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About PolishedGuy

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. PolishedGuy

    My 0.62 Experience

  2. Hypothermia can be a real threat right now, especially when it's raining. I've met a guy who had some problems with it, we went west together fighting cold. it ended up pretty badly for him. Over a week of editing turned into 20 minute video, some other encounters and pvp. I hope you enjoy it.
  3. PolishedGuy

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    The amount of infected has been decreased a little bit in the latest versions, nice to see something is being done about it. I don't expect to have an answer, but how's the work coming along regarding VOIP being too loud, and bringing back crack sounds? Besides vehicles, these are the two things I am missing/getting annoyed by the most.
  4. PolishedGuy

    The Apartment Alliance - DayZ 0.61

    Really interesting encounter I had recently on experimental. First you are opponents, then you are allies, and after that... I will leave it for those who are interested to watch. These kinds of situations are really what makes this game great. I hope you will enjoy the video. I worked on it for the whole week. If you didn't like something let me know, it always helps.
  5. PolishedGuy

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    https://dayz.com/blog/status-report-22-nov-2016 With new player character, the old physics will be ditched and we gain more freedom in implementation of infected as well. One more thing I would like to mention: alongside new synchronization for players, vehicles are being worked on too. Count in they are getting so much love implementation wise, so I hope we will be able to get some of these changes in 0.61 to make vehicles much more reliable and pleasant to drive.
  6. PolishedGuy

    My 0.61 Experience

    Let me know what you think. Worked on this for the last 3 days. I tried to show most of the new stuff and make it decently entertaining. If you haven’t had a chance to play 0.61 yet, I really recommend it. There's some stuttering/fps issues right now, but besides that it's a huge improvement. Especially regarding the sounds and zombie amounts. Hopefully the video shows it. Thanks for watching.