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50 Good


About Airfield

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  • Gender
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    Stuck in a wall
  • Interests
    I. Gaming
    II. Writing
    III. Collecting
    IV. Reading
    V. Shoplifting

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  • Bio
    Name: Patrick

    Location: Indiana

    Favorite System: PC

    Favorite Game: Garry's Mod (USED to be DayZ)

    TF2 Inventory Value: $1753.66 (as of 8/29/14)

    Favorite YouTuber: kyrsp33dy

    Favorite Genre(s) Of Music: Dubstep (Brutal, House, Scratch)

    Favorite Book: The Ashfall Trilogy

    And lastly, my long list of favorite T.V. shows:

    -Boondocks -Pawn Stars -Sunday Morning
    -Robot Chicken -Shark Tank -FOX 49 News
    -Walking Dead -Airplane Repo -Loiter Squad
    -Breaking Bad -VICE -Tosh.0
  1. Airfield

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    HA, 200 IQ. That's laughable in all honesty. I'm going to give him a generous ball park of 70-80?
  2. Airfield

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    In all honesty, Dean really did NOT have a vision. The whole concept of a zombie survival horror game is not new, its just he was the first to make it popular and as emerging. Dean had the idea of adding zombies to Arma, his development team did the rest. Also, am I the only one who is INCREDIBLY bothered by the fact that on the bottom of the standalone home page, where they have copyright info, etc. that it says "Created by Dean Hall"? What has he done other then mislead a development team and not be active in any sort of way other then when needed, and is about to bail on the project without even a words notice or formal recognition.
  3. Airfield

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Nobody says its ALL about crafting, that's just what your going basing what we are arguing off of. We are trying to simply state that the game is highly based on social interaction, and people like you quite literally squelch the whole social aspect that DayZ has become so popular for. So please, do not be confused, nobody is saying the game is about crafting, it is about social interacting, and when more features are added, possibly wilderness survival or gang wars. And lets face it, I can say for sure that you are not going down in glory, your probably camping the rocks, firing on defenseless fresh spawns, and then for no apparent reason other then to have people hate you, you go about telling it to everyone on the forums. Also, on 2 other irrelevant notes. Your profile says your 34, which is complete bogus. You spell like a mentally impaired child and play the same as well. Again, I really DO NOT think you have any sort of business coming on these forums, as you have little to no respect for contributing to the KOS problem that we had so much hope wouldn't carry over to SA. Heated regards kiddo.
  4. Airfield

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    DayZ was created to be a realistic, post-apocalyptic survival horror. But, of course, immature adolescence as yours truly come and ruin what little potential the game has. You get so self-absorbed in killing others because there is nothing else to do, but don't realize that there really are other things out there. Have you ever tried once not duping or server hopping and killing fresh spawns? Have you ever tried playing legit and helping out fellow survivors? This game is hugely based on social interaction, and for every time you KOS someone, that is one more person to have trust issues, and one more person to start KOS'ing. Eventually, 3/4 of the population will KOS, and by then no stories will be made. No interactions will happen, the whole concept and feel of DayZ will be gone. Meh, you seem a tad bit too dim headed. Let's just say, don't waste your time on these forums, you have lost all respect from me, comrades, and most people who read your comments. Heated regards kiddo
  5. Airfield

    Out of Range! Help needed!

    Also, ok. I fixed the blur, but now there is a big, translucent gray box that makes up 3/4 of my screen, its the caht box.
  6. Airfield

    Out of Range! Help needed!

    Not trolling. IT was a valid argument.
  7. Airfield

    Out of Range! Help needed!

    I fixed it, I am playing on maxed settings with 1080, but now the screen is all blurry, and I am a fresh spawn so its not anything related to health in game
  8. Airfield

    Out of Range! Help needed!

    As soon I boot the game it has the ASUS logo and Out of Range in a box that is glitching around the screen!
  9. Airfield

    Out of Range! Help needed!

    So, I was kind of changing my resolution which is something I never mess with, and all of a sudden my game crashed. I rebooted and all it says is VGA Out of Range. I have a 27 inch ASUS monitor. I uninstalled and reinstalled DayZ and it still doesnt work. How do I change my res. to normal so it wont happen.
  10. Then why don't you bear the pain of trial and error. Most of us died an excess of 50 times before we got the hang of it. But none of us bitched about the obvious difficulty and hardship. So please, don't spam threads. if you are raging, dont make an announcement about it, its really not needed. K, thx
  11. You wont starve for a minimum of 30 minutes, usually an hour or so. Don't lie.
  12. Airfield

    Lock Vertical FOV

    Good idea. I have experienced times when this feels like it should have been implemented.
  13. Airfield

    Character Independence and Gear

    I was always curious about how they are going to deal with new life realism, but I never quite thought of the body being invisible to the dead survivor being a thought. Its a good idea, I'm going to think about how I like it or not. Its... interesting.
  14. Airfield

    A Real Hardcore Mode wishlist

    This would definitely spice it up a bit. I think making the game more challenging could possibly result in a SLIGHT decrease in player boredom which equals KOS. If they are focused more on surviving, that would help a LOT.
  15. I really don't think there is any way to avoid the eminent. And in all honestly, you can only get SO geared. I am the only one I feel that should fret over the wipe, as I have a decked Mosin with a bipod that I got off a bandit, a tactical vest, full TTSKO, 400 rounds, and a p73 RAK