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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. Some observations. Infected with "broken legs" now attack you. Never got hit by one prior to this patch. Infected seem to aggro from a bit further, although crouching really helps in sneaking by them. While fighting them, they can still hit you without first doing an attack animation, and all the while being "staggered" by a hit.

    If a gas lamp is damaged, the light seems blocked by the "damaged" texture cell. Gonna try again with a worn or pristine one tonight.

    So far 0 lag, an interacting with the environment, other players or simply doing various actions/animations is very responsive.

    Cheers! And enjoy your holidays!



    • Like 2

  2. 3 hours ago, WealthyUgandanPrince said:

     make items spawn in military prison again

    This building won't have loot spawning in it until the new player controller gets implemented, and players can't "glitch" through walls anymore. This have been said many, many times before.

    • Like 4

  3. @IMT "I don't think they will push every new Experimental patch to Stable. My guess is that they will continue to develop on the Experimental branch until all the blockers and milestones of .61 are fully functional and then push it over to Stable and continue with .62 on Experimental as soon as they have it ready for the mass."

    Yes, I understand that, but I was wondering if they were gonna wipe stable again once the fixes for 0.61 are done, as I play on a private RP server and use 1 barrel as a camp, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to consider "persistence" as stable in the current stable build. Last Friday, with the current patch, barrels were still wonky, so I wanted confirmation on what's to come with persistence. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Pain Jack said:

    If you figure it out, let me know.  I've ask for help but these elite testers are to busy bickering about what the world would look like without people in it.

    (Heres a hint, nature doesn't give a shit about us or our work.  Evidence of our existence disapears surprisingly quickly.  It's almost like we don' matter at all.)

    When using websites like TinyPics or Imageurl, use the direct link for layouts provided, copy it and paste it in "insert other media" from the bottom right of your "post" box. Click on "insert image from url" and paste your link, voilà.



    Edit: If you use Steam, you must first upload it to your online library, then you just visualize it, (view online library) and click on it until the image is in it's own window, and use the link on top of this window. It would look like something like this : http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/109607797361149236/8EE2AAF27A60C4B6DA3A1E169D05C3738A89F351/
    Then, you just copy and paste this link in "insert image from url".

    • Like 3

  5. Thanks @☣BioHaze☣ 

    Definitely. I'm very optimistic that when chambering and reloading using mags or clips with the proper animations are implemented, this particular animation will make it in the game, finally.

    Personally, I'd really like to see animations for when using the various fishing rods. A reeling animation using the telescopic one with the spinning reel. 


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  6. Since we're on the subject of sounds, I find it a bit funny that now it's inverted. Prior to 0.61, breathing sounds and footsteps were louder on 1PP, while they were more distant and quiet in 3PP, and now it's the other way around. Much quieter on 1PP, and louder on 3PP...  This is bound to have adjustments, as it makes no sense at all.

    Also, even though I follow the exp thread a lot, I haven't seen anyone post about chopping bushes down. They don't seem to get chopped off like they used to, but still give you sticks.


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  7. Oh wow! Can't wait to have access to those! But in the mean time, it would be great if we could at least have the Christmas trees available before Xmas. I had asked a while ago if it was possible to have the lights on in the trees, since we now have access to real time shadows and the new lighting system.

    Fingers crossed! It's part of my wish list for this year! :D

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  8. Dunno if it was posted before, but it's the first time I see a camo assault pack. Always found the green or black ones.

    So far, very stable patch. I really like sneaking up on infected and killing them with melee, ell the goodies they have on them is great.






    Keep it up!

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  9. 55 minutes ago, BCBasher said:

    Did they add a ping kick?

    I'm getting a generic "you were kicked" on a lot of the servers I'm used to playing on yet I could stay connected the one with the best ping.

    I saw you get kicked from the server a couple of times, without further messages, just "Server : BCBasher got kicked.".

    I would be sad if that was the case, as ping never really affected me on a performance level. 

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  10. 17 minutes ago, sneakydude said:


    I'm all the way south, near Balota. I would gladly give you one of my sporter 30 mags, but I fear we're a bit too far for that. It's on a 1PP character. I can't log in right now as it's time to prep dinner for the family, but if you're still interested, let me know and we could arrange a meet-up location for later tonight.

    Take care buddy, and let me know what you think.

    • Like 5

  11. So far running the x64 version was very stable. No desync or troubles seeing what other players were wearing. No server crash or any memory leaks upon exiting. 

    Spawned in Solnichny, and went all the way to Balota following the coast towns.

    Gameplay was very smooth. Of all the 8 other players I encountered on the coast, none spoke, and they all tried to punch me. Since I was lucky enough to find a sporter and a full 30 round mag within 10 minutes of spawning, they all regretted trying to punch me and enjoyed a free respawn.

