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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. 18 minutes ago, Hicks_206 (DayZ) said:

    Yup, we're aware.

    Looks like the intended fix didn't perform the intended job. We're working on this, its difficult to reproduce internally - thus, experimental ;)

    Well, at least to do some further testing we can quickly fix this by re-logging in the server. After doing so, trading with the Finnish player I met and hearing gunshots was much better.

    Keep it up fellas, and thanks for everything Brian.

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  2. Had a great time tonight. Met another fresh spawn around Three Valleys. We talked a bit and decided to team up. We then made our way to Novy Sobor, Stary, NWA and finally Tisy. It was nice seeing some of the changes made to the mili bases and checkpoints first hand. 

    Desync wasn't too bad, but as we reached NWA, we experienced a terrible lag spike for 15-20 seconds, and also, items dropped to the ground were not always synced, like Hicks stated.

    Other than that, it was a great run. We did encounter a wolf pack in the woods, but since we didn't have ammo, we tried and avoided them.

    Cheers man, if you ever read this, it was nice meeting you!


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  3. 6 hours ago, IMT said:


    Don't get me wrong but I like PvP. But not the forced PvP. Sure, occasionally I do some forced PvP like I did 1 or 2 times in 0.60 when we all got bored. But for me, the best PvP are the random encounters. The encounters where you suddenly see the other person and vice versa. Encounters that have no prediction on how it's going to end, unlike the forced PvP where you will die eventually.

    I had such an encounter 2 or 3 days ago where we saw each other and I decided to ignore him but of course keep an eye on him but he decided to shoot on sight and started aiming so I did the same. It ended badly for him and he payed with his blood and life for playing like that. I got some sweet loot and went on.

    Sure, it sucks when you die but that's life. And trust me, as survival gets harder and harder you will see a drastic decrease in KoS.


    Oh, I know, and I'm not complaining against pvp in general, as I share the same opinion about the random pvp events. That's something very interesting and unique about DayZ. 

    But, I've never enjoyed being killed as a fresh spawn. It's ironic, as I don't mind dying with my backpack full of stuff, but getting killed when you only have your pants on and you just spawned 10 minutes ago is annoying to me.

    I love DayZ too much to keep a grudge or get mad anyway, as I hit respawn, and head back straight in. I didn't see my killer again, but met another fellow, and I warned him about the killer. I think he got scared, cause he only replied with "oh, thank you..." and ran off north.

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  4. 39 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    Was KoS'd by a naked-headless-no gun carrying camper in the Gorka police station.

    I heard no shot, I had no gun out, they made no effort to interact.

    You sir are nutless, gutless, champion of boring shit.


    Enjoy the.... apples?

    Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. I just spawned in Elektro, and wanted to check the new mil spots and checkpoints, but was kos as a fresh spawn by naked-headless-no gun carrying camper at the green police guardhouse entering the city. 

    So far I've been kos as a fresh spawn more in these exp builds than ever before, but I totally understand why : Hype. That's something that was never really present in experimental, but the hype for 0.60 was so big that it brought a slew of "content creators" that were not even playing the game a year ago. In 0.61, it's even bigger. If you check a few "big" youtubers, they are pvping in exp 0.61 all the time, looking to kill whatever player comes in their sight.

    But, it's all part of DayZ. A part we don't really enjoy of course, but a part we have to accept and swallow...

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  5. 35 minutes ago, wasnu (DayZ) said:

    there was an twitter post from eugene,


    acc with the mosts deads, 56k death


    you realy think those guys give an ***** on how long they or others survived?


    I don't care for those guys really, I want the game to be itself, not for others, but for "us".

    I want my menu stats. They can just ignore it if they don't give a damn.

    What's all this fuss about spamming apples? Playing experimental seriously? No, we need to do testing right now, not hoarding and making bases. It's pretty useless with wipes every 2 days or so.

    Devs, just remove the option to spam eating, searching for apples, berries, stones, etc. Just like if they want 3PP peeking removed, just remove 3PP...

