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HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

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About HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Status Report - 26 Apr 2016

    Big thanks to SMoss for the mention! Cam's got some skills but you devs are the ones making it happen! I look forward to 0.6 and all the builds to come! Keep up the great work!
  2. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Back To The Start - 1PP

    Hey! I just posted this too! You straight up captured the beauty that is interaction in DayZ. A damn fine video sir, you should be proud. Keep em coming
  3. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    One of the best DayZ vids I've seen to date

    I personally go for the immersive experience and really value videos that can capture (even a small glimpse of) what makes DayZ such a great game. Immersion and Interaction This video has it all
  4. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    A Home for Christmas [9:37]

    Great Vid Rene, Merry Christmas man. Love the choice for home base, where's that church at? I've been there a few times in the past but don't remember where exactly. Now that I've upgraded my pc, I wanna visit it for some screenshots. Hope you're enjoying the holidays!
  5. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Charater gone

    Was this on stable or Experimental? I ask because the same thing happened to a friend of mine on EXP. I wasn't next to him when he logged so it's possible he got killed, but then again it could be a 0.59 issue as there was a massive drop in performance around that time.
  6. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Oak tree location? Black leather sack?

    Nails? Why nails? I may not be the most experience individual when it comes to dyes and such, but that just doesn't seem right.
  7. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Found a pitched (civ) tent in the center of Mishkino tents, so they're in. Also scored an SVD but can't find a mag anywhere. Found several VSS mags, no VSS and here I have an SVD, no mags. FML
  8. When they redo the player controls and melee, that knife may be an option. I've killed a few with screwdrivers and sticks. All about the poke/stab weapons, slashing gets you a one way ticket back to the coast.
  9. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    You put a ticket in the feedback tracker? If not, you should. That's a first in my book, hope you get it fixed soon.
  10. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    Looks like the uploader took down the original vid. Can it be found anywhere else?
  11. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    1) Awesome! Really looking forward to it. Fingers crossed the new player controller adds to it as well and stealth becomes more flushed out (still remember rolling sideways/vaulting in the mod to move silently). 2) Guess I was wondering if it was going to be tracked individually and/or have any need for interaction? Ruined/trash works for me, good server performance and everybody wins! 3) Ok, might be cool to have some sorta cost to a failed animation (for key items/uses) Ex: Lockpicks (breaks/damages item or makes more noise) or repairing tires (putting it on too loose causing the tire to fall off after a short period of time). 4) Increased player cap, I like that. Makes me think that'll lead to less 1PP servers diluting the (already slim) pop. Thus force players to a populated server rather than spread out amongst several (even if linked to 1 hive). Time will tell. Thanks for putting in the time to reply. Looking forward to 0.59 and beyond! Here's a DayZ/MGSV poster I put together for a wallpaper - full image here: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156341-lets-post-some-screen-shots-standalone/page-105 Figured it would help say good job/thanks
  12. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Not exactly a screenshot, more like a few (and other stuff too) mashed together. Figured this was the best place for it (correct me if I'm wrong). Shoutout to Tatanko who was a big help with it and whose character gave his life to supply the Rify screenshot. RIP Hope you all enjoy it!
  13. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    "volume balance changes, with different shoe/boot types" and the vehicle destruction sounds/looks great! I'm assuming shoe/boot changes will give rise to footwear like the leather moccasins for stealth and combat boots/hiking boots for durability. If that's correct, I'm looking forward to it! Is the vehicle destruction system similar to the ragdoll system we currently have? If so will damaged/broken parts (doors/hoods) be accessible upon falling off? Any of the parts salvageable after falling off? In regards to the animation/item interaction changes: Any sort of negative effects (planned/known) that can occur when letting said key go too soon while interacting with a specific item? What are you/the team looking forward too most with the upcoming 0.59 update? Edit: Oh and one for down the line. Is transitioning from .PBO to .FBX format still planned?
  14. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)


    BeefBacon is right many of the new animations will help. I also think another form of tagging could be cool. Like tagging animals (for research purposes n stuff). Could be a cool mechanic with the introduction of tranq guns and a GPS. Knock em out, tag their ear (or something) and set em free. That way you could follow em back to their base or stash.
  15. HugoStiglitz (DayZ)

    Night Vision in Standalone

    Editted some 0.58 footage I captured at night and fondly remember NVGs in the mod. Any thoughts on the idea of bringing them back? Pros vs cons? I for one am looking forward to it, but never want TWS. Never...