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Posts posted by ScipioII

  1. Bohemia's rules are the rules. 

    On the other hand, if someone pays for a server and  want's  to create a PvE world, let them.

    If the  Server name says "FRIENDLY" then abide by that rule! Don't be a jackass and KOS on a server where players expect a peaceful environment. If you suspect the server is a lootfarm, report it.

    It's not like that is the only server. There are hundreds of other servers where KOS is allowed and even encourage. Or pay for your own server and make you're own rules.


    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Solopopo said:


    Also, what exactly is bad about trying to introduce new players to the game? What exactly is bad about playing with noob players? They are very enthusiastic about the game and that enthusiasm is refreshing. I'm not ashamed of playing with them. I don't quite see what you are getting at. Without people like me the game would be pretty shitty for new players, and new players make up the majority of the people who are actively playing SA right now.


    @emuthreat is probably one of the best guides in Chernarus I had the pleasure of running with as a new player. He's forever picking up strays(new players) and showing them around and even give guided tours around his very impressive camps. 

    So I think there may be a misunderstanding at play here.


  3. Establish a small camp in the south-east quadrant and use that as a meeting point. Study the map, pick a spot and go from there.  The more you run to camp from the coast the easier it will get.

    The problem with suicide until we meet is that you do not gather experience that way. It used to take me several sessions and hours to get to my camp.  Now I can do that within an hour and I get there with a backpack full of stuff.

  4. I was doing some work yesterday and was watching my favourite streamer on my other monitor. This was for about an hour. He was very focused and coordinated in the beginning but as the time progressed you could see his focus was slipping and he was making mistakes.

    Several tents were pitched all over the base for no apparent reason.

    I knew it was all over when he randomly started chopping a tree down in the middle of Tisy base and then lost his prized Fireman's  ax after attacking a Z.  He ran over the ax at least twice without noticing it. A long wooden stick in it's place on his pack. A classic rookie survivor mistake (Remember kids, always check for wooden sticks on your back after chopping a tree down)

    Soon after that, while running around with a truck battery(??) he was attacked and shot down before he could even get his FAL in hand to defend himself. 

    A tragic and unnecessary death of a great survivor if you ask. Al of this could have been prevented if we kept the beer drinking restricted to camp.

    So let this be a warning kids, do not temp fate by running around in Chernarus under the influence. We lost a great one yesterday.

    RIP my friend. 

    • Like 8

  5. 8 hours ago, emuthreat said:

    I've noticed that the area East of Sverograd and North of Zelenogorsk is underserved by firehouses.

    Toploniki and Vybor should each have a fire station.

    The response times from the NWAF firehouse are unacceptable. Stary and Novy can burn to the ground for all I care, but the NW corridor needs some more prudent fire safety measures.

    Do you mean West of Sverograd?

    I agree and make the NorthWesterners pay more taxes to fund it!

    Never mind, they are all super lazy and infected.

  6. 1 hour ago, IMT said:

    It seems like a great solution but it's actually not. After about 100 meters you need a repeater or a switch so that the signal doesn't drop making it possibly even worse than a sattelite connection.

    Very true, it was more of a tongue in cheek comment. The fact that BCBasher is so close but yet so far must be frustrating. Line of site WiFi or fiber optic will be a solution. All doable and "relatively" inexpensive as far as equipment goes. Line of site wifi from C.Crane with up to 24Mbps over 3 miles will run you ~$450US.

    But I do not want to hijack the thread! 

    • Like 1

  7. On 3/14/2017 at 9:15 AM, BCBasher said:

    Doesn't matter, the rural area I live in is about a thousand feet from where broadband service ends so were stuck with cell modems/tether or satellite, </snip>

    @BCBasher Maybe you should invest in this : https://www.cablewholesale.com/products/bulk-cable/cat-5/product-10x6-822nh.php. But If I could I would sacrifice broadband access for living in the woods.

