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Posts posted by THEGordonFreeman

  1. 1 hour ago, penguin511 said:

    Yes it's taken a long time to get here. 

    4 YEARS GUY!  That's how long cars have been broken.  That's right, they have been broken long before the words Covid-19 became part of our lexicon.  You think cutting them any slack is going to make a difference?   My goal has been to educate every potential player looking to buy the game.  They should know cars work maybe 25% of the time, they should know serverr exploits due to the lack of database security wrecks community and official servers.  They should know hackers thrive on ESP in the game.   I will not stop asking questions.  I will not stop holding BI's feet to the fire when they continuously do the same crap over adn over again.  Launch a piss poor excuse of a patch and expect everything to be smoothed over with a shiny new weapon they added.  They do this ALL THE TIME. 

    Look, I run DayZ servers, I have over 20,000 hours in the game between two steam accounts.  I am a DayZ junkie.  I love the game in SPITE of BI's lackluster development.  I'm putting together a killer server on the Chiemsee map.  We've come up with a  great way to keep bases under control and our mod developer is finalizing this cool mod we are going 5to use on our server then give it to the community for FREE.  No one is forcing me to play this... I don't need a reset, I am clear eyed what is happening, I've been involved here since the mod days so if you choose to look at DayZ with rose-colored glasses, that's YOUR PROBLEM.  Don't try to play off real concerns shared by many as "the devs are doing their best cut them some slack."  Dude... that ship definitely sailed with the one month Beta, then Release debacle.  You need to do some research and KNOW the history of the development of the game, it played out RIGHT here and on Reddit.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, DefectiveWater said:

    I'm not a dev so idk. Players leaving just because it's night time isn't good for the game.

    That has been a thing for a long time.  We combat that by putting up one or two strategic street lamps in early tier 1 and 2 towns and increased the number of flash lights and glow sticks in those areas as well.  Solved that problem.

    • Beans 1

  3. 51 minutes ago, DefectiveWater said:

    That's been one of my issues of long dark nights that are in vanilla, and it's clearly affecting a lot of people too. Once night starts, the server pop just plummets.

    I really like the idea of dark nights, but they don't offer much in terms of gameplay. New players especially will get completely lost in the night.
    Nights are a huge part of DayZ gameplay loop, but vanilla dark nights (that last an hour might I add) are just uninspiring and flawed.

    So what would you change to nights to make them less flawed and inspiring?

  4. 29 minutes ago, rackinglad27 said:

    I haven't had a problem with cars since the update. Been driving around in a truck for a couple of days now and I've been hitting 60-65 with no trouble. 

    Playing on a server by yourself is not a very good test of the new vehicles... just sayin'

  5. 4 hours ago, Vasya Pupkins said:

    Aren't you worried that cars have stopped driving normally at all? They are constantly thrown to the sides and it is impossible to drive, please fix the cars normally!!! And so thanks for the updates. I'm really looking forward to fixing cars!!!

    When have cars ever been normal?  It's like, the developers have decided that they can put out huge maps and just throw in cars that will either get destroyed if they encounter a flea in the air, or fly like they have been summoned by Harry Potter,  or just outright kill the player for no reason at all.  I've been at this so long that I honestly think they sit around a campfire at night and smoke weed and laugh their asses off at all the videos of players dying by vehicles.

    Give them hope, then slap them down!  Hey Spanel, pass that blunt!   <takes a toke>   Yeah, that's good shit right there.  Stupid players thinking a car is useful.... LOL!!!!! HAHAHA <cough><cough>!

    • Like 1

  6. 57 minutes ago, intrTek_Alan said:

    What a fiasco this is... they supposedly fix one thing and three other things break. Now there are two columns of vehicle gauges down the left side of the screen, and there is absolutely no mention of the inventory screen not remembering it's positions, last accessed view. 

