a level of transparency commensurate with the wear of the item. 3) Quick access limitation | Items inside containers Right now, you can assign a hotkey to any item, even if its inside a container (such as a bandage inside a protector case or any other items you want to preserve), and bring it out anytime you want. This is not only unrealistic but also allows you to abuse the system a little bit. The idea is that the items inside containers should not be visible (or accessible) through the hotkey bar forcing players to have to take them out manually or carry them outside the container. Suggestion: When an item is inside a container (protector case, cooking pot, ammunition box…), you can´t pull out that item by assigning a hotkey. 4) Weapon collision | Guns should retract I am a big critic of the weapon collision feature in DayZ. Not because of the concept itself since its somehow realistic and prevents some of the old clipping issues and shooting through walls that we had in the past. But because of the unpolished and very basic way it was added. Its current implementation is just a clunky animation and one of the worst allies of a smooth PVP experience. Having said that, I'm not proposing to get rid of it at all (although I welcome the servers that do so until there is a better implementation) but to improve it in a way BI has already shown that it can be done. Currently, when our weapon collides with a structure, the same animation is played where we raise the weapon upwards. There are no transitions, no retraction and no intermediate animations. When we peak a corner, we can raise and lower the weapon about 6 times per second simply by a millimeter of collision (Example). Trying to shoot prone on a surface that is not perfectly flat could lead into a disaster due the weapon collision (Example). On the other hand, if we see how the weapon collision has been applied in the company's games such as VIGOR, we will surely see an alternative perfectly applicable to DayZ. In the case of VIGOR, the weapon does not rise towards our head automatically when there is a collision (Example). On the contrary, it retracts (towards our waist) progressively, modifying the target of the gun from the center of the screen but preserving the aiming instance. This system is definitely the one that should be imported to DayZ, replacing the current crude and basic animation. 5) Military flashlight | Vintage L-shape attachable flashlight The standard flashlights are quite useless right now not only because of the vulnerability of not being able to use them as a passive illumination device (you must hold it in your hands) but also because of the massive superiority of headtorches and how common they are. The idea is to add a military L-shape flashlights (like a Fulton MX-99 for example), that can also be attached to our vest/backpack, same place than the Chemlight (aiming at the front). Suggestion: Add an L-shaped military flashlight that can be attached to the Chemlight slot on backpacks and vests. Credit to LAD for its implementation as a mod. 6) Watchtower | Turning a wall into a gate or alternative Another thing I’m not a big fan of is basebuilding, but since it's in the game I think it's better to make the best of it. There are a variety of changes to be proposed in the basebuilding system but the possibility of being able to turn one of the (3) watchtowers walls into a gate is something that every vanilla player wanted at some point and would be quite functional. This can also be achieved with a less restriction/limitation for building next the unwalled side of the watchtower, so you can build a nearby fence there and then turn it into a gate. (In servers where the building restriction is enabled, of course). Suggestion: Allow to turn one of the three walls of the watchtower (only for the bottom floor of course) into a gate. 7) Radios | Voice sound effect Whether you are talking to someone on the radio, in an open field or inside a massive underground bunker, our voice sounds exactly the same. There is no reverberation or significant distinction that allows us to identify the source of the voice. I think many of us have heard people speaking through an open radio and thought it was someone from our team until you realize that a radio was on. Taking Arma 2, Arma III and Reforged as a good reference, where this has been implemented in excellent ways, the suggestion is to add a sound filter (complementary to the white noise) that actually emulates how a voice would sound through a radio, clearly distinguish it from the regular VOIP player to player. I am not aiming at some kind of "militarization" of communications, but at an immersive and clear distinction between regular voice and voice over communication devices. Suggestion: Add a radio chatter sound effect to voices over the radio so they do not sound exactly the same as if we were speaking next to a player. 8 ) Inventory management | Slot highlight and combination clues I did enjoy my extremely hard and punishing learning curve back in the dayz when we had ¼ of the crafting recipes, ¼ of the diseases, features and tools that we have now. But I even when I think the game should be as challenging as possible, I definitely disagree when it became counter-intuitive for new. In many ways, the inventory management it still is, that is why I consider that these two changes/additions could be really useful in that regard: 1) Slot highlight: By dragging a piece of clothing (like a mask, a helmet, a vest, a backpack, a belt and such) from the vicinity/other players inventory to ours, the game should highlight the slot where it can be placed or the item that is currently in that slot. 2) Combination clues: We know that the orange edges on an item are the ones that indicates that we can combine it with another. However, we only see it when we drag that item to the right side of our hand’s slots. The suggestion is then to highlight the items that can be combined just by dragging one item around our inventory, giving a hint or clue of a possible “recipe”. Example: you have a gas cannister and a gas stove in your inventory. If you drag the gas cannister around, the gas stove will highlight with the orange edges. Suggestion: When dragging a piece of clothing from the world to our inventory, the slot where it can be places should be highlighted and, when dragging items around our inventory, if there is other item that can be combined with, it should also be highlighted with the classic orange edges. 9) Getting worms | Infected mass graves Previously suggested in these forums by other users. Right now, you can only search for worms (for fishing purposes most of the time) by using a sharp tool over organic surface. It would be interesting to be able to look for them with your bare hands (or by making them spawn like rocks/mushrooms/fruits due player presence) inside the infected mass graves assets around the map. It would make sense and would be functional for the early game. If it was an action, it could be accompanied by bloody hands to give it even more depth. Suggestion: Being able to obtain worms from interacting with the piles of corpses around the map. This can be either through an action or by simply appearing in the vicinity as is the case with rocks, fruits and mushrooms. 10) Spark plug | Make them spawn inside a box A quite simple suggestion that I really can't explain why it is not part of the game yet. The spark plugs for vehicles should spawn inside their boxes just like the headlight’s bulbs do. Having to resort to vicinity every time we want to find a spark plug, I don't think is intended. Common sense indicates that this is absolutely feasible and it will be a welcome QoL addition. Suggestion: make spark plugs spawn inside a box just like it happens with the headlights blubs. 11) Blocking melee | Penalties You can survive a horde of infected or turn a melee fight with another player into pure speculation just by permanently blocking. With the last modification where blocking is not 360 anymore but directional (so if can got hit by the side or back), this has been slightly mitigated, but it is still quite easy to abuse the blocking, mainly against AI.I’m fully aware that when it was implemented in a more "punishing" way suffering damage or cuts when blocking) the general reception wasn´t good so I think a good middle ground that implies blocking without taking damage but some kind of punishment would be this: The blocked attacks should/could be able to damage your clothes (gloves, vest, jacket, helmet…) and, while blocking, you should regenerate stamina way slower than normal. Of course, there is a lot more to explore about melee combat but these two changes I believe do not escape what would be a QoL improvement to prevent pure speculation regarding blocking melee attacks. Suggestion: Blocking melee attacks should prevent you from getting damage but it could damage your clothes and prevent you from recover stamina like you normally do in idle. 12) Underground triggers | Visible representation This can be difficult to explain for those who have not tried to set up a dark area trigger, so I will try to be very simple: Since 1.19 you can add dark areas to the map (like the one in Livonia Underground Bunker or A2 in Namalsk). You must assign a trigger/area where, when a player goes through, the screen will become dark. At the same time, there are different "levels of darkness" (EyeAccommodation=X) within the same area to which you must also assign a corresponding position and size (Breadcrumbs). While it is not impossible to do, the game does not offer many tools to have a visual representation of the size of these areas and everything must be calculated by eye, leading to tons of trials and errors to prevent the darkness from exceeding the desired limits. The intention is then to add the possibility of having a visual representation of these triggers and their areas ("UndergroundTriggerEdges= 1") after you place them (so you can see in-game if they exceed the wanted limits) or maybe just add a proportional asset (like the one from Dumpgrah) that allow us to estimate with more precision the ranges for X / Z / Y of these "blocks of darkness" while we edit those. Suggestion: Provide with a visual representation for the underground areas trigger to make it easier to set and to detect possible errors in the trigger size. 13) Gas Masks | Put them on/off by a quick access key By assigning a hotkey to our mask and holding that key we should get a contextual menu (just like when we hold our ammo or mag) to put or remove our mask. This suggestion becomes more relevant with the proposal of a new concept for dynamic toxic zones (or airstrikes) and the way we can interact with headgear inside vehicles. Suggestion: allow to put on and off the gasmask by assigning a hotkey to it. 14) Landmines | Disable vicinity view I think it doesn’t make any sense if landmines/claymore can be seen through vicinity when they are active. It is probably the way in which 9 out of 10 landmines are currently detected by players. You just see a landmine in the vicinity tab, you then try to drag it to your inventory, and if you can´t, you know that it’s an active one. In my opinion, these items – once placed of course - should not be visible for players in the vicinity tab, just like underground stashes for example, and only be accessible for eventual disarming through a direct action. Suggestion: Once placed, disable the explosive devices from the vicinity tab. 15) Gasoline cannister | 10L or 5L red jerry cans I think it would be convenient to implement a 10/5L jerry can to serve as an intermediate gasoline cannister between the 20L and a bottle or canteen. Even more considering the recent changes that the game had in terms filling up a cannister and adding fuel to vehicles (I’m referring to the time it takes). A yellow 10L gasoline cannister and a red 5L one would be a pretty good addition without much work involved. Suggestion: Add a 10L and 5L gasoline cannister. 16) Alternative Russian NVG´s | PNV-57 w/ tanker helmet I know that asking for a new item is a bit far from being a QoL suggestion, but since it would be something more cosmetic, according to the context of the game and that could enhance the use of an existent item, I don't think it would be too out of place. DayZ already have occidental night vision goggles that can be attached to the tactical helmet or by using straps. The suggestion is then to add some eastern night vision goggles (like the PNV-57) that can also be attached to the tactical helmet but also be use with the tanker helmet instead of the straps. Suggestion: Add the Russian PNV-57 night vision googles that can be attached to helmets but also to the tanker helmet (instead of the straps). 17) Effects sound overlap | Key bind for volume reduction I think everyone knows what I mean, even when though 5 posts of suggestions I had never really suggested this outright. But for those who do not know, most of the modded servers have different versions of what we call "ear-plugs". This simple feature allows you to reduce to 50% (or more) the sound effects of the game just by hitting a key. Although it may seem trivial, it ends up being quite decisive for interactions because it only reduces the volume of the sound effect, not the voices, making in-game communication possible even in the most adverse situations (loud vehicle engine sounds, wind, rain, ambience and such). So, this is definitely a QoL addition that should be in the base game. I must say that is no real way to exploit this in any way since while you absolutely gain a lot by facilitating interaction through VOIP, you lose a lot of awareness by not being able to hear the sound effects in full volume. Suggestion: Add an assigned key to reduce the level of sound effects to 50%, allowing to give priority to in-game voices at times when it is required. 18) Hunting scope | New reticle and damaged state The hunting scope is probably one of the least updated scopes in DayZ since forever. Even mid-range sights, such as the Kobra or the Kashtan, have been recently improved with 1.20. I do not intend to change its reticle to make it more complex or militarized, nor I pretend any picture-in-picture kind of feature. Just apply the same criteria that other optics have, avoiding it to be a simple black overlay as we have since the DayZ Mod years. I have already proposed that the hunting scope should not be full screen, with blurred edges and a dark vignette. Not only because of a visual improvement, but because this would allow to provide a damaged reticle states according to the scope wear and tear since, right now, you have the same view regardless its condition. Suggestion: improve the hunting scope so it can represent the wear and tear state through its reticle like the other scopes do. 19) Outdoors fireplaces | Extinguish with a shovel or farming hoe Add the ability to extinguish (sort of throw dirt on but with the same dig animation) outdoor campfires by using a shovel or a farming hoe. As I said, the animation for this should not vary too much from the ones these items already have. I think it makes complete sense and would add something different than having to throw water on top. Suggestion: Extinguish outdoors fireplaces by using a shovel or farming hoe. 20) Fresh spawns | Immersive (initial) spawn The idea is definitely not mine or even new, has been around for quite some time in several mods (the one from Zenarchist for example). The concept implies that, when you log in with your character, you do not just pop up standing out of nowhere but instead, you do it lying down and progressively opening your eyes as if you are waking up. While this particular implementation (which applies to all log-in and respawn cases) may create some issues with the player position or with the items you in his hands (due the lay down animation), it could definitely be applied to fresh spawns first spawn where you have no gear at all and the locations are already defined. In addition to this, and even when it’s not part of this suggestion, the idea of adding an overlay (to spawns that are not fresh spawns) such as an eye-opening vignette or yawning sound when logging into a server (as I have already mentioned in another thread) would be very useful as a method to combat ghosting and “X-ray views” due textures load delay. Suggestion: When it’s your first spawn as a fresh spawn, you should do it laying down and slowly opening your eyes like waking up. For any other log in, it should only limit to an opening eyes vignette. 21) Handcuffs | Break them only by force or key Maybe I'll get a little ahead of myself and this will probably be modified in the near future, but in the first 1.20 build, another player can free you from your handcuffs with just their hands. This seems fine to me for most items like ropes or such, but in the case of handcuffs it just doesn't make any sense. This item should be an exception to the rule and other players shouldn’t be able to free you simply with his bare hands. I have suggested in the past a higher punishment for this type of binding, although I understand that it is intended to prevent any scenario that could completely destroy a player's experience (even when you can still “scape/die” by logging out of the game). Suggestion: prevents another player from being able to free you from the handcuffs simply with his hands. It should be only through the key, pliers, lockpick or by forcing them (with significant time). 22) Gasoline pump explosion | Add shock damage I'm not sure when this was changed, or if it was even intentional, but right now if you explode a gasoline pump while being inches away from it (without any kind of protection), you will only suffer a loss of about 45% HP and will NOT take ANY shock damage. This means that you can destroy a gasoline pump, then another one, and you could still walk away after two explosions in the face. This needs to change. If the intention is to avoid an instant-death kind of damage, gas pump explosions should at least generate enough shock damage to knock us out for a good while with a nearby explosion (which would be the more realistic approach in my view). Suggestion: add shock damage of the gas pumps explosions and increase the HP damage to avoid ridiculous situations like people walking away like after an explosion. 