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About Parazight

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    Coast Rat

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    :pink raincoat and fire extinguisher loot 'splosion

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  1. Parazight

    Car crashed

    Cars will always be a problem. Moving cars back to client side would probably mean they'd have to rebuild the entire game. It's been like this forever. The team decided to put cars server side in order to mitigate cheaters. Instead of just optimizing the code, they compromised performance by prioritizing anti cheat measures. Does this make sense? Of course not. Should have relied on their original plan of making a game that could be modded and then maintained by individual server administrators. Instead of optimizing code, they decided to fight bad actors on official servers. LOOK HOW GREAT THAT TURNED OUT. Community servers have active admins to fight bad actors but now we have vehicles that will kill people randomly when you drive into a stop sign going 10 km/hr. Worthless security measures are obviously more important than having a smooth gameplay experience.
  2. Parazight

    1.27 Experimental Release

    I like the new boat decay. make it 2 weeks.
  3. These all seem fine for a mod. The base game is intended to be a survival type game. What you're suggesting isn't really necessary for survival. I suggest getting a pc and trying out modded versions of the game.
  4. Parazight

    How To Fix the Pity Party of Dayz

    This isn't an inherent 'problem' it's designed that way. Just stop. Forcing a player off of a server when they die is a terrible idea. The thing that you see as a problem is not actually a problem. The game isn't broken just because you get bored. Learn to create your own missions. Create your own goals. Create interesting social interactions. Everybody doesn't consider the game to be stale. Boring people get easily bored.
  5. Parazight

    How To Fix the Pity Party of Dayz

    There's a ton of drastic changes proposed here. I'm not sure your ideas will work to change player behavior. You're simply not going to be able to change player behavior at all unless there's some sort of karma system implemented, which won't happen in vanilla. Dayz was originally conceptualized by Hall to be a social experiment. It failed. Gamers recognize that killing someone in real life is morally wrong. In real life, there are actual consequences. In DayZ, there are no actual consequences, so the social experiment fails. Normal, otherwise good people, can commit wonton murder without any moral repercussions. They do that in DayZ because they can't in real life. It's morally acceptable to kill other people in a sandbox that only has players and ways to kill other players. This is why no amount of 'playing with the numbers' is going to change how people behave on the servers. Your proposed changes will only lead to more chaos.
  6. Parazight

    Rubber Boat attachment slot

    For the Rubber Boat, there should be an attachment slot for a Drybag Backpack near the front. If the slot is empty, someone can sit there. Drybag only. (no girly alice bags) With a Drybag, you could also have a glowstick, which would be nice to have on the boat. Also, need more ambient stone spawns on medium sized islands on Sakhal.
  7. The developers, for the most part, are great people just doing their jobs. Naturally, they're gluttons for punishment, as they've chosen to work in the gaming industry.
  8. Parazight

    Filtering bottle

    Should it be repairable? These types of things are about $100 USD each and are not really serviceable in real life. If you sent a real filtering bottle back to the manufacturer, they would throw it away and just replace it as the polymers used are not 'fixable'.
  9. Parazight

    Opinions on new loot changes

    So your all caps argument is that we need to have all the guns on all of the vanilla maps because of immersion. Somehow you think this makes sense and everyone else also feels this way. Maybe you should drop that dumb console and graduate to a PC.
  10. Kyiara has always been this clueless, unfortunately. Kyiara says that codelocks require power. This is total bullshit. Also 'reasons' is the excuse that people give when they are terrible at their jobs. Either they can't figure it out, they made colossal errors in their engine, or they're lying to consumers. Metal wires as hinges. The entire Kuru mechanic. Putting cars server side for no decent reason. All nonsense. LoL!
  11. Because Spanel is a moron. Let's talk about the decision to move cars server side. Let's talk about the revolving door the employees face. Let's talk about how they've made a blame circle with BattleEye so that their horseshit game will always be infested with nefarious players. Let's talk about how development was stifled for years because they couldn't even hire an entry level animator. Promises Broken. We're still in development. I joined this stupid forum 10 years ago and we're still in development. BI is the poster child for garbage LLCs.
  12. Parazight

    SAKHAL: Random player Feedback (1/2)

    Bro, they stopped using the term "CLE" like, 7 years ago. Most points here are okay. Running through the forest is still like a video game, and nowhere near real life.
  13. Parazight

    Don't Use BattlEye

    Stopping cheaters completely is 100% unrealistic. There's no way that BI should be expected to win the battle on this front. Billion dollar companies have been taken hostage by bad actors across the globe. All run by state sponsored organizations. BI cannot take on all of Iran, Russia and China, among others, to put an end to such an insignificant thing like cheating in online gaming. We can hope for advancements in AI cheater detection and IP bannings, but unless you can provide incentive for incels to not purchase cheating tools, then it will always exist. In any game. Go reread what Orlok wrote.
  14. Parazight

    Remove Bottle Suppressors and rework actual suppressors.

    Ever since crossbows were added, I've felt that suppressors should be brought further closer to reality. Suppressors really should have limited effectiveness, imo.
  15. I know I'm a bit late to the thread here but seriously, why the wall of text, bro? Spanel never gave 2 shits about feedback. They've always been proud of the fact that they do what they want. And like, the time for how the company wants to create the game passed 8 years ago. They stopped taking ideas when dean left.