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About blacklabel79

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    Bean King

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  1. blacklabel79

    update done

    a new hat maybe ?
  2. blacklabel79

    The problem with the game. My views

    As for the WIP videos of zombies and the extension in movement plus adding a real stamina system wich factors weight of gear ect. this all sounds very intruiging. Maybe i just have another case of dayZ fattique. They happen freqently to me only to find myself playing allweekenders at times after some 3-4 week hiatus. Iam not a great hoarder. 1-2 barrels hidden in "plain sight" is enough for me. Tho i konw people that play that way and have alot of stashes hidden around. This allways amazes me altho for me the time invested is time lost on other more enjoiable tasks.
  3. blacklabel79

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    i miss a reason to go anywhere really.
  4. blacklabel79

    The problem with the game. My views

    Yeah i agree tho. I like the long dark for the setting but everytime i play DayZ lately, even with people there is just nothing to do. Like really nothing to do. Wanna go NWAF ? ah cant be arsed...back to the coast ? gah too far...maybe grow some..ah nevermind. Wanna look for some "nice" gun ? for what ? There is no reason or rhyme to it right now. Well time for a little break i guess.
  5. blacklabel79

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Old School Dayz EU server was very populated before they started the whitelist process...not many seem to boother to go through it. I despise 1PP but only for the limited view and the volume of your own voice.
  6. blacklabel79

    The problem with the game. My views

    "the long dark" is really nice. They also finaly announced the storymode comming to fruitation. One gripe i have with this right now is that the town at the coast has way,way ,way too much loot. There is no reason to go out if you camp it out in the houses. Also the difficulty levels need a bit of tweaking. I guess this will all be adjusted.
  7. blacklabel79

    The problem with the game. My views

    Its just not a good "survival" game. And my doubts grow everytime i read a devblog that it possibly never will be.
  8. blacklabel79

    Curiosity peaked

    uhm so..heli ya ? well "great" uhm...undervhelming news. I hoped for something simpler like a kite you can man or a ultralight plane or somesorts. Bit more creative than "slap on helicopter"
  9. blacklabel79


    no knife ? whould have solved your problem.
  10. blacklabel79

    Rocket's contribution

    Dunn Holl fix gemh plz !!! lofty ideas are one thing, delivering a interesting product another. I fo one wait if his next project is worth it. Sounds interesting enough. I never understood the hype for him tho. Lots of PR quack ....
  11. blacklabel79

    crossbow good?

    You can also mount the pistolscope on a crossbow ;)
  12. blacklabel79

    Can't tear clothes for rags

    Yeah i agree...shirts shouldent need a knife to beign transformed into rags.For everything else its a nice addition.
  13. blacklabel79

    Ok, so all that seems to happen in this patch...

    how about you just run inland ? i mean...really ? why do you even play dayZ ?
  14. blacklabel79

    Fashion Show

    uhm ? I for the life of me cant understand why people are against OPTIONS. noone forces you to wear anything at all. And PLEASE spare me the usuall "they should fix the lag before they add anything" routine.