23) Ghillie Suit | A new use for plant material The current ghillie suit can be repaired through sewing kit and duct tape, which considering the design of its damaged version, does not seem to make much sense. At the same time, it never seemed too realistic to me that we could craft a ghillie suite out of burlap strips and netting. But that's a discussion for another day. I think there is an opportunity to link and enhance the growing’s feature by giving plant material a new use. What would that use be? By allowing plant material to be used as a way to repair or patch (just like you do with the sewing kit or duct tape). Second, the possibility of crafting the Woodland ghillie suite (greener version of the ghillie) by combining a certain number of plant material (or a sub-item crafted from it like root web or something smaller that we could combine), with a certain number of nettings. This would make even more sense than crafting a ghillie by using burlap strips. Camo net could also be in the mix, allowing the three different recipes for the ghillie suit: Tan Ghillie Suit = 10 Burlap strip + 4 Netting | Woodland Ghillie = 10 Roots web | 10 Netting | Mossy Ghillie Suit = 10 Camo Net strips + 4 Netting. Suggestion: Plant material should also work to repair ghillie suits and, by combining it with netting, it could be a reasonable recipe to craft the woodland ghillie parts (greener version of the ghillie). 24) Gas cannister | Inventory size reduction A gas cannister (Regardless is a small, medium or large one) takes 4(H) x 3(V) slots in our inventory. When combined with a portable lamp or gas stove, its total size does not change at all (except in the case of the blowtorch which becomes 3x4). The suggestion is then to reduce all the gas cannister size to 3(H) x 2(V), and then became 4x3 only after attaching another item to them. Note: I really think DayZ also needs a serious reconsideration of weights and dimensions of many items with a criterion not only realistic but also functional for the gameplay. I don't understand how we can carry up to 3 rifles inside backpack, or how a Taloon Backpack can carry a 20liter jerry can when the model itself is 30% larger than the backpack. Suggestion: Reduce the gas cannister size to 3x2 when they are not attached to any other item (such as a portable lamp or gas stove). 27) Chest holster | Belt attachment In Livonia, the zombie (infected) that spawn in the convoy and could have the punch card to access the underground bunker has a pistol holster around his waist. It would be a nice addition to imagine this for players. Being able to opt between using the holster as a vest or put it in our waist (replacing the belt slot) could give another use to this item that is generally discarded immediately when finding any other type of vest. Suggestion: The chest holster should be also carried as a belt with a pistol holster. 28) Combat log | Offline punishment and logging out clue There are many unpunished practices that make public servers less attractive than the community ones, and combat log is definitely one of those. The absence of admins to control this through logs often leads to very unfair situations, and abuses. For more than a decade, no effective punishment has been implemented against those who uses disconnection as an escape tactic and I think there are many solutions that can be tried. I am not discovering anything new if I say that extending the time of the offline bodies (your body stays on the server) our character's body remains in the world after we force a disconnection is perhaps our best and only option. Many mods have implemented this with great results. But at the same time, I know that nothing is simple and it is necessary to evaluate its impact from more than one point of view. The suggestion is to extend to 5 minutes the time our offline body remains in the word after we log out if and only if we have taken player damage within the previous 5 minutes and we didn´t wait 1 minutes of logging out cooldown, forcing our disconnection. At the same time, logging back in to the same server should also have a cooldown punishment of 5 minutes to avoid any possible “offline body manipulation abuse”. This would at least discourage the quick disconnections after a PVP and force players seek for a safe place. And if they don´t, you just provide a punishment since they will remain 5 minutes defenseless. Suggestion: If you have taken damage within the last 10 minutes before you log out, you should have a 3 minutes cooldown to normally disconnect without any penalty. But, if you force a disconnection under those conditions, your offline body will remain up to 6 minutes in the server and you get a 6 minutes cooldown when trying to join the same server again. 29) PVE threat | Windstorms and extreme fog for Chernarus/Livonia I’m aware that storms and rain are already present in both maps but not really as an “event” and with the same incidence and representativeness that they could actually have. Intense windstorm with a severe temperature impact and a massive fog that only allows us to only see a few meters away would definitely be a great PVE condiment to the gameplay. The duration and recurrence of these weather events would clearly be key in determining whether they positively complement gameplay or become completely frustrating. Again, I’m talking about the kind of storms that force you to stay indoors or move from house to house as long as it lasts or that reduces your total visibility as if you were inside the movie "The Mist". Those which you can't speculate too much because the cold is too intense to pretend to survive outdoors and you could have dozens of infected within 50 feet without really being able to notice it until you get too close. Suggestion: Allow weather events (sporadic, extraordinary) that represent a PVE challenge, either with cold, rain or visibility through intense storms and/or fogs that significantly reduce our visibility. 30) Medical suture kit | A new concept for treating wounds An item that could provide variety to the medical system but without departing too far from what the game already offers would be a medical suture kit. Unlike the sewing kit, it would be already sterilized and would allow suturing wounds without the risk of an infection. Like the sewing kit, it should have a number of specific uses. In addition, I really thing the way we treat wounds needs some changes without implying an extremely hard and punishing system. For example: bandages should not close wounds completely, but simply prevent blood loss. But eventually the player should suture or cauterize the wounds so that they do not generate further infection. The bandages would then be an immediate solution, but not definitive, forcing the player to change them periodically (every 40 minutes for example) until the wound closes naturally (after 1 hour of play) or through a sewing kit or cauterizing the wound with a knife or item heated in a campfire. Suggestion: adda medical suture kit that allow to close wounds without the risk of getting infected. In addition, rethink the treating wounds concept making bandages a transitional method of stop blood lose, but not a definitive way to close wounds and prevent wound infections. 31) In-game map at nighttime | Flashlight effect A very simple detail that could provide some more immersion, although I can understand if it might be too punishing at times: When you open your in-game map, it looks absolutely clear, no matter what time of day it is. Ideally, there should be a continuity with the outside and how the map looks. The perfect scenario (already suggested) would be a 3d representation of the map (without accessing the full screen) or even better, the option to click/hold to access one viewing method (full screen) or another (3d map as an item). But until that happens, giving it environmental continuity when we consult the map could be an attractive change. Suggestion: when checking the in-game map at nighttime, it should have a darkness effect instead of being completely bright, providing some environmental continuity and immersion. 32) HUD customization | Enable/Disable contextual menu Linked to the first suggestion of this thread, since quite some updates ago, the game offers the ability to disable various HUD elements to make it more immersive and cleaner. Among them, we can now: 1) disable the HUD completely (everything that appears on the screen), 2) disable just the crosshair. 3) Disable just the quick access bar and/or 4) disable the server info. However, when playing without any HUD element, this could turn the looting/interacting experience into a quite frustrating one since there is no contextual menu popping up at all. Trying to interact with an item that has a very small interactive area (without resorting in the inventory screen) can be quite challenging, even more if we play with a console controller. Suggestion: The suggestion is to add a new customized option where, even when the HUD is fully disabled, the contextual menus could still show up on our screen. 33) Give action/emote | Hand to hand This idea comes from a recent mod called “Give&Take” by affenb3rt. This mod allows you to assign a key to “offer” (extend your hand with the item and making it visible for other players) so any other player can interact with it (among other minor features). Its's a quite simple idea and very useful to avoid having to drop/throw items on the floor when you want to make an exchange. Thinking about how it could be applied in vanilla, I think we should start thinking about a method to be able to voluntarily show our inventory to other players without having to be tied or having two players interacting with the same inventory at the same time (to avoid issues with synchronization and possible exploits). So it would be a good initial idea to implement an emote (give) like in the mod that allow us to share/show the item we have in our hands so other players can see it through direct interaction. The emote (like the rest of them) should block players movement and of course, inventory management. Suggestion: add an emote that allow players to give (show to other players) the item we have in our hands so they can pick it up by direct interaction. 34) Barrels fill with water | Tweaks and changes For those who may not know, the barrels in DayZ have a function that, while not the most popular, could eventually become a great element for basebuilding: with rain, they fill with water and allow you to store liquids. This water barrels suggestion involves at least three minor changes: 1) First, the rate at which these barrels can be filled, either manually or through rainfall, should be greatly increased. Otherwise, storing water or gasoline in them is just not functional at all. 2) Second, a barrel filled with liquid should not be able to move. We can currently carry a 210kg barrel with our hands and move it like a bag of potatoes. This could also prevent at some point the barrels thefts and griefers since they would have to empty them first. 3) Finally, and as a handicap, a barrel with liquid should transfer its humidity to the items inside of it. Taking advantage of the new features linked to this brought by 1.20, it would be very possible to achieve this. Suggestion: Barrels fill with liquids should have a faster refill, should prevent players from carry them when they have more than 20% of liquid on them and they should transfer the humidity to the items inside. 35) Sound reverberation | Voices What is a reverberation in the first place? It’s the reflection of a sound against an obstacle in a closed environment. If the area it’s a big area, the sound may take a while until it bounces back creating an echo effect. But when the area is smaller (a bunker room, a hangar or a church), the reflected sound is much quicker, creating a “hollow” or “rumbling” sound. In DayZ, we do have this when shooting a weapon in the open or inside a structure. The sound is quite different providing realism and a clue of the source of the gunshot. However, when we check how VOIP sounds, this environment simulation does not apply. In this way, the suggestion would be to apply the same environment simulation criteria (mainly reverberation) to the voices when they start or originate from players within large structures, giving more realism, immersion and offering a "clue" to the origin of the sound. Suggestion: Add reverberation (sound effect) for the voices (VOIP) of the players when these are given in the context of a large structure, offering immersion and allowing to recognize the possible origin of that voice. 36) Enable/Disable NVG´s and Headtorches inside vehicles It's probably a lot more complex than it sounds, but enabling some interactions within vehicles is definitely a road to develop. And a good starting point could be interaction with items involving a hotkey. This is the case, for example, with headtorches or night vision goggles. Being able to turn them on or off inside the car would avoid situations where one has to get out of the car completely to simply turn them off, which makes no sense at all. Suggestion: Allow to enable/disable some devices (Such us the NVG´s or headtorches) inside vehicles to avoid having to get out the car just to be able to interact with them. 37) Handheld Transceiver | Remote detonator holding animation + PTT There are two changes linked to radios that I believe would be very functional. 1) Holding animation: It would be very functional to be able to telegraph to other players what are we actually doing, instead of just hold a “thing” next to our waist. I would love that the animation of holding the remote detonator (Claymore mines) could be used as the default animation for the Handheld Transceiver (radio). Not only would it give ourselves (and others) a clear indication of what we are actually holding in our hand but it would be a hundred times more immersive than simply talking with the radio attached to our waist. 2) Push to talk: Right now, any communication device will just transmit all the voices around the device just for being on. We must turn it off if we do not want our conversation to be filtered through it. This is impractical and at some point, unrealistic. The suggestion then is to the communication devices push-to-talk using the default “caps lock” key (PC) of course. This way, even if we have a radio on in our hands, any voice around will only go through if we are holding (or have locked) the VOIP key. Suggestion: Add the remote detonator holding animation to the handheld transceiver so we can actually tell what’s in our hand and have more realistic approach to the way we would talk into a radio. Make the communications devices push-to-talk so you can actually control what goes through the radio and what not. 38) Epoxy / Blowtorch | Repair fishing rod and beartrap The title is kind of self-explanatory. Allowing damaged fishing rods to be repaired by using epoxy putty (you currently can´t). At the same time, allow to repair a damaged bear trap by using the recently added blowtorch. Both things just make sense, won’t imply much configuration and probably won’t hurt anyone. 39) Nighttime infecteds | Range and clothes visibility Many of you probably don't know this, but clothing in DayZ has a visibility stat according to how bright it is in relation to the environment. This - in theory - would make us less visible to the AI depending on the type of clothing we wear (a black raincoat should be less detectable than a red one in terms of AI aggro). I honestly haven't tested this feature exhaustively to see if it works properly, but the concept is very interesting and definitely has a lot to potential to be expanded. Something that I did test is how the infected, during the night, seem to have the same range of vision and aggro distance as in daytime. The difference, if any, is not too significant to be an attractive element (or advantage) for nighttime gameplay. It seems to me that it would be a good way to reward the night gameplay to drastically reduce the visibility of the infected during the night (even more, if it is already reduced, I personally didn't notice it) and link it to the visibility stats of our clothes. Thus, at nighttime, a player dressed in dark colors could pass in front of an infected at about 2-3 meters without being detected at all (the sound will obviously continue to be a conditioning factor). Suggestion: considerably reduce the range of vision of the infected during the night to encourage night gameplay and deepen the impact of the visibility of clothing under this same concept. 