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Pyongo Bongo

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  1. Pyongo Bongo

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    I think the christmas event is very funny. But I also prefer not to have such immersion and also gameplay breaking events. I think it would be an improvement if the events were more time limited. I'd say one week for christmas and one weekend, maybe one day for Halloween would be a good compromise between funny event and hardcore immersion. I'd limit the loot pool under the trees to gift paper, christmas clothes and candy canes, the canes shouldn't give you 3000 calories xD I'd also remove the night vision from the pumpkin helmet and add a vision limiting effect like in minecraft or DayZ with the welding mask. The abundand C4, grenades, food aswell as the nvg capability of the pumpkins really messes with the games loot economy and overall feel. Imagine you are very busy and finally have some time to play DayZ because of the holidays, but the game is not apocalyptic feeling at all during that time. In the past I was not looking forward to playing between october and december, because of these events coming pretty close to eachother and lasting a while. Emotionally xD I don't remember the actual factual durations. Imagine you have 1 week christmas vacation and you are a basebuilder. Have fun! Every freshie has two C4 burritos under their christmas sweater. While I don't build bases, I'd like to mention that bases being too easy to raid is an often heard complaint. I totally disagree that bases are easy to raid, but during christmas it is absolutely true and unnecessarily easy. Why does christmas have to come hand in hand with an abundance of base raiding supplies? It's not fun to raid bases if I know it's extremely easy only because of the event.
  2. Pyongo Bongo

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    You are wrong. The weapons are attached by magnetic force. The survivors are magnetic.
  3. Pyongo Bongo


    I heard "every cigarette takes four minutes off your life" somewhere. And I just googled the average human lifespan, 73.16 years. So if every cigarette takes 4 minutes off your life, smoking a cigarette takes 0,0037968531680943% off your life. It would be extremely realistic (NOT! :D) and funny if smoking a cigarette in-game did 0,0037968531680943 damage points to your character, and it would un-promote smoking IRL to see your health bar litterally go down as you smoke 😄 But it wouldn't disturb your game since the damage is only 0,0037968531680943 of your life bar per cigarette. I think smoking a whole pack in a row should make your character puke. Then you could force someone at gunpoint to smoke a whole pack of baad baad unhealthy cigarettes and make them puke. EVIL! Don't smoke, kids!
  4. Pyongo Bongo

    Opinions on new loot changes

    I think being constructive is geat 🙂 The developers get a mountain of "lividness" for anything and everything, that may motivate them, but is more likely to demotivate them. I think it's best to think of how our problem can be fixed and to try to present that to the devs, here or on the feedback tracker or youtube. Or you can write a letter xD I don't like the new (and old) loot restrictions either. They do add a little bit more character to the setting of each map and we still have a fun variety of guns and clothes to use, (here comes the constructivity:) I think it would be an improvement if instead of hard restrictions, we had... ok I'll just copy and paste my text from another post, it's too time consuming to write this out every time:
  5. Pyongo Bongo

    What are your thoughts on Sakhal?

    I played maybe 20 hours on Sahkahl, I have not played the most recent or upcoming overhaul update or read the patchnotes. Quick summary of my opinion, which will be fleshed out in the spoiler window below: -Beautiful map! -I like having the option to play on an ice cold map with a lot of "survival chore" gameplay and emptyness, but I won't be playing there often because of that. I wouldn't want the map to be watered down with action and POIs everyhwere and warm temperatures and/or easy food - The bunker is VERY cool, I'd like the *spoiler* "scientist quest" to open it to be more authentic and less obviously gamey
  6. Pyongo Bongo

    Let perma death be perma death

    I think servers should have the option to set long respawn timers. A one hour respawn timer would completely fix peiple running back to fights/their body and allow bodies to have a more authentic 1-hour time bfeore they need to be deleted by the server.
  7. Pyongo Bongo

    Russian roulette

    Russian roulette was in the game for years :) I hope we get it back, it was always funny to play with strangers.
  8. Pyongo Bongo

    Performing actions more slowly should be silent/quiet

    Maybe holding down the shift or ctrl button could slow down and silence the action. :)
  9. Pyongo Bongo

    Why Bohemia?

    I like the change. DayZ from 2014 to 2019 had a fraction of the pre 1.26 inventory size and I can't remember anyone complaining. It seems a lot more reasonable and believable now and you can better estimate what kind of firearm someone could realistically be conceiling. I play on PC, so it may be different than on console.
  10. Pyongo Bongo

    Revert the Nerf

    Wether I agree or disagree with this, they did make the game A LOT more believable 🙂 And they made it a lot easier to predict what kind of weapons someone could possibly be hiding. No more bayoneted 3 meter long mosins conceiled inside backpacks xD
  11. Pyongo Bongo

    Revert the Nerf

    I like it it's more believable now and you make more decisions based on inventory space and clothing
  12. Pyongo Bongo

    Different NVGs and 380 ACP in 9mm pistol

    It would be hilarious if you could load any type of ammo which fits. Especially if the guns would sometimes explode from that. I have wished for this too :)
  13. Pyongo Bongo

    DayZ Frostline Release

    I played for 2.5 hours yesterday. It was a hilarious arctic homelessness simulation, really worth the money. I absolutely LOVE the new terrain and weather hazards and diseases. I had to laugh so hard as SPOILER a homeless man lead us (dehydrated homeless men) to a sulfuric hot spring where we warmed up. He jumped in naked and got cooked alive. I had to laugh as we ate a mountain of polluted snow to survive, then ran back to warm up next to the hotspring like gigantic single celled extremophile organisms. I had to laugh as i became deaf from eating tons of polluted snow. I had to laugh as we wrapped our faces in dirty rags we made from dead homeless peoples clothes to protect us from the -999° temperature, as we ate caviar in a moldy wooden shed. I had to laugh as we climbed the huge mountain to find a dead homeless person in a crater with poisonous hot volcanic gas blasting out, being blasted in the face as I tried to loot his body and quickly scurrying away. I love it so far :D
  14. Pyongo Bongo

    Baikal MP-153 (BK-153)

    Sure it looks cool and fits the setting 🙂 And it's badass 🙂 I am not a fan of tier restrictions, so I'd have it spawn possibly spawn in literally every single loot space which can fit a shotgun. But more rare / common depending on how reasonable and "balanced" it would be to find. So you can find it in the Kamyshovo kiosk, but the chance is way better that you'd find it in the pd. And if the devs really insist on having artificial restrictive loot progression to force a certain gameplay loop, give it a good chance to spawn in the Novaya Petrovka PD or in the Tisy hunter camp, and really low chance to spawn in the Kamy PD. I wouldn't call this OP "balance" wise if it's straight up a BK133 that is semi auto, because it's a gun that exists. And it would make sense if it's rarer than the existing pump/single/double barrels since I'd assume semi autos are rarer IRL too based on laws and higher price.
  15. Pyongo Bongo


    The downside of this is spoilers everywhere and people knowing every little detail on day 1 of release, discouraging teaming up.