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About declan223@gmail.com

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    g000gle's Amazing Horse

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    Perth, Western Australia
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    I was born. The end

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  1. declan223@gmail.com

    How to stop farming and server hopping

    But what if the server goes down, gets hack attacked or something else?
  2. declan223@gmail.com

    Bandits and Heros Private Hive Server

    Another CoD kiddy private hive, bring on the standalone
  3. declan223@gmail.com

    Some good skins as a possible addition

    Definitely, but I believe that some models don't have animations for certain things or are incompatible with some vehicles or something
  4. declan223@gmail.com


    There's a limited journal in the mod already. I think you have to configure custom control 20 to a key, press the key and whola
  5. declan223@gmail.com

    Selling NVG, ghillie, rangefinder ++

    AS50 and M107 are no longer in the mod. However I am willing to trade a DMR for the NVG's
  6. declan223@gmail.com


    Dark Magic in the Graveyard?
  7. declan223@gmail.com

    Sewers/ Storm Drains

    Maybe the Standalone engine will support under ground structures but currently you can't have Sewers and stuff
  8. declan223@gmail.com

    How to lower the ”shot on sight” mentality

    I lol at KoS players who get KoS'd to me its just karma
  9. declan223@gmail.com

    Should be finally joining tomoz.

    ArmA 2 is armazing (See what I did there). 1/3rd of the cost of anything similiar 3x the fun. Also get ArmA 3 it's like ArmA 2 but lest 'cluncky'
  10. declan223@gmail.com

    Temperature affects survival! [SA]

    And cold also makes you hungrier faster
  11. declan223@gmail.com

    My two cents

    How come no loot in big cities?
  12. declan223@gmail.com

    Can I play this game on an apple mac??

    PC stands for personal computer; pretty much any computer designed for personal use. Oh and I doubt your computer will be able to run ArmA 2 let alone DayZ.
  13. The mythbuster Zombies that look like on of the guys from mythbusters