40) Vehicle HUD indicators | Background Blur This is an aesthetic and functional change. As Arma Reforger does, I think it would be quite necessary and would be aesthetically far superior to the current design to add a blur behind the vehicle indicators (dashboard symbols) to add to the aesthetics and visibility of them in all circumstances. There are times when the brightness or the background of our screen ends up taking away part of the clarity of the indicators and this could be improved with this simple modification. Suggestion: Add a slight blur behind the vehicle HUD indicators to make it more visible, clearer and with a design that will be aesthetically superior to the current one. 41) Helmets against melee | Increase shock damage reduction Whenever we talk about helmets in DayZ we are always interested in their ballistic protection. Will this helmet be able to stop a bullet of this caliber? Which helmet offers the best protection? However, we often forget that helmets offer different protection according to the nature of the damage we receive (Projectile/Melee/Infected/Frag). I think that in the early game the helmets should have a greater relevance distinguishing between the player who wears it and the one who doesn't, especially considering the reduction of visibility now offered by the overlay. In this sense, the shock damage reduction using helmets against melee or infected attacks should be considerably higher than they are now, offering a great advantage to the player who prioritizes it over the one who doesn't have it. This is not only realistic but would lead to more balanced results than the ones we have now (where an infected can make us lose consciousness with the same amount of hits to the head wearing a helmet as if we were not wearing anything at all). Suggestion: Significantly increase the shock damage reduction for melee and infected attacks, redefining the importance of this protection in the early game. 42) Low battery | Blinking effect (visual/sound) Mostly a cosmetic addition, the idea is to have an indication that our battery (either car/truck battery or 9v) is about to run out or has less than 10% of its capacity through a slight blinking effect and sound effect every few minutes. It is a detail that would simply add some more ambience, mostly when wearing NVG´s so our screen doesn´t just change to full black from one second to another. 43) Throwing animation | Allow jogging while throwing stance The throwing animation blocks our movement so that it only allows us to slowly walk while we are in it. Then, when we throw the object, our character completely freezes in that position until the animation is finished. I think there is an unnecessary double punishment in this feature. One and hand, the clunky movement limitation at first and then, a complete movement cancellation when throwing the item. Of course, the idea is far from resembling arcade games where things like "run throw" or “run jump throw” are actually a thing. The suggestion then just involves a fluidity request by allowing a faster movement (jog speed) during the initial throwing stance since the movement cancellation or penalty will still be there the moment, we release the click and throw the object. Suggestion: Allow a faster movement during the throwing stance to provide more fluidity to the gameplay. The movement cancellation when actually throwing should remain. 44) In-game server browser | Mods filter and warning Most of us here know that to join a community server (where a vast majority have some kind of mod) we must do it through the official launcher to detect and download the mods and, in case we want to join a different server, we should close the game and repeat the process. However, many new players who don't know this procedure just look for a new server where anyone would intuitively do it: in the official in-game server browser. The idea is there to simplify this by adding two things: 1) A “mods” filter in the in-game server browser so it discriminates the (community) servers that have mods and as a consequence can´t be accessible through the in-game server browser. 2) When trying to join a community modded server from the in-game server browser, a message should pop up indicating that the server has mods and that we must close the game and join through the DayZ launcher. 45) Check pulse | Lets enhance this feature With 1.20, the pulse check feature got a new animation and became a continuous action. However, the concept of this feature is not even a glimpse of what it could be. Back in the “DayZ”, the check pulse had three main functions: a) Identifying the survivor (by his in-game name). b) Know if he was dead or unconscious. c) Tell if it was a recent death or not. Today, all three things have become inconsequential for this feature. You can´t identify a survivor by his in-game name (PC). You don´t need to double check if a player is dead or unconscious because its body position already gives this away. And the state of the corpses informs us about the time of death. So how could we turn this feature (checking pulse) into something meaningful? 1) First of all, the game should remove any state indicator in the contextual menu (red/yellow/green circle) on players bodies. 2) The game should only allow pulse checking on unconscious or dead players, not on conscious ones (Since the animation involves crouching). 3) When a player is unconscious, the pulse should provide some generic information about its state that allow us to obtain indirect information or conclusions. For example: Message after check pulse | Unwritten conclusion/player condition. “Very Weak pulse” = Unconscious survivor but with one or more of the stats (HP/Blood/Food/Water) in flashing red or red. “Slow pulse” = Unconscious survivor, regular stats. “Rapid pulse” = Unconscious survivor but with open wounds (bleeding). (The heart rate accelerates to compensate the blood loss). “No pulse” = Dead survivor. At the same time this could be: “No pulse, no violence signs” = dead by malnutrition/weather/drowning. “No pulse, multiple scratches” = infected / predator death. “No pulse, bruises” = melee death. “No pulse, gunshot wounds” = killed by gunshots. “No pulse, broken bones” = fall damage death. 46) Improvised shelters | Add camo net and attachments We know that there are three improvised shelters that we can craft, but in reality, the vast majority of players only use the most basic one (sticks and branches) because it is the simplest to craft and because of its high level of camouflage. The other two (Tarp and Leather), are mostly in disuse. I have already proposed incentives to differentiate these three types of shelter according to the difficulty to make them (more slots in some than in others), but in this opportunity I propose the possibility of adding attachment slots so that they can really work as a survivor shelter. What could be these attachments? 1) Camo net for the leather and tarp shelter. 2) Portable hanging gas lamp. 3) A slot to add a wooden crate, 4) Xmas lights, among others. The idea is that, when attached, these items have their visual representation inside the shelter and with the camo net attachment you can enhance the use of tarp and leather improvised shelters. 47) Raincoats and ponchos | A new approach I have already suggested in a previous post about the possibility of crafting a waterproof poncho from tarp. This not only exists in reality in the Russian army (Russian Plash Palatka), but it would provide with a new (and real) use to for the tarp/fabric. Given the 1.20 changes to rain and the impact of dampness/weight on clothing and momentum (inertia), I think that both items should complement the clothing (instead of supplant it) by taking the backpack slot (like the ghillies). A raincoat or a poncho should have a protective function, not really a cargo one is if they were a jacket, and the possibility of using them over your clothes with a much more comprehensive design (covering more than just our torso) It’s, in my opinion, the right way to go in a survival path. Suggestion: We should rethink raincoats (and eventually add tarp ponchos) as a survival item and not as a cargo option. It should cover he whole body from the rain by placing it in the backpack slot, similar concept to a full ghillie suit. This should be an auxiliary item of our character, not just another piece of clothing. 48) NVG´s handicap | NVG's | Very dim glow in eyes NVGs are definitely a controversial item. On the one hand they represent an endgame in itself for the player who try to obtain them through the different dynamic events where it could spawn and offers a unique advantage. On the other hand, it completely annihilates the possibility of nighttime gameplay by adding to the lack of incentive to stay on a server or explore the map when night falls. It is possibly for this reason that may servers (with a survival focus), notably reduce the amount of NVG's on the map or even eliminate this item from the loot table to justify the use of other means of illumination. This suggestion aims to bring a little closer to the necessary balance by offering a very slight handicap when using NVGs. As it would happen IRL, the googles should have a very faint glow so that it can be noticed by other players with a trained eye. Of course, it should be extremely dim so as not to completely counteract the functionality of this item. This would be a first step in balancing it out although - as I have suggested in the past - a real and efficient method of counteracting the use of NVGs may be with an overall improvement to the lighting where the light effectively "blinds" the NVGs. 49) Full stomach | Audio clue Most of the HUD elements in DayZ were progressively having their auditory and visual representation. This is excellent because it allows us to do without the HUD and to be able to interpret the sufferings of our character without the need to appeal to artificial indicators. Although there must still be elements of accessibility (because it is still a game), today we can identify a cut and bleeding by sound and visual representation, the damage of shock, a disease, an infection, etc. But one of the elements that still does not have a sound representation is the full stomach or "about to vomit". I think it would be a good quality of life addition to add a stomach sound (different from empty stomach) for when our stomach is stuffed and close to vomiting. Suggestion: Add an audio clue for the full stomach / close to vomiting state to be able to warn of this situation without having to resort to the HUD. 50) Chance of devices already spawn with 9v batteries inside This suggestion is quite simple. Just at least add a minimum chance that devices can spawn with a 9v battery already in them since, right now, no device can spawn with a 9V battery (nor has the chance to do so). While this may encourage the look for batteries around the map, in most cases it ends up ruling out the use of that particular item (e.g., radios, flashlights, etc.). 51) Reduce the sound level for crawling Currently, both the crouching and crawling animations generate the same amount of sound, which I believe is a mistake. Being able to differentiate between walking crouching (2 sound bars) and crawling (1 sound bar) in a situation where we don't want to be detected by the infecteds around would be more reasonable and functional for the gameplay. Even when we want to move inside a house to lose the aggro of the infecteds. It is common to see how they continue to listen to us even when we are on the ground. I have already suggested in the past (and I still hold this idea) that there should be the possibility to walk while crouching (holding the walk key), also making only a sound bar. Actually, whether or not we hold the walk key while crouching, the speed is always the same. 52) Splitting long stick | Chemlight click animation I always thought it would be much more realistic and less “frustrating” if splitting a long stick into three short sticks didn't require the entire 5-6 second animation. Instead, let's just resort to the same animation of splitting the Chemlight (with its 2-3 second duration) in order to do so. You can even use the same sound in the absence of a particular one. Splitting a long stick shouldn’t not be a ceremony. 53) Melee attacks | Hitting and freelook possible conflict Another element that I have personally noticed and once again I don't know if it is a bug or something deliberate is the direction of the attacks when using the free camera. It is as if the direction of the melee attack is not linked to where our character is pointing but to where we look with the camera. Let me give you an example: Imagine you are hitting a locked door or basebuilding fence to break in. You take out your axe and start hitting it. Our character looks straight ahead and hits straight ahead too. Now, with your character hitting the same spot, try to turn the camera (free cam, hold alt) to the side. You will see how your character will still swing straight ahead but it will not generate any kind of impact. I think that melee weapons should follow the same logic of firearms and continue hitting where their barrel - or in this case our character body – is actually aiming. Otherwise, there may be situations where no melee damage hits are not “registered” even when the weapon goes completely through our target. 54) Stealth attack with (attached) bayonets Another item that becomes extremely expendable is bayonets. Not only because they increase the chances of the (horrible) weapon collision system, but also because attacks using a bayonet are slow, consume a lot of stamina and offer no real advantage when used against enemies or infects. In this sense, I think this could be improved by allowing a stealth attack with the use of bayonets attached to the weapon. In this way, it would at least fulfill a specific function by being able to maintain the stealth level and eliminate infected in this way even with a weapon in our hands. I also think bayonets should be rewarded in other ways as well. In the past I have suggested reductions to stamina cost, multiple slashes or increased damage output. These are all ideas/modifications that I would still like to see in the game. 55) Dynamic toxic zones | A new approach Since the arrival of toxic zones to DayZ, they have been incorporated under two different concepts: 1) Static toxic zones, with permanent contamination and specific loot for those areas. 2) The dynamic toxic zones or airstrikes, where toxic gas bombs explode in the sky killing all life in the place and making magically appear NBC infecteds and related gear. In both cases, the full NBC suit is required in order to survive inside. While the static ones seemed to be a great addition because they create an attractive endgame by collecting the NBC an such, the impact of the dynamic toxic zones on the gameplay has been quite superfluous and inconsequential (At least in my experience). Mainly because: 1) They haven't really complemented the experience in the way they could do it. 2) They don't serve as a way to gather the interest of players (quite the contrary). 3) Their only real virtue is an eventual anti-camper method when they fall in military bases. 4) The airstrikes do not seem to have a concrete and rational explanation from the DayZ lore, because it is not known if the intention is to eliminate infected (which would be contradictory to the idea that infected NBC magically appear) or if it’s actually against survivors (. Clearly, we do not know who is throwing them either. So, my idea is this: first of all, I think it is imperative to distinguish static and dynamic in terms of the protection required. Only the gas mask and active filter should be sufficient to survive inside the dynamic toxic zone, making gameplay inside them actual feasible. Second, I would rethink their purpose. Instead of just ejecting players from an area as it does now (because absolutely no one plays with a full NBC equipment in their inventory), they should serve as a way to attract players. How? Simply by understanding that the purpose of these toxic gas attacks is not to clear the area from survivors, but to clear the area of infecteds for a supply delivery. And I know that the term "airdrop" may sound unpleasant to the hardcore gamer, but I find it more rational in the context of a war than a random toxic attack that make NBC infecteds spawn out of nowhere and add toxic related items inside random structures. Considering dynamic toxic zones in this way would not only allow real use to be made of masks and filters (which today is minuscule), but would also propose dynamic points of interest all over the map for players in all instances of the game (provided they have a gas mask). 56) Character comfort | A new passive stat This suggestion is not extremely complex or deep, but I don't want to extend too much in a thread that is already long. The idea of a "passive stat" (referring to an element of our character that does not have a visual representation in the HUD and that works simultaneously with the rest of the stats, as for example, the immunity level), that refers to the comfort of our character and that affects other stats, improving or worsening them as a consequence. This could well be a separate stat or a refinement of our immune system. What would be the purpose of this? To reward the in-game actions that are linked to the survival element of DayZ and that currently do not seem to have too much incidence. In this sense, elements such as campfires, being in-doors, the presence of other players around or being fed by them, the proximity to tents or shelters, the absence of infected or dead players within a certain range, the intake of cooked food, the combination of night and fire or lighting... all these should boost this passive stat. What would be the consequence of a high comfort stat? Mainly a bost in the immune system, increased blood/hp regeneration speed, lower the wound infection or diseases, faster regeneration of broken bones, higher resistance to cold, etc. I think you get the idea of what I mean. 57) Swap objects from our inventory | Objects must fall at our feet One of the most frustrating "bugs" for several years now is the one that originates when replacing a garment or object with another one that we have in our inventory. The game not only replaces the item but also its position, making that sometimes, the item that goes to the vicinity remains under the structures (or above) preventing to access again to it or its content. Unfortunately, I don't really know all the technical considerations to make an informed suggestion about this, but I think that considering a fix or mechanism by which every item we replace falls at our feet instead of trying to replace the position of the item in the vicinity would be an excellent goal to accomplish for a problem that for years has not even been covered as such. I really recommend checking out the other suggestion threads. All of them are still valid and Im sure they would make excellent QOL additions to DayZ. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/
  6. Asmondian