    "It's an exploit, but since everyone have access to it, it's fine..."  

    So far 0.61 is a great build, and it's loads of fun. Of course, with all the hype it's only a big pvp fiesta on the exp servers, but it was bound to happen with all those streamers and youtubers... The only thing they are looking for is "action".

    Anyway, keep it up devs. Have a good weekend. And happy thanksgiving to all. (Those that celebrate it that is.)

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  6. I want Namalsk for DayZ SA PC so bad...  :-D

    Favorite DayZ map of all. 

    Lucky you XB1 community if you really have early access to DayZ SA with Namalsk!!

    • Like 1

  7. 55 minutes ago, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:


    But this isn't new to the Dynamic Spawning of Infected as 500m was posted 9 months ago in this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/3zkuxg/zombies_are_triggered_at_about_500m_100/


    Yep. I know it's not new, thus me saying "in 0.60 or before, the infected were there, but stationary, and only started moving if a player was in the vicinity..."  

    Currently in stable it's just that they start moving when players are in the area, meaning you can still see that if they're not moving, it means there's no players and vice versa.

    Still, I totally agree with you. Those triggers should be gone by 1.0 or during beta test, if not before.

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  8. I've played a lot of 0.61 experimental, and the dynamic spawning system is exactly has Weyland describe it. 

    Currently, when you scout a city or town from 500-600M +, and there's no infected roaming around, it simply means there's no player there. When you get closer to the town, you can actually see them spawn right before your eyes. 

    In 0.60 or before, the infected were there, but stationary, and only started moving if a player was in the vicinity, but right now, it's much more similar to what we have in the mod.

    Even though I really like how many there are when you start shooting weapons and a few players are in the area, it's still too depended on players and gives away too much info about players in a certain area.

    Also, right now you can't clear out areas, the infected will respawn endlessly. 


    They just kept coming...


    Of course, we all know it's still a work in progress, and I'm looking forward to the changes for the forests, new vehicles, new animations and player controller, refined lighting and shadows, the rest of the animals coming back, etc.  But I would love to have an independent system for the infected spawning that doesn't rely on players in a certain area.

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  9. Something I noticed, that I really like, is the fact that now when you exit a server you see the character you used in the menu, with the correct condition of items. It used to always show the last character played with all it's gear in pristine condition regardless of their actual condition in game. Looking forward to being able to cycle through characters in the menu, instead of selecting a server.

    Also, glad to see that whatever you have in your hands at the time of logging out is shown in the menu. And when you log into a server, you don't get the "reloading" animation anymore.


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  10. @BeefBacon  Sorry man, but it just don't happen to me, like, ever...  (I don't remember the last this happened to me.)

    The way I place items in my inventory, the way I pick items and interact with objects in the environment makes this "issue" null to me.

    I remember the days when the inventory used to reshuffle itself when you logged out, and while we waited for a fix, we knew how to distribute items so it would not "flush" items out.

    Currently, it's only logical that if you have a 3 vertical space left in your inventory, have an hatchet in your hands, pick up an item that takes one space, making your available space and position insufficient to place the hatchet back, it would get thrown on the ground. Thus why I said being conscious about your inventory management, as it seems the problem originate from a player picking up an item while the space he had left to replace the item he had in hands, insufficient. 

    Why do you pick more items if you know you don't have the space to replace your "in hands" item back?

    For me, being conscious about the inventory space is also about knowing where the items I pick up go. Let's say I have pistol in my hands (2x2) and I still have a 2 space left in my vest, and 1 space left in my check shirt. I decide to pick up a can of food, and instead of placing it in the vest or the shirt, it places the can of food in my 2x2 slots that was used for my pistol, in my backpack. Then, before removing my pistol from my hands, I move the can of food from my backpack, to either my shirt or my vest. Only after that will I remove my pistol from my hands, making it go back to it's "designated" location in my backpack.

    So you see, the way I use my inventory prevents me from loosing any items do to this.

