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About terrorizer33

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    PC gaming, IT related stuff, dj-ing (all sorts of house music, preferably the harder styles), beer :)

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  • Bio
    Gaming since 1986. Past: clanleader of various clans in various online mp games (Rainbow Six, Soldier of Fortune, Counter-Strike, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament). Wararranger for various clans. Currently 1 of the headadmins of Team Old Skool (www.teamoldskool.com) gaming community.
  1. Hi peepz, Team Old Skool [TOS] has been running DayZ servers for a while now, but since Steam took over and DayZcommander messed up we seemed to have lost quite alot of players unfortunately so we're busy building up our playerbase again. Currently we're running a 50 slots Chernarus Overpoch server with some additions to the map itself. Our loot table is tweaked slightly but not overkill. We try to keep it as close to the original DayZ as possible (no tanks/a10s/etc.). We're running server missions (DMZS) and are still tweaking them to get the best possible experience. Our server has R3F towing script, take clothes script, godzone at the traderzones, Building Snap Pro tools, sell from vehicles/backpacks script, normal 24 hour day/night cycle and runs on GMT timezone. Our server is protected by Inifistart antihack, so far it's doing a good job! Our server restart times are @ 0.00 - 8.00 - 16.00 You can find our server @ : or use the ARMA2 ingame browser, set filter to [TOS] We recommend using dayzlauncher (http://dayzlauncher.com/) as we found this to be the easiest way to get all the mods loaded which are needed to run Overpoch. We also have our own teamspeak: ts3.teamoldskool.com, so feel free to drop by for a chat or if you have any questions or visit our website @ www.teamoldskool.com or our facebook page @ http://www.facebook.com/TeamOldSkool If you want to play on a cool server, with some cool additions and are tired of the same boring Chernarus map, feel free to give our server a try!! Hope to see you in Chernarus! Greetnx, TerroR aka Don Demon Headadmin TOS gaming community
  2. terrorizer33

    Best people ever!

    Think every1 is missing the point here.. he's simply showing his excitement in meeting actual friendly players, regardless of what they gave him. They didnt shoot him but were friendly, indeed something that doesnt happen too many times in DayZ.
  3. terrorizer33

    The hacks begin...

    Haha releasing the netcode for SA by accident didnt really help.. like some1 already mentioned, when theres mp games there will be cheaters. Its up to the server admins mostly to keep their servers clean of cheaters.
  4. terrorizer33

    Do official servers have admins? (admin abuse?)

    Admins can kick and say (ban not sure) and thats it. Indeed sounds like a hacker.
  5. terrorizer33

    RCON dayz SA

    Only thing that worries me about the way servers are connected now and were in the mod is the fact that the devs didnt act on admin abuse. I havent seen 1 server get blacklisted cause of admin abuse while there were pretty clear pointers of abuse on certain servers. Imo its not vey fair for rule abiding servers if abusers get away with this.
  6. terrorizer33

    Banned, looking for help.

    Soldier clothing perhaps?
  7. Are you renting a dedicated server from them or a dayz server on a shared box? Apart from his reply on your legit mail, DayZ isnt the easiest mod to host imo. It needs a dedicated proactive hoster to keep everything running like it should.
  8. My reply was more along the lines of I'd rather always try to chat with other players at all times.. even when theyre shooting at me (unless I have no cover to safely start typing).
  9. Some of the questions couldve done with some more player interaction options imo..
  10. terrorizer33

    Our mentality

    I always try to talk to people first. They open up on me me and my team will hunt them down. Imo it works well as well to mention my back is covered by at least 2 snipers nearly all the time. Somehow people do believe what I say.
  11. terrorizer33

    Poll: Actually playing DayZ

    Still play nearly every day. I like the interaction with other players (good or bad) a lot and being mr. Friendly choppa pilot picking up bambis, dropping them somewhere and then picking them up again cause they died. Vanilla private hive.
  12. terrorizer33

    Is this hacked or legit? Holy shit

    Lol thats not that much... me and my team use a Ural as a mobile base.. its completely full.. if you have a big team who regularly do loot missions it fills up pretty quick.
  13. terrorizer33

    idea for sabotage some car

    Shooting 1 (or 2) wheel(s) works as well ;)
  14. terrorizer33 cloning glitch.

    Ive seen a couple people mentioning the fact that that dayz patches arent tested properly before release. If people took the time to READ this forum a bit better they would know the devs are trying to get more people to test updates before releasing. If hardly no1 shows up in the test server patches cant be fully tested. So read the forum and put some effort in getting patches tested the way they should before whinging about stuff not being properly tested.
  15. We've banned some1 once by trapping him. Took us about 4 hours and alot of backtracing in normal arma. A tedious but sometimes necessary process. Logs indeed dont always say everything and its definately up to the keeness of the admins to work things out with all means available. Going on accusations from other players is not how thongs should be dealt with in the first place imo.