    Chernarus must evolve

    It became very difficult to put in words the main idea of the post without giving concrete examples or suggestions of what is intended for Chernarus and Livonia from my point of view. But if I did, citing examples of endgame or how the lore could have transcendence in the gameplay and so on, anyone reading it would probably focus on these (or suggest others) instead of discussing the diagnosis. Already many have not interpreted well what I mean by a lore/narrative added to Chernarus/Livonia, thinking as if it were a mere element of rolelpay, and I am probably partly to blame for not expressing it clearly. (English is not my first language). I will try to edit some phrases of the post to try to make it clearer. Thank you!
  7. Asmondian

    Chernarus must evolve

    @nemorus | I think you are being a bit reductionist and oversimplifying what really is involved in creating a DayZ map or any other feature. I can't agree with your analysis, neither about Chernarus quialty nor about new community maps like Barrington. The complexity of a map probably lies in many, many more places other than just its terrain or landscape and I think your do not note that. It is hard for me to engage in a dialogue without this being put on the table. ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- @Sauwercraud | Hey dude. Yes, there definitely needs to be an "extra step/reason" in the progression that justifies visiting certain places. But I don't know if the tier factor will be enough because it has already been implemented in some way (With the exclusivity of certain weapons/gear in the static toxic zones, that somehow works as a new tier). That's why I'm so keen on the idea of a complementary narrative to signify the points of interest along with a tier progression (either from the loot, the lore/contexto or through a new feature with a great appeal like in Namalsk). The important thing is that, as you say, it does not reach the point of "exhausting" the gameplay in any way and can be a transitional and experience-enhancing objective. Probably the location of the toxic zones at south aimed at this idea of going deep in the map and then coming back, but in my experience, I question if it really fulfilled that goal. I would love a new official vanilla map and BI clearly has alternatives in their backlog. Tanoa is a map that has been optimized for the testing the new engine for example (although without boats I see it as a very difficult fit for DayZ). However, with the current development team approach (and size), the time it would take and how it would eventually fragment the official/vanilla audience further may not be a good idea. It could only respond more to a comercial reason than a gameplay one (paid DLC), so I don't see it as a smart decision. Regarding Namalsk, the good thing about it its "endgame", regardless of whether or not it is "finished", is that it affects the dynamics of the game at a whole and allows you to explore new features that otherwise you probably wouldn't (the absolute darkness if A2, the dynamic of gathering elements to activate something in some part of the map and that has an impact on the rest of the players, the cold as a threat, etc.), that's the most important thing. One can repeat the Lantia experience several times because of this and the fact that it is complex makes it even better. The loot is not the big incentive (at least on servers without the ER7 RFW como los 100% vanilla), but to complete the narrative is, and that's precisely what I'm aiming at. I think Namalsk can feel alive in any server with +15 players on it (in my experience). ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- @Parazight | Clearly anyone would prefer to fix the game's most glaring problems, but that doesn't preclude discussing an idea or concept. I think the old phrase "stop adding content and fix the bugs" has been largely superseded when you learn how a development team works and is structured. We/they must always look for ways to enchance the player's experience and the ydo, because this has been the criteria for almost 10 years. Otherwise, we would still have the same features since Dean Hall, but without bugs, and the game would have died many, many years ago. So I can´t really understand the reasoning. A new map with a paid DLC format could well generate new revenue, but as I said in the post and comments, I don't think it's the smartest way to go. Improving the map or several points of interest is a goal already set for this year, and the recent addition of guys like DOJ gives me the impression that it is an aspect that interests the development team. Thanks for the feedback
  8. Asmondian