    Worst of all, the "Oh, well, that's Dayz..." mindset, attitude, is simply sad. These mistakes should not be tolerable. The updates are being pushed too quickly; are barely half done at best. That helps neither the developers or players, and does great harm to the integrity of the game. 

    Welcome to DayZ development... enjoy the ride.  Our vehicles fly and our bullets magically get stopped by tree branches.  Have fun!

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  7. 1 hour ago, Parazight said:


    gloves don’t wring out very well in real life anyway.   If you put them on the floor by a fireplace it literally takes 5 seconds to dry completely. In fact, drying clothes on the floor near a fire is probably overpowered right now. 

    But @Parazight!  The casuals don't have attention spans longer than that.  That's why they are on their phones constantly swiping up on Tic Tok, they are conditioned for this type of gameplay.  it's important, that's what DayZ is all about now.  Don't say anything to the contrary or the mean ol mods here may take offense.

  8. 6 hours ago, Fing said:

    I'm going to have to call it a day with 1.19.  The gameplay has totally gone.  I really don't like that things are damaged so quickly, I'm down to my last spark plug and that is almost gone, cars do drive nicely, but they don't stay around for that long.  Usually, after a day of driving, if that and something is fucked on the car that you can no longer drive, it's back to being on foot and a long search for the fucked part.  The only player on the server with a low ping rate and is still unstable.  I expect problems with updates as I have been playing for 6 years and have tolerated much, but this is a really bad update are we going to have 3 months of this with no fixes?

    OH! How wrong you are!  Today, they fixed the misalignment of Widgets on the quickbar!  (/sarcasm off) I get what you are saying, I've stuck through this BS for almost 9 years now.  I don't understand why they released this patch with so many issues not ironed out, ESPECIALLY WITH THE VEHICLES, again, they are nearly unusable, and the answer is for server owners to make sure they spawn with tires.  LOL!  This is not the first time they have recommended this to server owners and I find it funny that they claim to make a step forwards only to take steps backward simply because they didn't fully vet this patch.... YET AGAIN.

    I know software development is hard, I work in IT.  I was a software project manager for many years, and one thing I learned is that if the customers are constantly yelling at you that you are giving them crap, you need to fix your internal testing methodology.  What you guys are and have been doing is a complete joke.  You are your own worst enemy.  Please stop this vicious cycle of fix, test 5 minutes and release.  I know this patch was on experimental for awhile, and should have STAYED on it until the vehicles worked reliably. 

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  9. But that's not what he is talking about.  The big problem is when you first log in on console, many times you can see through walls for several seconds because the server is lagged to shit, most of the official console servers are absolute garbage spec wise and over provisioned.  I bet quite a few of them use spinning disks rather than SSD's, but they are pretty much garbage and so the game takes forever to load everything in and you can watch people moving around and call out their locations to your buddies simply by logging out and logging back in.

    The other is you can either lay or stand a certain way against a wall and push your weapon through and kill someone on the other side of the wall.  This was fixed on PC.



  10. Not to derail this thread, but it is true that the direction of this game, the direction players (meaning PC Players) wanted and were in lock step with the original development team on, suddenly change when the console money grab occurred to a more watered down direction, because DayZ has always been a long play game.... not a casual play game.  But there was no way BI could hope for success on Console without making serious changes, not only in game mechanics but in the direction of the game itself to get the casuals on board.  Many people have argued with me about this, and I stress, go back and read the old posts, they are still on this forum in black and white and you can CLEARLY see the transition and how the hardcore community built around the game lambasted BI for this 180.

    Of all the mistakes this development has made over the last 9 years, console inclusion was the WORST!  The game has suffered, the gameplay has suffered.  DayZ has and always will be an "almost" great game.  It will never truly live up to it's potential.  That is a cold, hard fact.


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  11. 3 hours ago, Parazight said:

    What's the plan, ScottyB?

