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About Nebulae3

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    Bean King

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    Rangers Hockey, Dayz SA, Unknown`s Battlegrounds

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  1. Nebulae3

    1.27 Experimental Release

    The server or code has not improved at all in Dayz with 1.27. It is just another thing when you freeze and are about to lose connection from the experimental server. The main issue is server quality, because I`ve played on private Dayz servers with 4 hours server schedules downtime with much higher player numbers.
  2. Nebulae3

    DayZ Frostline Expansion & FaQ

    I`ve no experience with xbox 360. What happen when you click on one of the servers?
  3. Sakhal need some rivers and lakes in my humble opinion when I look at the map😊
  4. Nebulae3

    1.26 Experimental Release

    Download dayz experimental on steam for PC, lets try to get some full servers on 1.26 for stress testing, good luck and lets have fun!🤗
  5. Nebulae3

    dayz tries to burn your cpu?

    My experience with an Alder Lake i5 10 cores 16 threads 12600k is really hot no matter what kind of games I am playing in 4k.
  6. Bots on community servers is a huge issue similar to that CS (counter strike) game which is why I mostly only participate on Dayz official servers. And some community servers are almost empty of players.. However they have bots on it so it look like there is a full server with +15 queue, but you can log in instantly which is just wrong. Those servers feels really empty and that is wrong in my opinion.
  7. Nebulae3

    DayZ Update 1.25

    @Kyiara Shelters kits get deleted/removed too early from the official server branch 1st and 3rd person servers and that is a server option. I was on vacation in 2 weeks and both of the camps are just gone. One of the servers is not even busy related to activity and total player amount. In FrostLine in 1.26 patch update please consider to increase duration of camps like Shelters, sport bags which we can dig down with a shovel to at least 1 month before the server delete it kind of policy based of inactivity. It is not unusual to take a break in a game like Dayz in the summer based on vacation and travel. My brief point is: We lose a lot of effort and item progression when a "base related to base building topic" get removed due to inactivity, and some items are very rare to find in a game like Dayz - so it is important to discuss this topic with the developers or server owners who run them in the next patch update in 1.26 version in Q4 with the FrostLine expansion. https://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Shelter_Kit
  8. A new character movement suggestion 1. Is it possible to add movement while you break up long sticks similar to load a magazine in future updates?
  9. Nebulae3

    Stable Update 1.23

    Another topic your items go randomly in your inventory - it dont remember its last location. It is kind of tiresome to manually place items especially in dangerous Areas.
  10. Nebulae3

    Stable Update 1.23

    Fire a weapon in Cherno or NW Airfield without a supressor/silencer and they are the main threat and you need move quick. The overall quality with zombie animations is not good enough concerning glitching which is my main point hence Dayz 2 with a new improved approach survival.
  11. Nebulae3

    Stable Update 1.23

    This 1.23 patch was rushed and not good enough to stable. It is not good sign to wait on "Day Before" a new zombie/walker game after spend so many Dayz hours since 2014. Hopefully the item policy change in near future or in next patch update, and try a different method how to implement top tier items and distribute it on an official vanilla server. I also would consider a Dayz 2 or II game with improved stealth animations, and less clunky zombie glitch behaviour, it still glitch hit you which go back to Arma 2 days mod in 2012. And that is simply not good enough in 2024 concerning zombie attacks and clunky movements. Maybe the zombie run too fast and with server lag delay/lag issues dont help about glitching. Perhaps add a zombie jump instead, and a bit different zombie behaviour with less top speed when a player sprint, because a zombie is not suppose to be the "main threat" in a multiplayer game like Dayz.
  12. Nebulae3

    Stable Update 1.23

    The loot table is not good on vanilla at the moment, the official Dayz servers. You seldom find any weapons in normal civil buildings tier 1-4 it does not matter.. The loot is really restricted overall, and I think the main issue is loot piles on most distant locations on the map. I`ve dicovered loot piles in hunting lodges, and NW Carrier plane with little value loot like night vission googles as Wobo said in his troll Youtube video... The whole concept and policy to hide all the best items behind wall of gas is not recommended in a game that 1 bullet could actually finish you in all yellow gas equipment. At least change the gas equipment to be better cammo colour like brown, green, hell black! DayZ is fine to keep some sort of protection against gas grenades, but hide items behind permanent gas locations - I`ve never bother with it in the 5k+ Dayz hours, and I really dislike the decision behind it, because it take hours in-game to hunt down a silly buged heli crash site loot which too seldom drop items like DMR, Lar as in the DayZ 1.23 game files.
  13. Nebulae3

    Stable Update 1.23

    Im curious about other opinions on worn/new weapons and bullets seems to get stuck too often.. I understand the mechanic with damage or worse conditions on weapons, but I would enjoy that worn or new weapons dont have that issues as frequently as worse damage state.
  14. A new experimental 1.23 bug: Tanker Helmet takes too long to dry and some other items like "stab vest" when the item is in soak/wet state. It might be other items as well which I did not mentioned which should be looked at since rain is very common in Dayz, and you use more energy in the wet status.
  15. DMR Yes, finally my favourite weapon! 😍