    Chernarus must evolve

    The comments asking for a new DayZ official map have become more and more frequent in recent years, mostly among console players who do not have the opportunity to enjoy what community maps have offered since their emergence thanks to modding. While I would also love to have something different from Livonia or Chernarus with the same - official development - quality standard, what most of people don't seem to notice is that the problem (if there really is one) is not about the map itself, but about an outdated concept that fails to take full advantage of the impact the map could have on gameplay. They both need to evolve towards a new paradigm, to the true potential that the game has shown (through some community maps) it can offer in this regard. Both Chernarus and Livonia have lagged a bit behind the expectations players now have as a result of their experiences on community maps (especially after playing Namalsk). The, to conceive the idea of a new official map without first understanding what is currently missing (or not fully capitalized) would be a waste of time and resources. l. Introduction | General concepts Just to lay the groundwork and provide some general information for anyone reading this post (new players, regulars or even outsiders), lets start by saying that DayZ Standalone currently has two official maps that both PC and Console players can enjoy: the mythical and historical Chernarus (225 km2) and the more recent Livonia (163 km2), which is a paid DLC. While Chernarus is an extremely well made in many ways and definetly the most popular one, Livonia still has some critical points regarding its general distribution and main points of interest. But a map its not only a beautiful and innocuous landscape where the player is deposited to "create his own experience". Along with each official terrain, there are other elements that determine to a large extent the gaming experience the player will have over there. Every map, through its points of interest, pve threats, distances and others, conditions the game experience and creates, promotes or discourages certain proposed endgames that are already part of the game. This is determined by the topographical features of the map (terrain) + its mission (name given to the folder where all these configurations of the map are located) + the narrative (the history of the map and its relationship with our character). All this prevents a map from being just a piece of land and became a living enviroment. In recent times, it is common to read comments asking for the creation of a new official map for DayZ. Many players have become bored with Chernarus and others have not yet managed to fall in love with Livonia. But even though I believe no one would object to the development of a new map, the proposal would be to analyze the reasons why Chernarus has lost some of its charm and how some community maps (especially Namalsk, community made map) have probably shown a way to move forward. Side note: While Console players can only play these two official maps (Chernarus/Livonia), PC players can try tons of new community made maps thanks to modding support (or even variations of the vanilla maps). ll. The Namalsk paradigm What is Namalsk? Once again, trying to make this post 100% compressible for everyone, we will say that Namalsk is a DayZ community made map created by Adam (AKA Surmak, current leader of DayZ official development and “former” map designer for the game). Being over 2 years old still remains as probably the most popular community map ever made and its a constant demand from console players to be able to test it one day (dismissed by the dev team for now). Why do I refer to Namalsk as a paradigm in terms of DayZ maps? I consider that Namalsk has shown us a how the map can be merged in a functional and determinant in a way that we had not seen with either with Chernarus or Livonia. In this sense, the map is not just a sandbox with more or less pre-defined points of interest and endgames, where there is progression is determined mainly by the transition between tiers (bad gear to better gear). There is something deeper going on in Namalsk. In this frozen piece of land, there is a narrative that can drive the gameplay while the absolute free gameplay remains intact. A reason for being there and a background story (lore) that is not only possible to know within the map itself (without having to resort to external sources) but that has the power to condition and direct a large part of the gameplay. The map then has a story, which may or may not be followed, but which explains and re-signifies to a large extent everything around us. Its history then takes on a different relevance than the simple presence of references to it with elements on the map or for the mere excitement of rolelpay-loving players. In addition to the above, Namalsk innovates in game features making the map an unique experience in many ways. The absolute darkness, the cold as a permanent pve threat, a more dynamic and less conservative gameplay style as a consequence of its size, the clothing as a real element of survival, the presence of structures that can only be found there, a global dynamic event that that challenges all players equally and invites them to join the narrative. There is more in Namalsk than just an icy terrain. This new “standard” o paradigm proposed by Namalsk with its narrative has reformulated the expectations that every player has regarding the maps in DayZ and its influence was evident in the successive community maps that were absorbing part of this new paradigm. Banov, Deer Isle, Istek… among others, are clear examples of this. We can therefore say that there are four things that are part of this new standard of maps that can maximize its potential: A) Its uniqueness B) Lore and narrative C) Endgame/goal D) Defined and meaningfull POI´s (points of interest). Lets now see if any of these 4 elements are fully present in Chernarus or Livonia. Am I asking for Namalsk features in Chernarus? Absolutely not. Namalsk is unique and Chernarus should be too. What I am referring to is the way in which Namalsk and its narrative enhance the gameplay by offering endgames other than mere loot progression. Namalsk is not just about throwing us onto a frozen island and telling us to "survive". That's the basic expectation of DayZ on any map no matter how good or bad it is. In this case, the map offers a raison d'etre and a progressive objective that lets us know its full potential. Then if someone doesn't want to follow it the map is still perfectly functional and entertaining. lll. Chernarus and Livonia comparison: A) Uniqueness: As I described above, the fact that a map has unique features enhances it as a product (like in any other market) and endows it with interest and depth. While Namalsk meets this condition (Underground location, total darkness, more clothing, cold as a permanente PVE threat, frostbite, frozen food, medium size map, new assets, dynamic global event…), in my opinión Chernarus and Livonia are still far from it. Of course this is not the fairest comparison of all considering that we are comparing a community made map (Namalsk) that can segment its audience in an almost arbitrarily way, with maps that aim to fulfill the vanilla experience where the full spectrum of the game can take place for the greatest number of players. However, I would question this last argument because with the addition of the Livonia underground bunker, a new feature and appeal of the game has produce autonomy and uniqueness to Livonia in this regard, and thats why the Devs have not yet been very enthusiastic about bringing it to Chernarus. Because apart from that (underground bunker), the playstyle on Livonia or Chernarus its in essence very similar, not to say the same. Both do not escape from the usual rhythm of the tier progression concept. There is no other pve threat that the usual ones. The number of interactions is not significantly higher or lower. Progress times (after the map is known by the player) are extremely similar. Both maps propose the same style but with a different “flavor” (the landscape) without any unique feature. Nostalgia and fanaticism aside, there is nothing in Chernarus or Livonia that makes them absolutely unique as a gameplay proposal (I hope you guys understand what I mean, clearly Chernarus is unique in many ways. I am referring strictly to the playstyle proposal). B) Lore and narrative: It would be completely unfair if I did not say that the current DayZ Dev team is probably the one that did the most in the history of the game in relation to its lore. That its something that should be pointed out and appreciated. No one who has followed the development since the days of Dean Hall can say otherwise. But historically, the game has always neglected this element (lore/narrative), relativizing its importance for the actual gameplay. Apart from the assets around the map that are not always quite representative the know DayZ lore (I am one of those who believe that Chernarus looks too "sterile" for a global apocalypse and that when one tries to know where we are in the apocalypse, we can think that we are the next day as years and years after the outbreak), neither Chernarus nor Livonia have a narrative of their own or ways to delve into its history directly within the barriers of the map itself. Once again, numerous changes have been made in this regard in 2022 with static toxic zones, air strikes, military convoys, this sort of multiple "spin-offs" from the main story... but both maps still suffer from an absolute lack of context and representativeness in my opinion. Namalsk has shown us that a Lore for the map is not only “flavor” but that it can play a key role in providing in-game objectives, gathering players, re-signifying points of interest, giving atmosphere and depth to a map. Both Chernarus and Livonia, at least for the moment, have failed to capitalize the on-going narrative as an actual part of the gameplay experience. I am asking for the creation of an expanded and elaborated lore in DayZ? Of course not. We don't need it. The Lore to a large extent is already built and I know that the mystery is in turn a large part of it. What I am saying is that, in the case of adding elements, areas or features to the map, these should have a closer link to the map's narrative to enrich them. Otherwise, their attraction will continue to be almost exclusively in the loot that we can find in them. And where possible, these elements should be part of a larger objective and with possible impact on other players as well. That is the concept that Namalsk brought as a novelty. C) An Endgame / Goal: Yes, I'm aware that DayZ, as a sandbox survival game, doesn't need any “endgame” and that you should create your own story under the premise of spawn, survive, die and repeat. I fully agree with this. But let's clarify two things: 1) When we speak of an endgame in the terms proposed in this new paradigm, we are not talking about a linear final objective, but a circular or loop type one, complementary to free will. And 2) It is impossible to deny that any map, with its terrain, mission files, features, points of interest, distribution, pve threats, size and narrative, at some point conditions the player towards a particular style, even with a vanilla configuration. In this sense, the gameplay style that I particulary feel as a vanilla hardcore kind of player while plaing on official Chernarus/Livonia servers is definitely not the best I have experienced in all these years. The endgame seems to have become an extremely flat one that consists of an absolutely conservative style (with almost no interaction), where the priority is to gather the necessary toos to build a base, reinforce it, accumulate supplies and go out to search/raid other bases to go back to accumulate the loot obtained. But leaving aside the impact of basebuilding on the game (where at some point we will have to vindicate people like Smoke, Mandibull, Sanguine, Spaggie, Rene and others guys who saw before many the negative impact that this – basebuilding focused gameplay - would have on the original concept of the game), I believe this happens because neither Chernarus nor Livonia have a parallel global objective that the player who wants a more dynamic experience can enjoy. One may think that Chernarus tried this approach with the presence of static toxic zones, giving a solid goal of getting the full NBC to acces those, or Livonia did it recently with the underground bunker. But in neither case is the objective linked to the narrative, making them merely a "demonstration" of a new cool feature whose interest is usually exhausted when first experienced. I appeal to everyone's honesty (mainly veterans) to tell me how many times they've done the goal of collecting the full NBC suit or accessing the Livonia Bunker? Is the experience so enriching and rewarding to do it over and over again or to do it with a new partner? In my case the answer is no. And the reason for this is that none of the four conditions we are describing can stand on its own. They need to be connected. Does dayz need an endgame? It already has one, whether you want it or not. Every game has an endgame understood as objectives within the freedom of decision, even if we are talking about MMO´s. These can be determined by strong points of interest, by the mere transition between tiers or by the experimentation of a new feature (underground bunker in Livonia for example). Iimagine if at some point an helicopter is added to the map. Getting the parts and accessing it will became an endgame of its own, and this does not means that its crushing the idea of "create your own story". What this objective/goal/endgame never has to be is a conditioner of the absolutely free gameplay (becoming aboslutely linear as in a singleplayer game). But the presence of mission/s in line with its narrative has proven to be an excellent way to enhance the game experience in relation to the map, and I believe today that Chernarus has almost none that if its not strictly linked to the loot and tier progression. D) Defined and meaningfull POI´s (Points of interest): Im probably a Namalsk fanboy by now but I must say that point of interest or location there has a reason for being that is linked to the narrative, its lore and the tier progression. On the contrary, in both Livonia and Chernarus the only element that determines a point of interest is usually the loot that we will find there and the transition between tiers. In the absence of any real lore or narrative, the POIs are only relevant in terms of gear or encounters probability. And this is not necessarily a bad thing, because the game has followed this concept for many, many years successfully. We all learned to move around Chernarus from north to south, or east to northwest, following points of interest largely determined by the gear we would get or the likelihood of players encounters/interactions. However, and here I will concentrate particularly on Chernarus, the former concurrence and relevance that certain points of interest had on the map have suffered modifications that have diminished their relevance for the player (Even with the loot reason/motivation is still present in them). The case of NWAF I think is one that any veteran DayZ player can notice and I was happy to learn that the Devs will focus this year on modifying it. In any other map, the loss of value (for different reasons) of a point of historical interest would not condition the gameplay too much because it could be moved to another one or simply atomize the movement around the map. But on maps of this size and with 60 players, the lack of references or solid points of interest brings with it a lack of encounters and interactions, elements that are the raw material of DayZ in terms of its gameplay. But going back to the original promise of this post, I don't think the NWAF has declined as a hotspot or organic POI of Chernarus just because it has modified its internal distribution and pvp is now less frequent or attractive. The NWAF and Tisy are paradigmatic cases to show how the lack of an ulterior narrative or objective - different than just a loot quest - is necessary to provide continued life and raison d'etre to a POIs. Clearly many of the changes sought a noble higher interest, such as the balanced distribution across the map and the idea of a less "linear" gameplay. But without that organic linearity that the old Chernarus had and in the absence of reasons to visit the POIs, the map gets smaller and the fundamental element of DayZ (the interaction with good or bad intentions) becomes infrequent, ergo, the game loses quality. In few words: It is quite possible that the Devs will re-invent some points of interest in Chernarus. The NWAF case has been perhaps the most publicly announced and the presence of people like DOJ (who has already modified parts of the map in previous patches) adds to the general hope. My reasoning is that, taking advantage of that, it is not only an aesthetic change and / or in order to encourage their visit exclusively from the loot, but consider incorporating elements of the narrative of the map and, if possible, part of a general objective to create (perhaps linked to air strikes, static toxic zones, etc.). lV. Conclusion (TLDR): The requests for a new official map do not delve into the reasons why Chernarus has lost much of its charm. The old linearity and organic popularity generated in the classic points of interest, today has been lost as a consequence of some modifications on it and the map works more as a mere "sandbox" than as an element with real incidence in the gameplay. Namalsk has shown a way forward in terms of what a map can and should represent for the DayZ gaming experience. This implies that it is not just limited to a terrain and a base configuration, the map should also provide with uniqueness and a narrativet hat explains, gives meaning to and re-signifies the points of interest and ambience.Subsidiarily, this narrative must provide a circular and voluntary endgame (not linear or associated exclusively with loot) that allows gamplay to be directed in conjunction with the natural progression between tiers. Chernarus and Livonia currently lack this (or at least they have not taken advantage of it), and the alternatives that have been proposed in order to approach these features (underground bunker, static toxic zone, etc.) were not very functional because they were made in the absence of a narrative and without a raison d'être independent of the mere progression of loot. The location of the static toxic zones makes them a transitional and unattractive target, with no real relevance or incentives for their realization. For its part, the underground bunker of Livonia has no narrative or circularity for the gameplay, so that once the curiosity to visit it is satisfied, this objective is exhausted. Both Chernarus and Livonia must evolve according to the standard projected by Namalsk and under the features we tried to describe above. The idea of a lore with real impact on the gameplay and predominant reflection in the map's environment must be rethought. An organic mission should be developed, possibly linked to air strikes, toxic zones and possibly with a resignification of the NWAF or, failing that, Tisy. There are many details to explore and I do have many proposals in this direction, but in this first post I just wanted to see if I'm the only one who feels the same way about Chernarus and Livonia. Thanks for reading.
  9. First of all I want to thank for the recent addition of two new official servers for the Brazil region because they are the only servers where the South American community (12 countries) can enjoy the original DayZ experience. With this in mind, I would like to suggest (and I hope it won't be considered as a lack of gratitude) a different distribution of these servers. I will try to be brief: Currently (and thanks to the addition of 2 new servers today September 8), Brazil has these regional servers: DayZ SA - SP 5140 | Chernarus | 1PP/3PP Dayz SA - SP 5134 | Chernarus | 1PP/3PP Dayz SA - SP 6452 | Chernarus | 1PP/3PP DayZ SA - SP 5131 | Chernarus | 1PP DayZ SA - SP 6455 | Chennarus | 1PP (Temporary) DayZ SA - SP 5131 | Livonia | 1PP/3PP (Temporary) Considering the impact that version 1.19 projects for the Livonia map and that, until not long ago, the region did not have any official Livonia servers, I think it would be ideal and greatly appreciated by the entire community of South American players if BI could modify the Dayz SA - SP 6452 | Chernarus | 1PP/3PP server (or any of the three Chernarus 1PP/3PP) to a Livonia and in First Person Only. We are a lot of DayZ players that have acquired Livonia and we want to play on an official server, 100% vanilla and as we believe the game should be played (1PP only). Even if a reasignation of servers could imply having to remove a temporary one DayZ SA - SP 6455 | Chennarus | 1PP (Temporary) for example, I don't think it's a problem because I have a rough idea on how many people play on the official Brazil servers and it would be even more beneficial to have a single 1PP Chernarus server and a single 1PP Livonia server, centralizing those masses of players and making those servers high pop 24/7. I know it probably sounds simpler than it probably is for you guys, but considering that it would not involve allocating more resources but managing the existing ones, we would really appreciate it. THANK YOU!!
  10. Asmondian

