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Posts posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. 2 hours ago, MORI_Todai said:


    >Changed: Moved VSD and FAL to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers.

    I check types file. 

        <type name="FAL">
            <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="1" crafted="0" deloot="1"/>
            <category name="weapons"/>
            <usage name="Military"/>

    looks like ASVAL moved, but looking back at EXP it was the VSS and not the FAL

    From EXP -> Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers

  2. On 2/28/2023 at 5:28 AM, Bubbehn said:

    I've had a look around and I'm a bit confused, some hits tells me that, yeah lifetime is set dictating before an item despawn, but will not if inside a container. (Unless the container de-spawns of course) But it's apparent that this is not the case since some items do disappear after a restart even in a container. I'll have to test simply adding the one of the faulty items to the default types and see if that makes any difference.

    Furthermore, what makes it even more confusing is that the items does spawn properly. (Mod items) yet not defined, and the included types.xml is not added to our types. So how do they even spawn.

    what you first described is an item not in types.xml OR a typo in types.xml.  Then you say its not even in types.xml so how can it spawn? it can't.  without seeing the types.xml and maybe the modlist, its going to be hard to diagnose since you're issues are contradictory.

  3. @lynn.zaw are there any thoughts to adjust the damage values or more importantly the exceptions? Many items cannot be repaired (plugs for example) but can show up with major damage. It feels like there should be a class of items that can only spawn worn or pristine because they cannot be repaired. If not, then everything needs to be repairable and those materials need to be in greater supply (like sewing kits and duct tape were increased).  

    • Like 1

  4. 12 hours ago, DefectiveWater said:

    I have a genuine question regarding Linux servers. What would it mean for DayZ if it had Linux servers? Would it make hosting easier/better/cheaper and would it improve performance in some way?

    Not attacking or anything, just genuinely interested because I see people asking for Linux servers.

    yes linux server are cheaper to rent. each and every windows server "needs" a licensed copy of windows and msft charges based on the number of cores (which as passed down to end-users).  

    linux is free!


    • Thanks 1

  5. On 7/16/2022 at 1:00 PM, Riddick_2K said:

    Actually I don't have any "community", my servers have remained (almost) always offline (except for some tests with some friends). Now I would like to prepare one and also put it online. I would keep one offline for tests and trials and for the online one I would rent it from a provider, also because my "local" server (the one in my PC) is much better in terms of performance than those I find around (even for those who access it from outside, they tell me), but I can't get it to be seen outside. Whenever I invited someone, they could only come in with direct IP access after I gave it to them. It is not possible to manage a "public" server in this way...

    sounds like you didn't open/forward all the ports.  the usual ports are 2302, 8766, 27016 (all UDP). some people will claim some random range, but I can tell you 100% these are the only ports open/forwarded on my local test server and my public server. If you have changed any ports are unsure, locate the .RPT logifle and look for something like :  ” 8:01:05.592 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(c0a80121,8716,2302,27016,3,1.07.153006)” – The 2nd, 3rd, 4th values are the ports that need to open/forwarded(UDP).

    If you are going to support dayzsalauncher, it has a server app you need to run and it will need gameport+10 (TCP) open/forwarded. in this examples, that's 2312.

    if you are going to us an RCON base too, you'll need to set that in BEServer_x64_active_1599.cfg (where "_active_1599" will be different for your server) Add a line like "RConPort 2322"


    • Thanks 1

  6. On 6/17/2022 at 4:02 AM, Etrius_vanRandr said:



    I was hoping all of these things would be super rare, especially given the new usageflag=Unique, but they don't seem to be.

  7. 2 hours ago, Derleth said:

    Best way to avoid getting your xml edits overwritten on updates is to clone the mission files to a folder with a custom name, and point to that folder in the serverDZ.cfg. The second part after the dot needs to have the map name (e.g. .chernarusplus) but the first half you can name pretty much anything you want. Only the default missions (dayzOffline.chernarusplus and dayzOffline.enoch) will ever be updated when the server files are updated or validated.

    this is a great idea, plus use cfgeconomycore.xml where possible (it really should be extended to at least cfgeventspawns.xml & cfgeventgroups.xml

    • Like 1

  8. I feel like these forums need the "beating a dead horse thread". same people, same posts, same complaints every single release.  Of course if its NOT in the release notes, your first question should be to ask if its fixed. after that, please ask about some long standing open tickets, then please complain about the development team.  Seriously, direct your complaints to bohemia in general since they are the ones that need to bring more resources to the table.

    • Like 1

  9. another great list.

    1 - is a good use for existing materials.

    3,4 - yes.

    11, 31 - definitely.

    34 - I still want them nerfed too but this is good.

    37 - will change the game dynamic - awesome! 

    40 - Reminds me of the "infected camps" you would find randomly around the map in a2:dayzmod and the best place to find dome tents in that world.

    44 -  nice dynamic usage of the contaminated zones + existing models.

    50 - great, but there will be serious complaints.

    56 - very creative.

    57 - might be my favorite (since I suggested it,. lol)

    • Thanks 1

  10. On 5/2/2022 at 10:30 AM, Parazight said:

    I know that the PR manager said that testing of the new part of the engine, that handles car physics, would be happening ‘in the coming weeks’, but that was MONTHS ago. So I assume BI just abandoned that idea.   The vehicle physics are still worst in the industry, so please do not abandon this project like all the others.  

    I know it’s not the norm, but could the company follow up with some communication?  Maybe some interaction from the brand manager??  What’s going on with this???  THANKS!!!!!1!!1!1!

    +1 on this. in my company we sometimes talk about roadmap items in terms of quarters at least. Q3 maybe? I didn't hold my breath when that status went out, but considering they never say anything until its practically ready, I was hopeful. Now, not so much.

  11. On 4/25/2022 at 10:58 AM, Infernales said:

    Because Bohemia does everything for a very long time. I would also like to see the release of the server for Linux at least this year, but I doubt something.

    you may be right, but it seemed soclose when it was release on the EXP branch. why tease us?!

  12. 9 hours ago, Infernales said:

    I worked in a data center that provides server rentals. Of the 10,000 rental applications, only 15 are for servers with Windows. Now think for yourself.

    I worked for a large .COM that ran its entire public facing services on Windows. I've worked for 2 cloud companies that support both Windows and Linux, but what's your point again? 

    The usage of dayz servers on linux is currently 0, because it doesn't exist. everyone who rents a windows server, pays the m$ft tax, so I'm sure that regular server owners as well as GSPs would like to have a linux version (of course the GSP would pocket the savings, but... capitalism, lol).

  13. 45 minutes ago, Infernales said:

    Most likely it will take a very long time, because the server for Linux was added in version 1.14 of the experimental branch.
    In fact, it works stably, but for some reason it was not included in the stable branch.

    why do you think it will take a long time? it went EXP months ago. bugs have been found and reported. no update even in status lately. argh.
