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Posts posted by The_Lonely_Bandit

  1. Disagree with pretty much everything you said, it's great to see you went about it respectfully and gave actual constructive feedback (Unlike 90% of people that dislike the game :P )
    But at the end of the day I feel the majority of what you've said is either wrong or just not meant for the standalone version of DayZ. Like Bob above me said, this is standalone. This is what DayZ in its most purest form must be. What your suggesting is what I'm sure many modders will try to recreate, high intense coastal action combined with a far more forgiving world. If that's the world you want DayZ to be then that's fine but I just don't agree with it being the first true DayZ experience people should get when buying the game.

    As a DayZ mod player myself I know the experience your looking for, I just think you have the wrong idea when it comes to DayZ. DayZ is supposed to be harsh, it's supposed to sometimes feel like a chore, it's supposed to make you go through so many hardships. All of that is supposed to happen to enrich the experience. That's why DayZ has and probably always will be the only game to give you such a massive adrenaline rush in many situations. Everything is a risk, everything and everyone is against you.

    When DayZ was first created Dean Hall mentioned specifically "DayZ isn't supposed to be a survival game.. But a survival simulator. 

    • Beans 3

  2. The new foliage is a big step forward.

    The main issue of it however is still there as the grass stops rendering at like 50 meters.. So while the new trees do have a decent affect at distance now grass is still nearly useless. One of my few main gripes with the new update :(

  3. Welcome to the DayZ Extreme Starvation Challenge! 

    Here I force myself to survive solely on my bandit skills by robbing players to get what sustenance I need. I can still loot clothing/guns/ammo but I MUST get food and drink off players (That are alive) by robbing them. This makes for some very intense fast paced robberies, either I get the robberies done or I die! D:


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  4. 5 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    I do not fully agree with this.

    My friends and I have been contributing to these threads for years, since experimental was released, and before the new bug tracker.

    It may be more helpful in some ways but experiential posts are read by the devs, and if you make a quality report here it is acknowledged, noted, and dealt with.

    I can detail an entire 8 hour play session with more than a dozen bugs outlined with screenshots, and accurate times, and places, for all bugs, plus repro steps.

    Both the tracker and the build threads are helpful, and both are necessary.

    My reports wrap the gaming experience around all the bugs and vice versa, plus I can add my design ideas, and suggestions as they occur to me through playing.

    Well to be honest this is a "stable" thread not experimental ;) 
    (But yes I know what you mean)

    I'm not saying devs don't use the forums to gather information on bug reports, I'm just saying if you want to - make sure - your bug report is not missed in the many comments on any thread on this forum then it is better to report it in the bug tracker. The specific place literally made to post bug reports. 

    I'm sure posting in here will help but I would still suggest to post directly to the bug tracker as a primary means of feed back. 

    Not only that but useless posts like "ermergerd my game crashed u still havnt fixed dis game. im leaving" seem to fill up a lot of these specific threads aimed at new updates and experimental threads. Which I'm sure the bug tracker gets too, but when these threads get spammed of comments that make them 8+ pages along it wouldn't be hard at all to either accidentally skip over a decent solid bug report or simply forget on which page and line the one useful comment was actually made. Hence making the process far more tedious than it necessarily needs to be for the dev(s) in question that actually bother to sift through a lot of the crap that gets spewed at them.

    Either way feedback is appreciated anywhere I'm sure. Let's leave it at that to not spam the thread of a discussion that doesn't need to happen here.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Baroness said:

    You're right, I should post there, but I think I'd rather ask if this is a known bug first, so that way I don't have to submit it when it's already known. If that makes sense :) 

    Even if it is a known bug the more reports the dev receive the more information they have. Even repeated information is good information because it shows multiple people encounter the same problems. 

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  6. Guys it would be a LOT more helpful to post bugs in the bugtracker rather than on this forum thread. There are dozens of threads used every day here so chances are a lot of your bug reports are being missed. The bugtracker is almost definitely the best place for it.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Julia_Shafer said:

    About the whole cold thing as a feature...

    Sure survival is important yes... but in real life thats just not going to happen. I've gotten to stage two hypothermia in real life. I'm still here to tell the tale. I didn't need medical intervention, I just took care of myself. Being in the rain for five minutes isn't going to kill someone in the middle of the summer and if it did, then humanity would have gone extinct before we were even homosapians.  

    Nor does being in the rain for 5 minutes in DayZ kill you. If you want your argument to be taken seriously when it comes to survival game play changes to a - survival - game then at least don't exaggerate. 
    In addition, this is a game NOT real life. Why compare it to real life? Things that happen in game are based on things that happen in real life (obviously) but they MUST be implemented into a - game -. Hence they must be balanced for - game play - and specifically in this case rain must be balanced to the point where it needs to hamper an unprepared player. 

    Which it is obviously doing since so many people seem to be complaining about it.

  8. For me it's fairly balanced. Foot steps are perhaps a bit too quiet but we just had 61 giving us incredibly overly loud sounds so most players, which we had for quite a long time. So now that things have changed I'm sure to a lot of people foot steps and other sounds seem a bit quiet. 

    So I don't think there is any issue really with the sounds. At least not on my end, I can still hear breathing and foot steps from a good 10 meters away which is fair enough to me. It helps if you are sitting still and not panting from sprinting. 

  9. I don't know the exact rules on banning. 

    BUT you could simply just kick them off the server with a message saying something like "Please change your name" or "Admin Impersonation is not allowed". A simple kick would be enough to get the players to get the message.
    It depends if you have a public or private server though when it comes to banning (I think). 

  10. YES please! I was nearly going to post the same thing! :) 

    SOOOO many times I've been in a fire fight, luckily knock a guy out instead of kill and after bandaging them and tying them up to perform my usual robbery the bugger respawns :( 
    It ruins so many chances to interact, it really could only improve game play rather than have any negative impact. The only negative I see is people being unconscious for a VERY long time if they are dying from sickness or starvation/thirst. 

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  11. @Kirov (DayZ) I don't blame a lack of banditry on the game at all. Back in the "golden era" it died off fairly quickly over time as well. The main thing that caused it is just the people that came to DayZ. People in general (when given anonymity) will do crap things and in particular lazy things. kos is just being lazy and because people usually don't hear the person they kill or their side of the story or even their adventure. People just don't care and just kill without too much reason (Hence constant bambi killings).

    DayZ itself doesn't drive players to stop interactions at all. It's just the community and the community mindset (which to me is the biggest problem with DayZ).

    Nor does it help that almost every single content creator is just constantly pushing out content involving killing on sight or killing another group after they failed to attempt to kill them first. Content creators showed DayZ off to the world and originally in a really good way but as time went on it just became more and more basic. Now new people (In particular the younger age group) see DayZ as a basic pvp game and so they just do what they've been shown to do. 

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