    It was raining all the time, but keeping running kept me warm enough to find a good shelter to warm up and be ready for what's next.

    Great build so far.


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  12. 1 hour ago, sneakydude said:

    Character picture not ported to the main screen again, until after first spawn, log off shows the character.


    This isn't actually a bug. When the character selection will be available, until you select a certain character, you won't see any in the menu. The player character now correctly shows up in the menu, with the correct condition of items and clothes he's carrying and what he has in his hands.

    When you just start the game, no characters are showing since none are selected. (Check the new server browser option to see a sneak peak of the character selection option.)

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  13. Hmm, it's a tough question as it all comes down to a matter of taste. I really enjoy the post-apocalypse survival genre, make it zombies, aliens or robots. (Sadly there's not enough alien or robots/AI post apocalypse games out there...) but I have to admit that after trying out so many survival games, I seem to always come back to DayZ. It's by far one of my favorite games. 

    Now clocked at 2125 hours in-game, I'd say it's totally worth it. At least half of this play time was in experimental, as I love to try out new things and test new mechanics and report findings. Yes, there are bugs, but stable in 0.60 is horrible imo with terrible desync,duping, glitcher, hackers, etc. while personally I only had good experiences with experimental 0.61.

    When I play on stable, it's 100% of the time on private hive servers like the DayZ Colony US-2, DayZ Underground US or EU servers or the Gents Of Novo server.

    Currently, even though I really enjoy DayZ, I wouldn't call it a "game" per say, as it's still a work in progress and will change a lot once we get the new player controller, new animations, new vehicles, completed and reworked graphics plus sound engines, etc.


    But, that' doesn't mean you can't have fun while testing it out.

    Welcome to DayZ! And safe travels survivor! Cheers!

  14. 23 minutes ago, ShallowTech said:

    so just get out of the rain and I will eventually dry out? is there a way to cure hypothermia once you get that low of temp?

    Get inside a house with a fireplace, craft the said fireplace, remove your damp/wet/soaked/drenched clothes and get close to the fire, you'll dry in no time and start getting warmer. You can "wring" your clothes while waiting by the fire, and put them back on. Bam! , you're saved.


    Edit: I got hypothermia multiple times on 0.61 exp and only died the first 2 times back in patch 2 or 3, but for patch 4 till 16 always got saved by fires and removing wet clothes.

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  15. 28 minutes ago, Thurman Merman said:

    Pretty sure that's the first build I played.  Is that the one where they added the SKS?

    Yes, it is! The first one I found was at the Rify shipwreck. I used it a bit and then gave it to someone I met there. He was pretty grateful to be able to see it as soon as he spawned. Ah the memories.

    Well, back on topic. Sorry for the rant, I needed to vent a little.


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  16. 15 minutes ago, IMT said:

    Alright so this update wasn't a fix but a rollback to the 0.61.136428 build which is the topic before this one.


    Wait what?? Yesterday Hicks said there wasn't gonna be any rollbacks, as it's totally counter productive. So to shut all the whiners they bent and did a rollback... It's pretty sad. I feel like the spoiled brats won.


    As much as I love experimental since the very first one I joined (I think it was 0.33) I don't think it was necessary to rollback on the patch so that some can "play". They won't get any new data from this week-end, and they'll just wipe what we did this week-end and prep another patch on Monday, continuing what they started yesterday. 

    Anyway, have a good week-end all.

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  17. @Hicks_206 (DayZ) I'm sorry if it's a bit "off-topic", and I don't want to bother you, but I've asked this about 25 times since 0.30 : Are there any plans to either remove, or change the 30 round STANAG coupled mag (60 rounds total) ? Will it have it's own animation for quick reloads, as it always bothered me that the bullets "magically" goes from one mag straight into the chamber and out, without having to reload after the first 30 rounds are fired. 

    Also, I remember about 18 months ago, there was some talk about having a 100 round double drum mag for 5.56 weapons, and at first I though it was gonna replace the "faulty" 60 round coupled mag, but there was never any mention about it further on. 

    Thanks again Hicks.

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  18. 5 minutes ago, Dgr099 said:

    @Hicks_206 (DayZ) I don't understand how you can release a version of the game, and with it comes 100 different problems (some new some old), every patch, please explain?

    I'm sorry, but do you know how games are made?? Are you an expert coder with flawless skills? 

    Of course, when making big changes like the engine itself (graphic, sound, mechanics, etc.) there is bound to be some bugs, thus why the experimental branch exists.

    We need to test, collect data, and fix them before it reaches stable. Most of the big bugs/glitches can't be found within the internal testing.

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