    The "Mission Livonia" || DayZ SA - SP 5137

    I couldn't agree more. We really need an official Livonia server in the region (SA). It was a pleasant surprise to see it temporary (and more and more people seem to be joining) so I sincerely hope it can be permanent (and turning it into 1PP would be perfect). Thank you!!!
  11. Asmondian

    Qol Suggestions

    That is why I personally put so much emphasis on suggestions that are QoL. Mainly because those are the ones that are most feasible to be implemented over big and complex suggestions that involves long development time and probably won't even be considered. Not because the development team is slow, lost or they just don´t care. I think that's definitely not the case. Its because DayZ's biggest problem was always being a hybrid between technologies where it had to decide if X feature/content was worth the developing time over other stuff when that would probably have to be reworked again from scratch when migrating to a new portion of the Enfusion new engine. This happened before with 0.62 and it will probably happen again with a more advanced version of Enfusion as well (Arma Reforger).
  12. Asmondian

    Qol Suggestions

    I didn't want to see a suggestion thread without a response. Here is my feedback: 1) I think It would be redundant because there are already items that allow you to bandage yourself directly. Perhaps the best thing would be to allow certain clothes to be torn/turn into rags by hand (without a knife). Like shirts or medical scrubs. 2) There is a mod for that (ZenLeftovers) and, in practice, it ends up being quite confusing for players (and probably has a negative performance component). But the idea of tracking players is definetly good. As an alternative, for example: leaving a bloody rag/bandage on the floor after they use it. This would be much less frequent that with food/soda cans and more linked to a tracking situation (pvp). 3) Performance issues probably. 4) Without proper fire animations for this first, its hard to imagine molotov cocktails. Too many things can go wrong with it. 5) Because of the massive work behind sync, animations and such. Not a QoL. Its extremely hard. 6) Again, massive work behind it, mostly in the synchronization part. 7) Faking death could be exploitable agains AI. Many have suggested in the past 8) It probably will. 9) Same with horses. Not QoL. Tons of work behind this. Physicals, animations, syncornization, etc. 10) Definetly. More civilian clothes (or retextures) with higher stats (insulation) are needed. 11) Performance. Its a game, and balance is needed. If you set a max then you end up having dead bodies despawing in front of your eyes. 12) The learning curve is hard in DayZ, but it is part of the game. After all, it is a survival game. 13) It could work for some particular cases, but if it is 100% consistent (applied to infected and players), it could make the experience very clunky and not very fluid. 14) They do miss you sometimes, even after an initial aggro. 15) AI its hard. That will happen with any infected. You can get above a vehicle and kill them from there. Maybe they could climb these smaller structures, but you also have to measure the impact on the gameplay of the infected being "unavoidable" 10/10. 16) Not a QoL. 17) There was an option back in the days, but imagine if you add that to the hundreds of fruit trees that are in chernarus in trying to walk through them. There must be an explanation of balance and performance. 18) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. 19) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. But yes. 20) M... 21) Come on dude. 22) Its not inverted, is how it shown IRL. But it could be inverted for intuitive porpuses. 23) Agree. 24) The CLE its not linked to the player count. Maybe just avoid hiving in public servers. But many players would leave because of that. 25) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. 26) You can burn stuff. Adding interactive trash cans around the map would be redundant IMO. 27) Basic coding? You should share it to the devs. 28) Lore. 29) Yes. 30) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. 31) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. 32) I mean, is to complicate something that its working without an actual real benefit. 33) Yes to the last part. 34) Maybe, with a chance of getting sick (like with the unknonwn food) if you dont peel it. 35) Yes. 36) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request of new items. 37) Not a QoL suggestion, but a request. Its very related to server performance issues tbh. 38) Because its hard, and a dead player have loot on it, and there could be tons of sync issues related to this. 39) Yes. We definetly need more in-game options to report or access the feedback tracker (or even the workshop, like in Arma Reforger). 40) I don't think the game wants to have the feeling of playing R6. 41) Definetly. 42) Yes, more "thematic loot" would be nice. Same with the pharmacies 43) Agree with the sawed off guns part. 44) Bells are hand-operated in almost every church in the world. Also, I don't remember if the models of the DayZ churches include them.
  13. Hello there! This is a new list of QoL suggestions for DayZ Standalone. I have created several of these posts in the past, which I invite you to visit in the links below, and the intention was always to come up with achievable and “easy to implement” suggestions within the general framework of the game. Nothing too crazy, no completely new features or things that would not be in line with the overall concept of DayZ. Were these ideas deeply thought through and evaluated? To some extent, and that’s why I probably underestimate the complexity of actually adding any of this to the game. Only the Devs (and probably some experienced members of the community) can get a real idea of what adding them would actually entail in light of the current structure and content. So keep this in mind when assessing them because nothing is actually “simple”, even when it appears to be. Having said that, I hope you find them useful and least serve to awaken other tweaks, ideas or improvements, either from the official development or through community mods. OTHER SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS PART 1: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/247601-50-qol-suggestions-dayz-future-updates/ SUGGESTIONS PART 2: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/250890-55-qol-suggestions-dayz-112/ SUGGESTIONS PART 3: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251715-45-qol-suggestions-dayz-115/ SUGGESTIONS PART 4: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/252772-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-4/ SUGGESTIONS PART 5: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/254494-dayz-50-qol-suggestions-part-5/ SUGGESTIONS PART 6: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/259915-dayz-30-qol-suggestions-part-6/ HERE ARE MY +50 QOL SUGGESTIONS 1) Soviet Plash Palatka | Tarp/fabric poncho. It would be very interesting and useful to have a craftable "plash palatka" that goes in our backpack slot offering high insulation value and waterproof protection. What is a plash Palatka in the first place? This is just an improvised poncho made of fabric, very popular among soviet troops and many other armies. This piece of gear could be crafted from a piece of Tarp/Fabric (2) combined with a Sewing Kit (75%) or Leather Sewing kit (50%). It would not only provide with another relevance and use for the Tarp/Fabric (item that its currently almost unused because players always craft the Improvised Shelters over any other alternative), but would also provide an extraordinary survival feeling with the proper balance between protection and size (no inventory slots). As I said, this item also has a real context with soviet clothing and the DayZ lore. 2) Precise positioning | Transparency when trying to place big items There is a general issue when we want to place large items (such as a barrel, a power generator and such…) when using the blue print system (or precise positioning). The item completely obstructs our vision (1PP) and we have to play with the free cam to be able to guess where is going to be placed. Although this could be fixed with some modifications to the holding animation of these items, their models or maybe by extending their positioning range (to be able to position it from further distances), when thinking about modding and possible big custom items, a definitive solution could be to add some kind of transparency to those items when the precise positioning is activated (LMB Click). By this, you would be able to see through them. 3) Flare guns | Higher altitude + longer duration (Credit to Kafeina) Currently, the flares shot from a flare gun last just a few seconds in the air and then they start falling at a very high speed, making them quite useless for their intended purpose (signaling, illuminating, attracting other survivors). The idea is to simply increase their height (shooting speed/distance) and reduce their descent time so that they can last at least 30 seconds in the air and then, another a little more when falling. Kaffeina (modder) has already implemented this with his "Aerial-Flares mod", but I think an intermediate version would be an excellent tweak for the vanilla version of DayZ. 4) Flags | Craft armbands and courier bags from them Flags are a rare item and the only real use for them right now is to add them to a flagpole. Since some updates ago, you can now obtain rags out of them. However, this item could be much more interesting (and also used by any player, even with non-base building intentions) by being able to create improvised backpacks and armbands from them (like you do with a burlap sack or boar pelt). This would not only offer a new element of customization (which is always welcome) but also a new and interesting use for an item that it tends to be exclusively associated with base building. 5) Sawed-off weapons | Less weight + random spawn in the world There are 4 weapons that can be sawed off right now, but the Mosin is the only one that actually lose some weight (4kg to 3kg) in the process. It would be convenient and consistent that all the weapons lose at last 1kg of their total weight when you do so. The LE-MAS (FAMAS) perhaps could be the only exception to this rule because of the type of modification it undergoes. In addition, as previously suggested in another thread, it would be interesting if these sawed-off weapons could also spawn into the world instead of being an only crafted item. Always thinking about diversifying and expanding the content with a large amount of non-op civilian weapons for tier 1 and tier 2 zones and also, since these are not very popular, it would give new players the knowledge that they actually exist. 6) Player animations | External clue when managing your inventory (Credit to Wardog) This suggestion clearly came from Wardog's tweet (@thewrdg) where he showed us some of the game's “hidden” animations, among them, one that simulates the player checking his pockets. For anyone who hasn't seen it, he linked that animation (checking your pockets) to the action of opening/managing your inventory, so that there is a visual clue to other players of what you are actually doing (instead of displaying a completely static player). I think that having this feature would be excellent to achieve a better realism by filling that lack of immobility when a player is still but checking his inventory and also, it would provide a visual cue of a possible risk, danger or appearance as part of a player during an encounter. An initial 3-4 seconds delay would be very necessary to avoid forcing the animation with each opening of the inventory. 7) Pieces of guts | Alternative fishing bait The idea is quite simple: Instead of having as our only option the earthworms as bait for the fishing hooks, make it possible to cut small “pieces of guts” out of animal/human guts to also use them as bait. It would provide us a better use of this item while being able to combine even more hunting and fishing in an organic way. Not to mention that it's something quite common IRL when improvising a bait. (Thanks Project Lemons) 8 ) Tripwire | Attach a loaded flare gun Another idea that I believe would add to the general gameplay is the possibility of attaching flare guns to the tripwire. This way, when its activated, the flare is fired and the presence of a player in the area is warned. We all know that this can be already done with other lighting items, but of course a huge flare in the air would provide with a much more interesting and noticeable indication of a player presence. This would also serve to play with the players' minds in anticipation of a possible air attack (dynamic toxic gas), forcing them to move from their positions. Eventually, this could even be extended to other types of weapons and ammunition, not for the purpose of damage or incapacitation (which I understand would be quite complex to materialize and neither is the idea to make this kind of traps as it happens in games like Rust), but for the weapon to be fired to the air, providing a long range audible alert. 9) Items Sterilization | Boiling items to sterilize them (Credit to Mikhail) Non-sterile bandages and rags, plus any other items that can provoke a wound infection in the future, can only be cleaned/sterilize with disinfectants. It would be a good and also a realistic idea to allow to get the “disinfected status” by boiling the rags/bandages in water. Attention should be paid to the time in which bandages and rags become ruined for this to even be possible. This idea is not new, and there is already a community mod that allows this by DZR|Mikhail. 10) Bayonet | Multiple cuts inflicted While bayonets have gotten a bit more attention recently by increasing their overall damage (being more effective against infected) I think there is still room for improvement in close combat to give a new relevance to this quite unpopular item. In what way? By providing a 100% cut chance and even, by allowing each hit to generate two wounds or bleeds on the affected player instead of just one. A hit with a bayonet against another player should represent a game changing scenario during a pvp, where the affected player should seriously consider his blood loss as a conditioning after having received a “lunge”. 11) Shelters | Differences and advantages between them Since its implementation, the craftable shelters and their three variants - improvised, tarp and leather - there was never really a differentiation between them besides the required crafting items. They all have the same storage, persistence and durability, even when the time and difficulty invested into crafting them is different. This is why the vast majority of players simply choose the “Improvised Shelter” as their main option, not only because it’s the most accessible to craft but it’s also because it offers the best camouflage. This kind of kills any incentive of crafting the other two shelters and prevents us from giving more use to the whole feature. The proposal is then simple: provide with more differentiations between them, offering more/less slots, more/less resistance, more/less persistence, more/less waterproof to the items inside, etc. The leather shelters should definitely be the best of all tree, followed by fabric shelters and finally, the improvised shelters should be just that, improvised, lasting no more than two or three nights, with slots limited to a single survivor storage. 12) Attachments | Better management/replacement (Credit to Akula) This suggestion and the next one are 100% from the user akula692008 from the DayZ forums, so I thought it was a good opportunity to make them more visible for everyone since I completely agree with both. In few worlds, the game should allow us to replace any weapon attachment (optic, buttstock, handguard, etc.) by the same way it does with magazines, this is, by dragging the item to the “combine” section of your hands instead of forcing us to drag it over the particular attachment. This would be not only more practical but also consistent and particularly useful for console users. 