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About hempyhustle

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

    "Don't HATE me, Hate the GAME."

    "GAMING is what I do, FAMILY is what I love!"

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    "DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game, it was more of an experiment. I prefer the term 'anti-game'." - rocket

    Need a DayZ Group? - We want chill 20+ Good People!

    We are the: -The PILLAGERS-
    Register FREE at http://NOLIFEGAMER.com
    1. We are a survivalist group w/ LIVING being our main focus.
    3. We do not kill on sight.
    4. We will ROB on site.
    5. We will rob every other survivor we see who is not a PILLAGER.
    6. We will scavenge, store, gather & loot as many supplies as possible.
  1. WELCOME back big dogg. Lets go do dirt. Rob they asses and leave em NAKED! THE PILLAGERS, RAPIN' & TAKIN' YO SHIT, SUCKAS!
  2. Classic DETH :) Loving this! Pretty much explains our group in a nut shell :P Cannot wait for SA 0_0 Atleast we got ArmA 3 (Wasteland) & Elder Scrolls Online to hold us over til then!
  3. Anyone know if Stand Alone is getting its own separate forum or will forums remain here???
  4. We are still actively seeking members for our DayZ Stand Alone Group! Please let us know :) We are open to complete NOOBS, and experienced players. Come help us grow.
  5. Looking for guys to game with. Very small group here looking for others who need a group.
  6. LMAO, Daaaamn if the dude smokin' looked alot more sexy that'd be me chiefin'... But man what I wanna know is how the hell did you photoshop your own image in there in the background watchin' dude puff??? Lookin' a lil white trashish there NET.
  7. Sounds to me like you were just surviving bruh. Nothing bandit-ish in this. Show no regrets and survive man. It's a hostile world out there. Sometimes people have to die. That doesn't make you a bandit though. You're a bandit when YOU KNOW you are a bandit. Bandits kill for pleasure, they don't feel guilty. there's still hope for you man :)
  8. Just join us, see if you like the vibe. If not you can leave easily, no stress at all.
  9. hempyhustle

    Looking for people (Team)

  10. BOTH :) I started solo on the mod then after frustration started a group called FUCK BANDITS or FB Militia. Once I had the team I wanted us to have our own server so that's how i got into private servers. NOW, I really don't like playing on public servers. I like playing where I know the server is being monitored. I also like being able to set servers up anyway we want, cars, gas, load outs. Private servers are fun.
  11. hempyhustle

    Throwing Hatchets

    Have to AGREE w/ Dancing. Hatchet would be a 1 shot kill and I think like you were pretty much saying Bambi they need to be hard to throw but if connected it's a insta-kill. if not I see no reason to add them. But honestly in a zombie game like this shouldn't everything be THROW-ABLE? I mean to save your ass you would use anything.
  12. hempyhustle

    What is Dayz44 or Day44??? HELP!

    No problem and ty!
  13. hempyhustle

    What is Dayz44 or Day44??? HELP!

    YES SIR it does sound MIGHTY cool. Evil, thanks man I am going crazy here, I want this so bad and it says download like it is ready to go. have you tried yet?
  14. Ok, so I had a thread asking about what your favorite DayZ Flavor was: vanilla, DayZ+ or 2017. Someone brought up another I was unaware of: DayZ44 http://day44.com/ Can anyone tell me about this is it legit? I can't find info on this other then the site above. This would be off the hook, but can someone give some info on this?