    I'm in the habit of scoping out towns before entering. Coming back after a 6months+ break from Dayz I made the mistake of shooting a z in town. There was none to be seen before I entered. I was beaten to a pulp. Lesson learned. 


    • Like 3

  8. Sad news! But I do understand. 

    I have been unable to play due to work/family etc. And then my PC crapped out. I have a new mobo and will get that in in a few weeks. 

    My guess is I will start playing when the server gets back ;-) Hopefully before that though. With winter coming I will have more time available.

    Thank you(@eno, @schwaBAM) for the server! And Thank you @emuthreat for letting me run with you and showing me some neat stuff!


  9. I've been all in on AMD for 16 years now. No breakages, no issues. My current setup R9 280X and AMD 8350 runs dayz smooth as silk And when I'm not playing they fold for cures at Folding@home. So my all AMD machine practically runs 24/7 at full blast with no issues. 

    This current setup (R9 280X and AMD 8350) has been running like this since 05/2014. I did replace the stock fan on the CPU and a couple of case fans.

    So S3V3N i can highly recommend AMD because of my experiences. And you get more bang for your buck. Finances permitting I will upgrade to the new generation of AMD GPU's, by then the full line-ups will be available and the problems sorted out. 

  10. I played .60 stable for the first time last night ( I did play experimental .60). Spawned in close to Kamenka. Started looting through Kamenka and then ran to Komarovo and found enough canned food and soda to silence my grumbling belly. Not too much, just enough to take the orange away. Finding clothing, weapons and ammo was fairly easy, matching weapons to ammo is a different story!  I found a MP5 and a RAK in the police station but  no clips for either. I do have 9mm, shotgun and 5.56 ammo. 

    Down by the buildings on the docks Komarovo I found an offroad hatchback with 1 wheel missing. A third  wheel was in the trunk and I saw one in a shed. I got the offroad on the road to Pavlovo. Just past the gate to the military base I decided to call it quits and drove into the woods to hide the hatchback.  Bad call. This morning I had a half hour to myself end logged in to see if I could drive to the Myshkino tents to make life easier when I play again, but my vehicle was gone. Server or thief?

    Oh well, the thing was a bitch to drive anyway. My aim now is to see if I can get hunting and fishing. Twice I saw deer and I'm eager to bag one. 

    It was fun as usual.

  11. The changes is what keeps me interested in the game. The only other game I was ever hooked on was Warcraft. (not WoW! that is garbage!) Once Dayz hits stable and no new stuff happens I will probably get tired of it and stop playing. 

    Embrace the changes!

    @NewPlayer80If what you say is true(brain injury and struggling financially) pm me and I will refund your $30 and you keep your steam and Dayz.

    Good luck man.

    Edit: Finally figured out the @ player tag!

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  12. I was on my way to Msta as a fresh spawn, when I was apprehended by two squeakers. They started talking, or more like taunting then proceeded to punch me out. Thank's too super short attention spans they lost interest and when I came too they were gone. I did get this pic of them.


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  13. 36 minutes ago, drooler said:

    What a surprise OH HEY .60 is back up O wait NM fucking pathetic I am going to go demand my money back for this game since the dev's clearly don't give 2 shits about getting even a playable version out.People on twitch playing this right now but I cant even see a god damn server FUCKING pathetic I hope more folks get sick of waiting for this garbage as well I hope this game fails due to the devs taking their sweet ass time you deserve to fail you truly due

    The game is playable. Do some basic trouble shooting before ranting here.

    - Check for ID-10-T errors between the chair and the keyboard.

    - Reboot.

    - Go have a beer. (if of legal status else prefix root)

    • Like 2

  14. 8 minutes ago, Noctoras said:

    I honestly couldn't care less, since tomorrow morning I will be on a plane to Cuba and internet in Cuba is ... well, a rare and precious thing ;)


    I hope nonetheless that BI gives her customers a treat and puts the servers up, be it in the last stable unstable version or with a new build

    Business or pleasure? I would like to see Cuba before the big inevitable mass commercialization starts.

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