    Sorry I don't share this experience, I wish you get a fix for this eventually. But for the time being, I'd say maybe be a bit more careful??

  11. You need to be conscious of your decision and inventory management. 

    Eventually, with the addition of the weight system, we might see less and less "one man army" carrying a main rifle, a hunting rifle, an SMG and pistols...  At least I hope so. Double carrying is horrible in player interactions. "Please put your gun away while we interact." "I can't, I'm double carrying."... gets shot...

    Quick tip though for those who like to double carry and don't want to lose their weapon while switching items, etc, you need to put both weapons on the action bar, this way you can easily switch between the two without any risks of loosing one. 

    Honestly, I haven't lost a gun that way for the past 1000 hours...

    When you can familiar with the mechanics, you get almost glitch proof.

  12. 2 hours ago, LordBlackwolf said:

    I wasn't able to record video of it but I was at Tisy and saw wolves attacking the infected so wolves do attack the infected.

    Yes. The first encounter I had with wolves, 8 days ago, was in Pavlovo military base, and they were eating an infected they had just killed. 


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  13. There's some confusion about wolves it seems. YES, they can kill you in 2-3 hits. They aim for the head, and even if you're at 4800+ blood/health, they can kill you.

    There's still "bone condition". When you get hit by melee, bullets, or even wolves, when the screen flashes red, it means your bone condition is low and you can die from any hits after that. Using morphine or a splint is very important.


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  14. 10 hours ago, Salty seadog said:

    Still feels like UMP mags & VSS ammo are left out of military loot spawns.

    Would be awesome if they could add them back in for stable if its not overly hard to tweak. Would love to try out the VSS with the new sound overhaul and see if its any good.

    The UMP mags and VSS ammo/mags spawn at crash site. The UMP mags at UH-1Y "NATO" smoking crash sites and the VSS gear at Mi-8 "russian" crash sites.

    It's been like that since 0.58, but back then the weapons themselves were spawning there too. In 0.60 the devs seem to have encountered a bug in their loot distribution system, and lost control over how many weapons spawn at crash sites, thus removing them completely for the time being until they fix this. The mags still spawn at their restricted dynamic events, while the VSS and UMP spawn inside "industrial" sheds at military locations.

    Eventually they will all return to their respective dynamic spawns, as it should.

    1 hour ago, IMT said:

    Had a very good time yesterday. Killed a lot of infected and we didn't walk into anyone in all the military bases except when we got to Myshkino tents. We constantly went in loud and this time too. When Emuthreat was bleeding he rushed to the quonset hut to bandage up and got shot at. At first he thought it was Luc or me but found out quite fast that it was neither of us and unfortunately he died. As I rushed to the quonset hut and tried to deal with all the aggro on me I got shot at by him as well, he was standing clearly in the door opening. So I took 1 hit and decided to retreat but not without firing some bullets so I shot a few at him and retreated to Luc so I could bandage up and reload. After that I took position where I had the door really good in my sight. If he would have opened the door and peaked he would have died but he didn't. I brought Luc the AK mag in my tent because he had only had a chambered one and he put some pressure on the guy. He opened the door and started shooting the building but nothing happened.Apparently these KoS kiddies are pussies as well because the bastard logged out. If you have the balls to try and take on 3 vs 1 then fight to the end and don't be a wuss.

    Oh by the way, we encountered so many wolves near Lopatino. We saw a pack and killed them. When skinning them we heard another pack and killed them as well. After that the server crashed. When we got back in there was either 2 packs or a pack of at least 10 wolves, there were so many. But when we killed a few of them they already retreated, probably killed the alpha male or something. And then the server crashed again, are we on to something here? I haven't seen the server crash so fast after each other anymore after the servers were stable. After that second crash we decided to switch servers.


