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About nl

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    Bean King

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    The Netherlands

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  1. My thought exactly. It would be a pretty bad idea if game features are changed or added by means of the majority vote. Before you know it the game could be a mindless PvP only game.
  2. nl

    Perma death?

    permadeath is the reason why you are motivated to start building a base in the first place
  3. I guess it is my clumsy way to appeal to the general audience to participate and not just bore us (well me at least) with KOS and flaming, These texts are directed to those " who fit the shoe". But in 1500 posts over the years only a few have been like these two. But you are right both posts probably didn't amount to much.
  4. It's more functional than boasting. When discussing performance issue or other possibly systems related bugs I can simply refer to my signature for my specific specs to help analysis. You can turn them off if you don't wanna see them 😉
  5. So many posts are made by players ranting why they are going to quit the game. Seriously, most here don't give a shit about your reasoning and unmet expectations. 90% of the time the reasons are based on a bad understanding of the intentions of the game, a bad understanding of game development and a bad case of entitlement without ever having contributed to the development of the game in any way. Also, it is hard to take these rants seriously, if you are done with the game, it's bugs and lumbering development that's fine, it's obviously not for all. But please just leave the game and the forums and don't be a drama queen making a scene hoping someone will beg you to stay. That said, we all know you will most likely return in a later phase of development anyway. Thanks, your silent retreat will be appreciated by many and will help keep the bullshit topics hopefully to a minimum.
  6. Cars are a pain in the ass too, way to easy to damge them and ahrd to find parts. In my experience you can jog faster from a to b then using a car just of the time it takes to keep that thing running. I gues when you are base building you can't do without one if you wanna haul some materials.
  7. nl

    why do i get kicked

    Probably because you have mods installed?
  8. nl

    Status Report - January 2019

    "this year"...
  9. nl

    DayZ Launcher crashes

    add only one mod at a time and see which makes it crash?
  10. When I keep browsing through characters I will get a generic one I can customize -->
  11. nl

    Unable to craft improvised backpack

    nope, crafted a backpack from a burlap sack and wild boar skin without issues.
  12. Played for about an hour, no problems encountered except very low fps 30-40 when I used to have 70-100, also some stutters but not lag.
  13. No, this specific bug don't seem to happen much although I've had trouble on this type of ladder / radio mast before during beta. It's not so much that I would expect Dayz to be completely without bugs at 1.0 but I do have a hard time understanding that after 5 years we still have to deal with bugs that screw with basics, like movement and simply navigating the terrain / world. If I were a developer I would at least have the most basic player control under complete control before releasing my game to the general public. But what do I know? I disagree to at least a degree. 1.0 or whatever the version number is not really the point here, releasing the game in a state like this to the general public is a bad idea imo. After all, the state in which it is released is not even close to the intended experience (at least I very much hope so). No hypothermia, no hyperthermia (without consequence anyway), no disease, no vehicles (well hardly), unreliable persistence, camps not really secure, weapon bugs, bugged ballistics, bugged stamina system, many many items missing or not working, unbalanced loot economy (how many pea coats do we need?) sadly outdated house models, hardly any wildlife, and so on. I know, we are still not finished yet and who knows how much more will be added in the 1.0 release we don't know about at this time? This game is still not even close to the envisioned game the (original) developers and many of us have (had?). If have rarely been this critical during my time here but I am now truly worried about the end-state of this game, and obviously many with me. I hope I am just too impatient (since march 2014) and very very wrong.
  14. Recorded today, on stable. Dayz hitting 1.0 not full featured is one thing, but basics still not working right is another...
  15. nl

    When will we get a wiki?