13) Attachments | Inventory battery representation (Credit to Akula) Right now, if we carry a rifle with a battery for your optic plus a universal light for example, we would see two batteries, one under the other (left side picture), and it is not quite intuitive for telling which device they belong to. The idea then is to reposition the elements as shown in the image above. This small change would solve this lack of clarity providing with a cleaner and clearer view. 14) Raincoats | Add the hood to them I understand that this is definitely not a simple thing to do and that there are many, many things to consider in what would appear to be a small cosmetic change. Nevertheless, I always wondered why those hooded pieces of gear like the Gorka Jacket, Raincoats or Hoodies did not allow us to equip ourselves to cover our head, protecting this part of the body from the rain and adding to the heat retention (or protection against frostbite in Namalsk). I think it would be a good feature (or future change) to consider either models with the hood already deployed (where it blocks the head slot because it is already taken by it, avoiding clipping problems) or, something more elaborate, like the possibility of folding/unfolding the hood. There is also a “banal” argument linked to a post-apocalyptic aesthetics where hoods and ponchos are a fundamental element. 15) Repeater | Sawed-Off version Simple idea that would add to the diversity of the civilian’s low tier weapons without really implying new content is the possibility of sawing-off the Repeater as it currently happens with the Mosin and other weapons. Of course, it should suffer the corresponding nerf to the distance, accuracy and weight, but the basic concept would be the same to all the sawed-off weapons in the game. Not to mention that it is something that actually exists. 16) Bone Knives | Attachable to the improvised rope belt Maybe this will be changed in the near future because this item is in the game very recently, but I suggest to add the possibility of carrying the improvised knife on the rope belt. I think it is logical and a way to make this a "first step" in the survival crafting progression for any player. I honestly didn´t find many arguments against this like I did find with the stone knife because of its shape and model for example. 17) Feet Wrapping | Increased crafting cost + less durability We are all aware that an improvised item, easy to craft and offering a great advantage when approaching enemy with total stealth could be somehow abused. Unfortunately, many players have been using it as a “pvp meta” lately. In an attempt to avoid this, the proposal is to increase their crafting requirements (actually, I would personally increase it for all the wrapped crafting recipes in general) and reduce their overall durability (or at least prevent them from being repaired or their requirements - rags - from being significant), so that they only serve as a transitory solution in those cases where your footwear get ruined and you must look for another one, avoiding bleeding feet or frustrating scenarios. 18) Radios as an attachment | Slot for vests and belts I have already suggested the possibility of having custom key binds for the use of radios so that we do not have to resort all the time to put them in our hand to interact with them in the first place. I believe that for items that are not so popular but at the same time can represent an extraordinary element for gameplay and immersion, making them as practical and accessible as possible is definitely the way to go. In this occasion, the suggestion is related to the possibility of attaching the radios to our vest and belt. This would also allow us to have more than one active radio simultaneously, on different frequencies. 19) Clear indication for front / back fences (precise positioning) Even when you can always use the knots on the poles and the initial position when deployed to know the direction of the fence (front/back), it is often quite unintuitive (its direction) when you have to rotate or place them in a very specific position. The suggestion is then to add some sort of “direction indicator” in the ghost model itself, or slightly modify the model (the bottom portion that would be buried for example) so that it clearly indicates which is the front and which is the back in a more intuitive way, even after having placing it. 20) Torches | Fuel should fully charge the torch Maybe the current limitation to this is somehow related to a balance and performance idea due the duration of the torches in general (avoiding that someone can leave for a long time multiple torches lit in a very easy way), but I think it would be a more functional that, when adding gasoline to the torches, they charge at least 50% of the total and not just 5-10%, forcing us to soak them in gasoline like 6-7 times. Using gasoline to fuel torches is already a difficult method to use and it should then have its reward which would have to be a hell of a lot better than simply adding rags. 21) Holding breath | Stance impact on the stamina depletion speed (Credit to Simonvic) It seems to me that it would be not only realistic but very beneficial for the gameplay in general to be able to differentiate the speed at which stamina is consumed when holding breath, not only depending on the weight (which determines the total stamina and therefore, how long we can hold our breath) but also by the stance of our character (standing, crouching or prone). Thus, for example, if we have 30% of our maximum stamina due our gears weight, when we hold our breath while standing, it will empty completely in 5 seconds. If we are crouching, it will do it in 8 seconds and if we are on the ground, it will do it in 15 seconds. It doesn't make much sense that someone lying completely flat on the ground, in a resting state, even with a lot of equipment on him, can only hold his breath for less than 1 second when he wants to land a shot. 22) Automatically stack items in your inventory (Credit to InclementDab) Right now, if we have for example a stock of 10 .308 bullets in our inventory, and we grab 5 more from the ground/world, these new 5 bullets will take a different slot in our inventory instead of just stocking on top of the existing 10 bullets. It seems to me that it would be more than practical to expect the game to put identical/stackable items together directly in our inventory, or at least to do so once our inventory is 100% full (no slots available). This can be limited to certain items categories if there is any case where it would not be convenient to stack. The same should apply for meds or other stackable items. Example. 23) Tearing up chickens using only your hands or boulders With 1.17, and improvised bone knife has been added. However, to get those bones in the first place, one already has to have a knife to dismember the animal that provides it. This doesn't make too much sense considering the progressiveness of a survival crafting line. I think the ideal case would be to allow players to dismembering small animals (Chickens and rabbits) either by using their own hands or using the rocks in our environment. As a result, we should only get bones out of them. 24) Open cans by hitting them with a rock With a very similar criterion of the previous suggestion, and taking into account that since version 1.17 we can now “combine” certain items with boulders from the environment for our crafting, it would be excellent to use this feature to open food cans, obtaining a substantial reduction in their total amount. 25) Mask attachment slot for backpacks and belts Keeping the idea of gas masks having multiple uses and not being limited to static/dynamic toxic zones, it would be quite necessary to be able to add attachment slots for them on both belts and backpacks. 26) Lock picking | Reduced effectiveness (Eventually tied to passive skills) While this idea relates to a broader concept like passive skills evolution and such, I believe that lock picking should not have to be 100% effective (opening or locking the doors on the first attempt) but rather have a percentage of effectiveness where it is possible to fail to do so and have to repeat the action. As I said, thinking about an eventual development of passive skills, this percentage of effectiveness could be linked - or even conditioned - to the skill developed by the player (or survival time). But an initial approach would be that lock picks do not always open the door but that there is a chance of failure followed by an audio clue that it has failed. 27) Grenades | Automatically attached to grenades slot 4 Quality of life modification, the suggestion is to automatically assign the slot of the vests grenades when we pick them up from world since, right now, we must manually take them to our vest. 28) Epinephrine abuse | Negative effects and overdose Epinephrine has gone from being a medical item to a military tool, where players stockpile large amounts of them to use one after another, perpetuating their stamina in an unrealistic way during combat. The concept behind my suggestion is precisely to try to avoid this abuse by generating some kind of punishment. This could be with an overdose effect (shock damage, reducing the duration/boost with the second application or permanent stock max at 50% for 10 minutes making it easier to go unconscious after being hit) or by adding a general stamina reduction after the epi effect (for a period of 2-5 minutes) if you applied more than one epinephrine within 10 minutes. Again, the main idea is to find a way to counteract its abuse by relating it to an effect it would produce in reality. 29) M7A3 grenade | Tear gas grenade (Credit to DUG) I believe that tear gas grenades would be an excellent addition to complement the use of masks in situations other than airstrikes or toxic zones. They should cause coughing, stamina reduction and eventually sock damage (unconsciousness without a default recovery until the gas wears off) if the players are exposed for too long. Of course, this could be repelled by using a gas mask with full filter, completely avoiding its effects. Particular attention should be paid to the area of action to avoid possible exploits where the smoke goes through walls, generating undesired scenarios. 30) Wash hands under the rain Being able to wash your hands when it rains (complementary to the idea of bringing back the “catch rain” feature, especially for maps like Livonia) would definitely be a QoL addition to the game. It wouldn't be invasive either (for the HUD) since you would only get that pump-up option if you have bloody hands and you are in the outside. They could even make it automatic without the need for animation. Bloody hands are probably the biggest enemy for new players, and if we add the rain, that first game may be impossible for them. Fighting each other may be a great option to leave only one active threat. 31) Rusted and static fire barrels around the map One of the simplest and most efficient attractions in maps like Namalsk is the presence of static fire barrels spread around the map where players can get together, warm up or cook. While this concept already exists with the indoor fireplaces around Chernarus and Livonia, the fire barrels provide a much clearer guideline and are generally found in large places, industrial areas and barns where you (and your group) can take a minute of rest, away from the urban areas. The suggestion is then to add those rusty, static fire barrels scattered around Chernarus and Livonia. 32) Bandaging | Continuous cycle when you have multiple wounds Right now, when we have more than one cut/wounds and perform the bandaging action, we have to complete a full cycle, finish the animation and then click again to start the bandaging animation again for treating the next wound. Although there are some “exploits” to speed this the “finish/start”, the ideal in my eyes would be that - as with other actions such as cutting down a tree, drinking water or getting planks from a plank pile - we could simply hold the LMB and the cycling would be continuous according to the amount of cuts/wounds that we have. I understand arguments like that there are multiple wounds and not always in the same place, however the animation is always the same, so it would not be something that could break any kind of immersion either. In other words, if you have 2 cuts, you just put a bandage in your hands, hold LMB and your character would perform two full cycles. If you interrupt the second cycle, you have only been bandaged once. 33) Logging in | Anti-ghosting + anti-glitching + anti-combat log I think it has happened to many of us that, being in a closed place, a player logs behind and kills us. In the same way, it is also frequent to chase a player into a building, waiting for the moment to rush their position and when we finally do it, they have disconnected without any actual indication to us. Although this suggestion would not be a definitive solution, I think it could help to prevent these situations and avoid the huge disadvantage it generates. What would this consist of? Adding a dark layout/vignette (as happens when we are regaining consciousness) that covers our screen and gradually expands until disappear along with a yawning sound (or any audio clue) would be an indication that someone has connected in the vicinity. On the other hand, the dark vignette / layout covering most of his (connecting player) screen for the first seconds after joining the server, would obstruct the ability to see through walls with the slow loading textures glitch that most of the low ends PC´s and consoles usually have. Clearly, it would not be a perfect system, but it would make ghosting, combat log and exploits associated with connections/disconnections less frequent. 34) Wooden Crates | Another general nerf suggestion This is a suggestion that I've been holding onto continuously by trying different approaches, because I really think that the wooden crates are very OP in a game like DayZ. I still believe we need a general nerf for wooden crates, therefore, after proposing a general reduction of its size and persistence time, the suggestion is now to increase the requirements for its construction, raising the number of nails needed from 16 to 32. 35) Actions over other players | Directional conditioning Actions involving interaction with other players should only be possible if you are face to face with them. We should not be able to feed players from behind, give them medicine or similar actions. Of course, there could be exceptions to this rule, such as tying another player or applying a bandage to him. 36) Improvised clock bomb | Crafting recipe Add the possibility of creating an improvised explosive device from a gas canister, tape, a grenade, metal wire and a kitchen timer. How could it work? First you should combine the duct tape with the gas canister, creating a new item called “Improvised explosive device” with tree attachment slots: 1) Explosive slot (grenade, flashbang, smoke grenade, etc.) 2) Metal wire 3) Timer. You can then add the required items, set the kitchen timer from 1 to 45 minutes and then attach it to the device so that, when that amounts of minutes have passed, it releases the spoon from the grenade and after a few seconds explodes. Because of its complexity and because it has a gas canister in addition to the grenade, its damage and explosion range should be higher. 