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About CaptainJupe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. CaptainJupe

    Need expert help on this-godmode?

    They had more then one video. He also since gas taken them down. They had chat from him and admins that admins posted claiming he knows how to hack. They had video footage from the people he has killed showing their viewpoint of most def shooting him numerous times (people will argue lag or desync). Hes had that blinking light in more then one video. Hes had numerous cuts that just dont make sense. When he notices something "weird" going on in his debug monitor he quickly changes topic quite a few time even one where he quick scopes a cow. I guarantee he hacks. Has it been proven? Not entirely because there alot of weird things happen in dayz. But there is a 20 or so minute video out there that does enough justice that makes me believe he does.
  2. CaptainJupe

    Any word on when suppressors will work?

    Actually .22 used to be the round of choice for shooting someone in the head. The mob used it a lot because it had enough velocity to enter the back of the skull and not exit. It would deflect off the front of the skull "where bone is thickest" and travel around inside the brain. Professional hitmen use it more then any other round because its quiet and wont leave an exit wound. No bullet is the same or will have the same characteristic. A friend of mine was shot in the chest with a .22 in elementary school. Just lodged in his sternum.
  3. Not a fan of the character wipe but the spawning lets say 500 to 1000 m away in certain designated "middle of nowhere" places could work.
  4. And nothing will be said about people insulting him? This has to be a joke right? He kept level headed until everyone took it out of hand. Then he felt the need to fire back under pressure.
  5. Solopopo. I understand what ur trying to say from the start. You just worded it wrong and didnt go into full detail right away about the hopping. You do it to keep up with the pace of all the other exploiters. Like the gamma exploit, why run around not using it while everyone else is? It leaves you at a disadvantage. Most people server hop to get gear. Most people that dont, have a crew they play with which makes searching for valuable loot easier (not saying everyone tht doesnt has a crew). Now for your idea... I am not a fan because as many people said u can cancel the logout which making the timer pretty much useless. If you could not cancel the log out timer and use the idea that was stated before about more time in low pop servers and less in high. I think thats the best system we can get. Dont feed into the assholes on this thread. People dont know how to debate correctly, and only use insults to try and make you dwindle with weakness. That 40 year old probably has nothing better to do then sit and insult you because he has nothing going for him and gets insulted on a daily basis himself. Bullies are always bullied themselves. People need to express their opinions without using hateful words or insults. It makes them look childish. Before he mentioned his age, i could have sworn he was 16 on daddys computer. I applaud you for keeping level headed and not firing back at him as rough as he fired at you. You obviously have a good head on your shoulders, we need more people that think rationally in this world as you do. But thats an entirely different discussion. My advice, stop responding, this is just going to add stress to your day and after its all over, be worthless and a waste of time when u could be focusing on something more important. Cheers
  6. CaptainJupe

    Guns are really weak now

    Not me. I stay away from Balota haha. Not sure how chest shots would make broken arm though. Would be cool if u could break ribs and stuff. Make it harder to run and get out of breath quicker.
  7. CaptainJupe

    The hacks begin...

    I now understand you mean hours played. My bad haha. But no i dont think it will be as prominent as in the mod. But yes there will always be hacks pretty much in any game.
  8. CaptainJupe

    The hacks begin...

    Youtube it. Tons of Stand alone hacks on there. Including the teleportation ones.
  9. CaptainJupe

    The hacks begin...

    You said in ur original post this was the first hack you saw. Now you have seen 48 total?! Im stating the fact you shouldnt put down the game because of one hack in alpha.
  10. CaptainJupe

    To the bandits outside Berezino...

    Dmentman were u one that i killed? Or maybe one of the above guys story? If not then i see no need to post that since neither of us claimes or think we are bad asses.
  11. CaptainJupe

    What do you imagine DayZ camps to look like?

    Are you talking about epoch? The most annoying thing with epoch was when the server just decided to make half ur base disappear. There was no point to really have a base on regular dayz. There was nothing to stop anyone from taking everything besides ur location. Which we all know will be found eventually. I always found it best to have my tents scattered around the whole map. I one is lost then i know i have 5 others to check.
  12. CaptainJupe

    Did something with the lighting change ?

    I enjoyed the god rays. Its realistic on a setting sun. Just not when they went through buildings and stuff! I like the idea of setting up sniping with the sun behind you so ur harder to spot.
  13. CaptainJupe

    The hacks begin...

    Hackers never get bored. They get banned.
  14. CaptainJupe

    Day/Night Strangeness

    First time i ever read anything with this. Interesting to say the least.
  15. CaptainJupe

    Did something with the lighting change ?

    I almost crapped my pants when the crack of thunder filled my headphones.