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About wud

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    Blackforest (the actual real one)
  • Interests
    My peps
    enjoying every form of culture
    Repairing Stuff
    Making Music
    enjoying evenings with friends in the kitchen served to a fine meal, red wine and laughter

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    born and raised

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  1. This patch is the final Nail in the Coffin that is basebuilding.
  2. wud

    DayZ Livonia is OUT NOW

    okay so when will we able to join those 3 servers with good ping? because i just bought it and can´t connect -_- dayz being dayz edit\ client is updating while typing
  3. wud

    What do you guys do as solo players?

    I set myself goals.. i go all black and ditch my backpack and hunt for Helis. I get the pot with Stove attached, some Purifying tablets, and no one will ever see me. Make a garden, hunt some Wolves.. creat some Stashes. Currently i own an SVD with nightvvision plus a VSS as backup/anti-infected-weapon. Scored 8 Kills and stored more loot than i could ever use.. So.. i gear up friends and experiment in social behaviour of strangers at the coast in confusing them and or giving them weapons.. .. a LOT to do for me!
  4. wud

    Experimental Update 1.06

    fixed a car and noticed that aswell but i recive no damage .. just a "hugh" from the avatar.. car works fine, but damn.. that 4x4 Lada really got sloooooow on dirtroads.. no chance of even getting to ther 2nd gear other than downhill
  5. wud

    Experimental Update 1.06

    What really troubles me that it´s hard to cook outside without getting overheating or freezing status. A good workaround for the constant freezing is to carry lots of cooked/baked food other than that .. the items disappearing from inventroy when switching with items on ground really is anoying, as well as the bug where you need to relog, because an invisible item is stuck in the playerhand (i.e. can´t do actions) other than that.. i really like the fishing and the placeholder mechanics. Keep up the good work.
  6. wud

    Stable Update 1.05

    Tweaked: Bandaging using a rag or bandana no longer causes the wound infection, because wound infection had no effect on player characters I don´t get this ..why not just add an effect instead of removing it all again.. it even says in the description of the bandage that is´t not sterile.. So the devs rather keep useless items like alkohol and desinfectant(etc) and remove a half implemented feature insead of finishing it ? I really love DayZ but this, i really don´t get!
  7. wud

    Where is 4281 server?

    same with DE4-022 and NL3664638.
  8. wud

    0.63 Experimental Release

    it´s waaaaay better now still occasional disconnects but nothing unexpected from experimental
  9. wud

    0.63 Experimental Release

    @GaryWalnuts Had this happening to me in the latest stresstests too .. didn´t report it tho´
  10. wud

    0.63 Experimental Release

    quiet the same here also some connection failed after selecting server i guess i´ll wait a bit
  11. wud

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    Metro 2033 series .. by Far
  12. We can be happy that the ghostsounds are gone, normaly alpha is for content and beta for bugfixing.
  13. wud

    stuck in/under house

    It´s not the first time happening to me.. the orther times i got out by bringing up the ping and running in the corner.. This time though.. i just won´t make it.. tried various times now. Even though i have an M4 plus UMP.. i would love to die.. friends tried to shot me without success :( So, no Hardcore for me, so i have to play 3rd Person which i absolutely despise.
  14. wud

    stuck in/under house

    I am stuck under a house in a Hardcoreserver (non private) following this thread: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support-stuck-characters-etc/ here´s my steamuserID http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067363446/
  15. wud

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    On the servers we play (private/whitelist only),everything is fine. CLE is working as intended, persistence as well. Rifles are rare, therefore more gunfights... no lootplosions encountered. Now, only more AI is missing. Best Day so far.