37) Tents | Allow tents to be carried in player’s back I am sorry to be repetitive with this idea but I firmly believe that one of the main reasons why we do not find isolated bases scattered around the map (as historically happened in DayZ) as opposed to massive basebuilding structures, is because of the impossibility of transporting the tents in a simple way that does not necessarily require a vehicle. Both the military tents, the car tents and the canopy ones should be transported in our back taking the backpack slot. 38) Throwing items | Low throw alternative I know that this is definitely not a simple suggestion to implement, but I don't see it as impossible either. The concept is simple: once we enter the throwing stance after pressing G (PC), by moving the mouse wheel (as we do to change between optics) we can toggle between a normal – high – throwing stance and a low throwing stance from the waist. This could be particularly useful for throwing grenades at short distances, underneath structures or even to be able to throw random items at other players safely and without having items flying through the air. 39) Weapons attachments variation | Add the painted variation to weapons While I imagine there are already plans to add back the spray-paint that allow us to customize the weapons/attachments, it would not be a bad idea to have the color attachments already included in the random preset of some weapons as an alternative. This would add to the diversity and content without necessarily affecting the CLE. These attachments can either spawn in the world or for now only in the preset of the selected weapons. Many community servers (PC/Consoles) already have them added and they seem to work just fine. The only problems are usually with the colored mags. 40) Dynamic events | Abandoned night camps with fireplaces This suggestion is part of a larger thread that analyzes different alternatives to generate a reward for players who stay on the servers at night instead of just logging out, waiting for the day. Basically the idea is to take advantage of light sources during the night and link them with dynamic events. In this sense, it would be interesting that the “helicrashes” have a light source that makes them more "visible" during the night (like a beacon light that could also work with a radio signal) and, at the same time, the possibility of having other dynamic events such as “abandoned camps” with an active campfire where high value items can be found. I think it would add a lot of depth and ambiance to the game while providing access to the rewards of a dynamic event to players who choose to play even with the disadvantage of the night. 41) Snare traps against players | No damage + reduced mobility for 1 min The idea is to use this feature not only to hunt small animals (rabbits) but also as a trap against other players. How would it work? Of course some kind of animation/model would have to be added to the activated snare trap, but when a player step over it, it would attach to his leg (like a splint does) forcing the wounded walking animation for a whole minute. The affected player would then be unable to run full sprint and would be partially defenseless, even without having suffered any damage. 42) Vehicles water indication | More intuitive symbols While many of us have become used to being guided by the white smoke to determine whether a vehicle radiator has or needs water, it is quite common for new players to be confused by the unintuitive nature of the indicators. More precisely because while the fuel gauge shows a full tank on the right side, the water gauge seems to be the other way around. The suggestion is then to unify this representation of both gauges with the same criterion and maybe even add a red color to the indicators to make them much clearer. 43) Plate Carriers | Color variations I know it would be an absolutely secondary addition but very much appreciated for diversity, customization and content, the possibility of having different variants (textures) of Plate Carriers I think would be a nice addition to the game. It would not escape from the colors that usually wear these vests IRL (black, dark green, etc.) and it would not mean a huge work behind this item (it would be a simple retexture). 44) “Chemicrash” | Contaminated dynamic events Another feasible alternative for random dynamic events could be some kind of "chemical crashes" or "chemicrash". These could well be models of wrecked trucks that were transporting toxic waste in barrels from the toxic areas and were ambushed or crashed on the road. Naturally, this event should be followed by its respective toxic zone (with a rather limited radius), being only accessible to players with NBC equipment (or at least with an PO-X Antidote if you have a bit of skill), infected with NBC suits and loot rewards similar to helicrashes. The idea is to give more diversity to the use of NBCs and masks without this objective being limited merely to the toxic zones. 45) “Cooking” canned food | Water bath + increase its nutritional value The suggestion is based on the possibility of "cooking", or rather heating, canned food to increase its nutritional values based on the idea of comfort. The cooking method, to be consistent with what would happen in reality, would require a cooking pot filled with water, thus avoiding burning the can. They could only obtain the "cooked/hot" status by offering extra energy and/or hydration. It would be a good way to encourage the use of cooking methods and give more depth to this item. 46) Multivitamins Pills | Less quantmax While this has been changing over the course of the updates and vitamins are not as OP as they were before, I still feel that the minimum amount of pills is high enough that it is not valued correctly and ends up being overabundant. Currently, vitamins have a chance of spawning up to 10 pills, they are not very rare to find and can be stacked. The suggestion is simply to set a quantmax of 10% for this item, making it scarcer and therefore more valuable. 47) Long-Mid range Optics | Add a dark vignette Definitely not a new suggestion and I had already proposed it a few years ago, although not with this format. Basically what it aims to do is to add, in addition to the blur effect that ADS has with an optic, a dark vignette to provides with a more realistic and at the same time immersive approach. As you will notice in a suggestion below, I am not in favor of absolute darkness (as happens with the Hunting Scope for example), because it also ends up being quite unrealistic and immersion killing, so a simple darkness that forces us to focus on our target without obtaining much external information (although realistically one shoots with both eyes open) would not only be a welcome aesthetic and immersive change, but would give another spice to the pvp with ranged weapons. 48) Hunting Scope | Non-Full screen alternative view Following the same reasoning of the previous suggestion, and as I had already mentioned, we know that most (if not almost all) optics do not appeal to a "full screen" design where everything is black except for the reticle. On the contrary, the whole screen is zoomed to the optics, but what is outside it (sides) is blurred. It would be interesting and would look 10 times better if this would also happen with the Hunting Scope (see suggestion image), adding also the already suggested vignette. The effect and immersion achieved I assure you is gratifying. 49) Improvised metal sheets from vehicle parts Questionable suggestion but a suggestion nonetheless, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring back the old concept of “scrap metal” to be part of some crafting recipes in DayZ Standalone. Of course not to the levels of DayZ Mod or games like Rust with extravagant crafting recipes, but something much more basic and limited. For example, with the possibility of turning car parts that we find in the world into improvised metal sheets to be used in our basebuilding constructions. Each car part (door, hood, trunk, etc.) would offer us 1 “sheet metal” that would be nothing more than the current sheet metal with a rusty texture. I understand that even if it sounds simple it is definitely not, but a similar concept that allows us to take advantage of the items along with a more apocalyptic atmosphere to the constructions (basebuilding) would be welcome. 50) Cutting trees | Two-step process (Credit to Derleth) In a nutshell, the idea is that when a tree is cut down, it will fall to the ground as it normally does, but without dropping the "reward" items yet (wooden logs, firewood). In order to obtain those, we must cut the tree again on the ground and it will then disappear, leaving only the wooden logs, firewood, long sticks and such. This would help to avoid unwanted clipping/collisions situations with trees and would also provide with a more realistic approach to the mechanics itself. 51) Shove away player/infected | No damage, 1 sec cold down, no stamina requirement (Not QoL) There are many things that could be improved in the melee system in DayZ, but where I notice a gap to be filled is when you end up cornered. In short, it is quite common to see players "stuck" without the possibility of changing weapons or resorting to attacks that slightly push the infected away to be able to survive that situation. Of course anyone could say that a good player would not have put himself in that position in the first place, but the game has to be difficult, not frustrating. For that, it would be interesting to consider the possibility of pushing away infected and even players, which would be the "default attack" when our stamina does not allow us to hit with our weapon or make a strong fist attack. This “push”, which should have a cold down of at least two seconds to avoid any abuse, should not generate any damage or take any of the stamina recovered away, could fill the gap that exists between unrealistically holding indefinitely a guard up against a wall until a friend comes to save us or die cornered against a wall without any resource at all. 52) Nerf to NVG's vision | Vignette intensity It is not the first time I suggest it and I am compelled to do so because I know that the game will at some point go in that direction. NVG's are too OP an element for a game like DayZ that aims for a balanced day/night gameplay. Not only because it discourages any player from playing at night in the presence of this item because also because the clarity of vision when using them and the lack of "blindness" from light sources. That is why one of the things that could be easily and quickly modified is its range of vision or vignette, to slightly punish the huge advantage obtained. 53) Encouraging nighttime play | Night wild life Once again, keeping the idea of encouraging night gameplay through “advantages” for the players, it would not be a bad option to consider increasing nocturnal wildlife in areas where they are not frequent during the day. That way, coyotes (alternative to wolves), white-tailed deers, foxes and other animals that IRL usually have a nocturnal activity, can be seen and found close to cities (even spawn cities). This would not only give an incredible complement of ambience (not to mention if you consider the population of glowing eyes in some of them), but it would translate into a much easier access to food sources for players who decide to stay playing during the night. 54) Better small containers | Add attachments slots (Credit to Florian) In all honesty, with over 10k hours in the game, I have never used a container to protect my items from external damage and I think very few players actually do it. Containers nowadays are more storage methods (buried) or inventory organizers rather than a protective piece of equipment. In this sense, the idea is to at least provide with a better utility in relation to their capacity and size. Right now, they can hold as many slots as they take, killing somewhat from any kind of benefit in carrying them (even more the ones that offers almost none protection). The proposal is simply: add more slots to the interior in relation to its size and/or add attachment slots to some of these containers to be able to carry more than their total slots, offering a real advantage when using them. 55) Gasoline | Used as kindling to start or keep a fireplace Gasoline should definitely be an item that allows you to light a fire without resorting to other types of fuel kindling’s. And even after the fireplace is on, you should be able to continue feeding it from "loads" of gasoline as it happens with the torches. This would re signify the use of bottles with gasoline or jerry cans for a survival purpose and not only related to vehicles. 56) Basebuilding | An electrical protective system (Not QoL) I'm not a big fan of basebuilding because I think it's a feature that consumed a lot of work from the development team and, in practice, it was never really one of the main attractions of the DayZ experience (not talking about Exile or the last part of the DayZ Mod). However, there it is and while it's a decent concept, it clearly has a lot of room for improvement. One of the things I have always proposed are the electrical protection systems to provide with a more balance experience with this feature. In other words, the possibility of electrifying the barbed wires once placed to make it difficult to even destroy them through regular melee methods. How could it work? Simply the same way Xmas lights work, one connects the barbed wires (disassembled) to a generator or battery and then attaches them to the fence/gate. This would generate an electric current to the touch, preventing their destruction through melee strikes. It would be a good element for base protection against offline raids and would also be within the real possibilities of the game with the current content. How could it be countered? An electrified barbed wire could not be disarmed with regular pliers and the player who touches it would receive health damage, shock damage and probably a cut. He should then either destroy the power source (generator or battery) or use rubber gloves (NBC Gloves) along with the regular pliers to dismantle them (giving a new use to this piece of clothing). I would have a lot more to elaborate on this topic, but as I said, I don't want to stray too far from quality of life suggestions. 57) Better skybox | Higher cloud intensity (Not QoL) I know this is a highly sought after idea and that there is probably some discomfort in comparing the game to previous versions in just one aspect, when in 99.9% of things it has improved tremendously. However, aside from any nostalgia or the idea that “all past times were better”, there is a reality and that is that the sky in DayZ has lost some of its appeal, probably founded on valid performance and synchronization reasons. It is also true that suggesting something without offering an applicable alternative is too easy for us (the community) but I think we all trust in the ability of the devs to find out a new approach to this and achieve more immersion with the skybox without the need of volumetric clouds. 58) Combined actions for Structures (Credit to Skigoggles) (Not QoL) Regardless of all the technical complexity of such an idea, the concept is still very interesting. The suggestion basically implies that certain actions (complex, big ones and generally associated with basebuilding but extendable to many others), can only be completed by two or more players working together. In this way, one player could initiate the action until 50% of it is completed and then, holding the click, another player should "help us" and complete the remaining 50%. Then the crafting/action will be successfully completed. The possibilities and alternatives are endless for this but, I repeat, what is important here is the concept behind it to force collaboration in complex actions and at the same time encourage interaction. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND SORRY FOR ANY GRAMATICAL ERROR OR POOR CHOCIE OF WORDS ENGLISH IS NOT MY NAVITE LENGUAGE
  14. Asmondian


    Agree 100%. Good QoL changes.
  15. Asmondian

    Stable Update 1.15

    For those who have not even tried the experimental and are already commenting about this topic, I remind you that the HUD damage indicator can be 100% deactivated (servers side, for all clients). Good update. Thank you.