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Girth Brooks

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About Girth Brooks

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    Bean King

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  1. Girth Brooks

    Update 1.27 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    So consoles have had Dayz for 10 years ? Your math isn't mathing. It's taken them 10 years to still not make bikes. Or Helis. Or Bows. Or a real medical system with broken bones etc. 10 years of mostly walking. The reason Dayz is still around is Modders. Period. And consoles don't get those either, unless you're playing Reforger. There is a console side of this forum for a reason.
  2. Girth Brooks

    Update 1.27 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    It's because consoles we're nothing but a money grab, a second thought. You get stuff last. Just how it is being a console player playing a ported game.
  3. Girth Brooks

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 46

    There is exactly ZERO original devs trying to realize Rockets plan. They left about 5-6 years ago. So this is what we get.
  4. Girth Brooks

    Don't Use BattlEye

    Weird how the exact same problems exist across all the BI games that use battleye. Must not mean anything. Silly me.
  5. Girth Brooks

    Don't Use BattlEye

    Yeah, Bohemia doesn't do that, and are way to cheap for a real, working anti-cheat. This has been going on for 10 years, they can't and also won't bother to fix the cheating. It's a battle they can't win and they refuse to address it. Sad.
  6. Girth Brooks

    An Update No One Asked For Broke PC

    Mods break nearly every patch. This your first time playing I guess ?
  7. Girth Brooks


    Duping is so prevalent, a wipe is their only option to get everyone on a level field. MAYBE...just maybe they will have a fix at some point in the future. But lets be real. This game came out in 2014, if they haven't fixed by now they never will be able to.
  8. Girth Brooks


    They will 100% wipe
  9. Girth Brooks

    1.26 Experimental Release

    It seems random when beaching the boat, sometimes it disappears underground after you exit, sometimes while you are in driver seat.
  10. Girth Brooks

    1.26 Experimental Release

    Just so ya know, you can ride boats under the map. Maybe fix that before the next update drops.
  11. Girth Brooks

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 36

    A map this size needs 60 players minimum or its gonna be dumb
  12. Girth Brooks

    Walking should be option not requirement

    Vehicles have always been a part of the dayz experience since the mod. They could totally add more vehicles. They could up the player count on their servers if they just paid for it, instead of the silly 40/60 player count for the base game. Go look at the community tab and see what Dayz REALLY can be. Modders are making it happen. EVERY play style is there, just browse a bit. The devs made promises they still ( 10 years later) have not been able to keep. There are no original devs working on this game anymore, due to its age. So who knows what kind of goofy idea they will throw in next. Honestly surprised there are no micro transactions yet tbh
  13. Girth Brooks

    Suggestion for developers

    Fake news. Official server cars are usually in a ditch upside down. Show pics are we just gonna laugh at you.
  14. Girth Brooks

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 30

    Wow this is amazingly.... underwhelming
  15. Girth Brooks

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 24

    Never played the mod I guess?