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About christaras

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    Chicken Hiking

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    Snow...A LOT OF SNOW!
  1. christaras

    how about some gore!?

    thank you!
  2. christaras

    ideas for hunting equipment (when patched)

    i think thats a great idea!
  3. when hunting and vast wildlife will be added in the game it would be nice to have some specialized equipment such as: 1.hunting belts on which players can carry a certain amount of small preys (rabbits,birds e.t.c) which maybe could be crafted on foot with the right materials 2.a super rare hunting map on which will be displayed every kind of wildlife and their general location 3.being able to carry a small amount of meat in your backpack only if you have some rags to protect it 4.maybe a tanning rack from which you could create tanned leather and patch your clothes or create new ones (i am not so sure though about that:P) you may think that i am going far too creative, but i think is very important to have a way of carrying fast the prey you caught with so much effort...
  4. christaras

    custom made weapons, attachments and armor

    hahahahahaha! you're exaggerating man...missed the point
  5. christaras

    how about some gore!?

    exactly man!! and if australians have a problem with this the could just make an UNCUT version of the game too!
  6. propably you'd like some beam rifles which will be extra of course and an artillery strike dlc....
  7. christaras

    Zombie models and actions

  8. christaras

    custom made weapons, attachments and armor

  9. christaras

    Zombie models and actions

    about zombie models..... 1.fat zombies which might be more powerfull 2.crawling zombies 3.walkers zombie actions could be further expanded like allowing zombies pining you on the ground and having the player pressing a button repeatedly to escape, gripping you from the torso and biting your neck... and in case you get swarmed all the zombies would jump on you devour your bowels... But number 1! priority is preventing the zombies from glitching through walls and allowing them to go on other building floors instead of glitching and get stuck IN THE FLOOR!
  10. christaras

    how about some gore!?

    being able to dismember zombies would be alot of fun... like choping off their arms and legs and still being able to follow you or kill you however they can...and whatabout the brains??? zombies are supposed to stay alive as long as their head is not cut off or their brains SPLASHED!! so HEADSHOTS! only if you want to kill a zombie with one shot... i know its pretty hardcore but more realistic and brutal at the same time! Brain splash!
  11. it would be nice to be able to combine items such as sticks,nails,and other stuff to make, or improve already existing melee weapons... even maybe firearms... like soda can suppressors, nailed baseball bats, weapons made by sticks and stones or whatever you can find in game... furthermore upgrading your clothes with any kind of metal or ductape,even making bandage gloves or ductape gloves............ GENERALY TO ADD SOMETHING TO THE GAME AND MAKE IT MORE CREATIVE... i wont go any further....