    You know you can shoot through the quonset huts right? Whenever a camper is in there waiting for preys to come by, I just shoot through the walls until he goes limp and falls... It's very efficient.  :)

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  15. Hello survivors, and devs. Recently with 0.61, I've notice my enjoyment factor went through the roof. Even though I already have 2000 hours + in DayZ SA, this patch caught me off-guard with joy and fun. So I started thinking about what could make me love the game even more, and even though I'd love for changing seasons and snow, it's been already on the subject multiple times, and is already something the devs are considering.

    So what's next then? For me, fishing. Fishing as been a passion of mine for the past 28 years, and with the addition of the telescopic fishing rod with the spinning reel, I've been really exited to see if they would add more fish or even lures to the game. Sadly, alas, I never heard anything on that subject.

    With many animals already in the game or planned, and with the recent addition of predators, I think it's time the streams, ponds and lakes of Chernarus get some attention. So with that in mind, I did a bit of research on the various freshwater fish species that can be found in Czech Republic and the surrounding areas.

    http://fishinginprague.com/fish-species/          <--- This is a very good list with many species much tastier than carp, trust me. 

    The list is pretty big, but I think 5 to 10 new species would be great. Trouts, catfish (bullheads), walleye and pikes would be amazing. 

    We'll see how it goes, but fingers crossed at least a few new fish species make it into the game! 

    Safe travels all! Cheers!


  16. 1 hour ago, exwoll said:

    I had a similar issue. There's an issue with door rendering that don't show correctly if the door is open or closed, and if you are too close to it, it's like you get stuck near the door and cant even move away. 

    Randomly escaped the trap with alternate crouching, running and spinning in the same place

    Hmm. You didn't seem to read my post, as I've already stated that I tried that. I've seen the bug when server restarts, and the doors showed closed, but were open and vice-versa, but this isn't the same thing, at all.

    I've experienced this kind of issue back in 0.47, and it's different from yesterday, or the day before. Today's patch desync my character from it's origin point. That's why you get wipes most of the time between fixes and patches on experimental, and global wipes on stable branch.

    Edit: I managed to get out, with F11... I tried throwing items like Snarienza said, but they were teleporting (rubberbanding) back to my feet when hitting the ground. So I placed a few items I wanted to keep in my backpack and left it in the corner of the room, then proceeded to kill myself. Spawned in Berezino, made my way to Gorka, found a few items there and armed myself, then went straight to Altar radio station to get my backpack (remember, they last 4 hours on the ground) and surprise!!! Can't enter the building either. It seems it's Altar itself, as going inside all the buildings in Berezino or Gorka wasn't problematic, at all. Doors open or closed, all open or not, we can't seem to enter the radio station anymore...

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  17. Hmm, there's a few server that seem "locked" in a state. I logged in on a 1PP server, thinking there would be a wipe with the patch, but no, I still had my character. But, when I tried to exit the building, the rubberbanding kept me in it, no matter what I tired. (different animations, stances, items in hands, crouch, prone, vaulting, opening and closing doors repeatedly,etc.)

    Gonna try a different 1PP server to see if it was restricted to this one.

    Edit: I tried 4 different 1PP server, and it seems they all do the same. I'm stuck inside the radio station at Altar. Door opened or closed, don't matter, I can't exit the building. Gonna wait a bit to see if I'm the only one with this issue, and suicide if I am...

  18. Yay! I've had my first encounter with wolves yesterday. I was at Pavlovo military base when I saw them in the distance. Tried to carefully make my way around since they were busy eating an infected. But eventually they caught my smell and came for me. I hid in a barracks, watching them attack the surrounding infected. Really liking the interactions between predators and infected.

    They do a lot of damage, and seem to aim for the throat/head area. Since I had a motorcycle helmet, I was saved. (Never usually wear any, but experimental is roaming with players trying to punch you for quick loot...)

    Some screenshots of the encounter.







    I also got caught in the rain again, without proper gear, but I kept running so I couldn't get too cold (which worked for 10-15 minutes) and found a house where I made a fire, took off my clothes and was able to get warmer. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a patch that much. 0.61 is amazing so far! Cheers!




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