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About camcantrun

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. camcantrun

    Future of public hive servers

    Hey Baty! I personally think Public servers provide nothing to the DAYZ experience. Although I do think the DAYZ player numbers will drop when it happens, I think it's the best thing for the community.
  2. camcantrun

    Status Report - 24 January 2017

    These map changes look magnificent. Especially the Zelen ones. Any word on whether or not we are going to have a visual update to the forest in the coming updates? I saw that picture of what was in progress and can't wait. Fantastic status report as a whole thanks for sharing.
  3. Welcome to Chernarus, thanks for watching.
  4. camcantrun

    ultra rare katana

    Someone said something about "It's in russia, there wouldn't be KATANAS!" I currently am drinking out of a cup from israel and am sitting on a chair imported from japan. It's 2016+ i'm pretty sure people could have experienced others cultures.
  5. camcantrun

    2 Person Emotes - Is it a Possibility?

    I'm absolutely 100% ignorant to programming. But I don't think it'll be to hard.... just a matter of having a 3 second period where a player stands frozen ready to hug/shake and a window for some other individual to respond with a hug/shake. There were recently discussing new animations and paper,rock,scissors crazily enough was in there. So there is hope my friend, a great deal of it. :D
  6. These are just some examples of different animations I believe could do a lot for the DAYZ experience, let me know what you think. 1. Hug 2. Helping someone get up whose laying down/sitting. 3. Handshake 4. Patting someone down (while they have their hands up **Maybe it allows access to inventory when completed**) 5. High Five 6. Paper rock scissors ( a boy can dream ) The power of friendly engagements is often overlooked. I've met some incredible people through DAYZ and in Chernarus and all of those in game hang outs could have felt a lot more personal had some of these options been available I feel. With all that being said I understand the DEVS have a full plate and are working to provide the best product they can. And this would probably be a programming nightmare, (I have no idea I'm ignorant on the topic) all the same I think it could bring a lot of immersion and connection to the game.
  7. camcantrun

    Friends in a Furnace - 1PP -

    The real heroes here are DannyBoyy & TheAdventuresofTwig for being so hospitable. Hope all is well with you fine folks :) Have a wonderful night, or day, or morning... or all of those. Yeah, how about all of them.
  8. camcantrun

    You Never Know, Unless You Say Hello

    Thanks so very much friends, I'm happy to hear ya'll found some joy outta my content. DEFT my friend, thanks so very much. :) And baty as always, thankyou, also... fantastic report you just put out the other day. Thanks for that ;)
  9. camcantrun

    2016 In Review

    In my rookie opinion, dayz has made massive strides this year. That new engine alongside the recent map developments, tied in with the amazing new sound system... Ah... Glorious things coming... glorious things indeed. Thanks Baty for the compilation of awesomeness.
  10. camcantrun

    House of Daniel

    Fantastic video Danny... you already know.
  11. Hey guys, just wanted to say I appreciate you even considering watching the vid. I spent a lot of time on it as my shadowplay didn't properly record all the audio, I was stuck with what I considered wonderful content and no audio. So I pushed forward adding all my own sounds. Hope you guys get as much joy out of listening as I did out of creating. :)