    When are they gonna fix cars?  I thought that was in the works.  When are we going to be able to pick up chickens again?  I saw your video for 1.19.  Real artsy.  Do you have any practical skills that relate to being a brand manager?  Because the brand is a mess.   We're way, way out of beta now and the game's ballistics are being reworked.  The core part of the game.   As Early Alpha subscribers, we were sold on the idea that DayZ would represent realistic ballistic values.   We're years past official release.  Why are we still changing the very core elements that the game must obviously be balanced around? 

    We were warned about possible bad design issues but were led to believe that such issues would be ironed out.   When are vehicles going to be in an acceptable state?   Can we get some information?  Is this the final iteration of car physics?   I'm sorry if you answered these questions on some other youtube video or podcast, but I don't watch that nonsense.  I assumed going to the Official dayz website for information about dayz was the right approach.

    All great questions.....  And one I will add... when will the server exploit be fixed that has caused MUCH harm to community servers where ANYONE with a third grade education can connect to the server and write junk to the database?  Many community servers are being held hostage by scripting asshats because there is a mind boggling simple tool out there free in the wild that lets them takeover and shut down servers because there is no database security in place.  And like Parazight asked... when will the cars be fixed? (a question that has been out there for 4 years now?)

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  12. We were warned by WOBO that on servers with high pop and poor performance that this would happen,  But on the server we are about to launch, with FPS running at a buttery smooth 8700, we got flying vehicles.  No bases, nothing wierd, about 10 vehicles spawn on the server, and while we were testing yesterday, the car hit a fence and went out of sight in the air.  I was watching server FPS at the time at happened.  Nobody was lagging, my ping is 20 ms because the server is on my network.  BI sure knows how to instill confidence in it's player base with these amazing patches.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Pyongo Bongo said:

    Even the developers give me that feel too often, the small detonator range, not being able to move IEDs or pick them up/carbombs, the grenadelauncher not having working ironsights with zeroing, denial of RPGs and possibly underbarrel grenadelaunchers.

    People always want to be safe in DayZ the game all about being vulnerable and ultimate freedom. Stronger bases, less deadly weapons (unusable thump-ironsight), inhumanly tough survivors, less punishing mechanics, ingame maps and party systems and restrictions of what players can do (to other players) is a huge part of what people ask for IN DAYZ of all games.

    Another huge part is bikes and bows ofcourse xD

    There is no way to balance base building and raiding in Vanilla..... NONE!  It takes a while to build a base, and doesn't take much in the way of explosives to enter one.  Concrete and metal building should have made it to vanilla to counter explosives, but oh well, BI!  Always leaving it up to modders to do the real work.  I work really hard to make base raiding challenging on my servers.  But I have to mod the shit out of it to make it fair.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Parazight said:

    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If the goal was to optimize the code then why would they put cars server side to begin with????

    Because BI decided to compromise performance for security measures instead of letting their anti cheat system do its job. That’s why. That’s why they are server side. They knew this when they assembled the engine. Now it’s WAY too late to fix it properly.  Cars still shit the bed except now it’s just easier to clean up. Cars perform the same but only recover slightly better. 

    The only way to truly fix cars is to completely reassemble the game. Total fail on the part of marek spanel. This company deserves a real board of directors and not some clown driving it. 

    Yep, a bunch of children were making cars fly.... BI's response, screw the script kiddies, we will make our own cars fly!

  15. 4 hours ago, Parazight said:

    While driving, the wheels of a car eventually go back to home position when you're not turning the steering wheel.  This seems to work fine while driving forward.  I don't think this is happening while in reverse.  Something is different, but the old controls for going in reverse felt more responsive.  Reverse is very fast now.


    We don't need a soft brake and a hard brake.  Just one brake.  Feathering the hard brake in the past was optimal in order to control speed.  Needing two fingers to hard brake is cumbersome, especially when soft braking rarely occurs.   I drove around in an Olga a lot during experimental.  Most of the time I was just coasting everywhere @~ 60 km/h, with hard braking whenever I went downhill.


    Agreed, ditch the soft brake....no one will be using it anyway.
