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Looking for people to interview

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Well, ChernoJourno is retired now, so I'd say it's fair game.

Rexaruious, if you'd like to interview a medic, I'd be happy to. Send me a PM and we can set something up.

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For those still complaining he's copying Cherno Journo, have a look at one of his comments here

  • Sad to see the series go... what would you think of others taking up the project and interviewing players?
    magaz 16 hours ago

Of course go right ahead. There's nothing special about what i do - the magic is in the stories other tell you.

Cherno Journo in reply to magaz 10 hours ago

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I'd love to participate, I've done all there is to do in DayZ, send me a pm if you're interested about how you want to do this.

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Oh my god Cherno Journo is not even dead yet and we all ready have a pretender.

Dude it's a crap idea the first time around why the hell would you want to rip it off?

Edited by WildWackyActionBike

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I don't know Rexarious15 from a bar of soap so I can't say anything about his intentions.

Firstly I don't think the fact that I came up with the idea first is either special or unique. Anyone can take a good idea, and I think this idea is a great idea, and make it better or they could make it worse. I'll reserve any judgement until I see a video and so should anyone else. Just don't bother with trying to say you were thinking of it too - it hard being first and I've shown it can work - learn from me and improve. It's pretty clear that the moment I announce my retirement you jump in to fill the void - don't lie about the fact as there's nothing wrong with that and as it's been shown I encourage anyone to take this on and make it better.

Here's my tips for good interviewing.

First is to have some idea of interviewing and/or media training - if you don't have it then watch videos and read some books about media - you can't do this half arsed. I did a 3 year communications degree which included some on camera work, so I was pretty confident about my skills as an interviewer. What i lack was the technical prowess - look at the early interviews compared to the later ones. Technically they're much better in their editing, re enactments etc.

I don't do pre interviews. I just roll into a location and do to the interview. Now this is a risky strategy as you have no idea what's going to happen but sometimes you get gold. Pre interviews can make the story lose it's vibrancy and immediacy if you talk over skype and then again in game. But it's up to you - again my training and experience helps me with the confidence to control the interview and ask the right questions.

Have a note pad in front of you and listen, really listen to what they are saying. I always jot down my next question, any points and make sure I get enough detail for the reenactments. I'm assuming you're doing reenactments otherwise the interviews would be pretty dull. Also watch plenty of YouTube videos on editing to improve your pacing and shot choice.

Be prepared to die - a lot. I don't know what your DayZ moral code is but I never kill another player, even if fired on. If I shoot it's only to break legs and make a getaway Also you can't judge your subjects. Even if you think what they did/do is deplorable you need to remain objective and just record the story. I find it takes about 4 interviews to find one worthy to go up on the channel so no matter how excited you are don't put your first one up. Wait until you've done 4 and then pick the best one and put that one up. If all four are great then you're in luck and put them all up but you'll be under a lot of scrutiny on that first video so make it awesome.

A lot of people will call you a pretender, like that WackyBike idiot, so ignore them and respond with a quality piece. Don't rush it, and don't be arrogant. Focus on the work and take feedback on board. This is a community and sure there are trolls, but lots of people like to help each other out - so listen to what they have to say.

This is the Cherno Journo....out.

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I don't know Rexarious15 from a bar of soap so I can't say anything about his intentions.

Firstly I don't think the fact that I came up with the idea first is either special or unique. Anyone can take a good idea, and I think this idea is a great idea, and make it better or they could make it worse. I'll reserve any judgement until I see a video and so should anyone else. Just don't bother with trying to say you were thinking of it too - it hard being first and I've shown it can work - learn from me and improve. It's pretty clear that the moment I announce my retirement you jump in to fill the void - don't lie about the fact as there's nothing wrong with that and as it's been shown I encourage anyone to take this on and make it better.

Here's my tips for good interviewing.

First is to have some idea of interviewing and/or media training - if you don't have it then watch videos and read some books about media - you can't do this half arsed. I did a 3 year communications degree which included some on camera work, so I was pretty confident about my skills as an interviewer. What i lack was the technical prowess - look at the early interviews compared to the later ones. Technically they're much better in their editing, re enactments etc.

I don't do pre interviews. I just roll into a location and do to the interview. Now this is a risky strategy as you have no idea what's going to happen but sometimes you get gold. Pre interviews can make the story lose it's vibrancy and immediacy if you talk over skype and then again in game. But it's up to you - again my training and experience helps me with the confidence to control the interview and ask the right questions.

Have a note pad in front of you and listen, really listen to what they are saying. I always jot down my next question, any points and make sure I get enough detail for the reenactments. I'm assuming you're doing reenactments otherwise the interviews would be pretty dull. Also watch plenty of YouTube videos on editing to improve your pacing and shot choice.

Be prepared to die - a lot. I don't know what your DayZ moral code is but I never kill another player, even if fired on. If I shoot it's only to break legs and make a getaway Also you can't judge your subjects. Even if you think what they did/do is deplorable you need to remain objective and just record the story. I find it takes about 4 interviews to find one worthy to go up on the channel so no matter how excited you are don't put your first one up. Wait until you've done 4 and then pick the best one and put that one up. If all four are great then you're in luck and put them all up but you'll be under a lot of scrutiny on that first video so make it awesome.

A lot of people will call you a pretender, like that WackyBike idiot, so ignore them and respond with a quality piece. Don't rush it, and don't be arrogant. Focus on the work and take feedback on board. This is a community and sure there are trolls, but lots of people like to help each other out - so listen to what they have to say.

This is the Cherno Journo....out.

Thank You for that it brings inspiration to me.

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The Church of Dew is happy to see someone will continue this when the cherno journo is retired(we suppose to wait with your first video until the last one of the journo is out) and we would happily try to help another member of the Chernarus Free Press if we run across one.

There is plenty of room for even more "Members" of a Chernarus Free Press, maybe even different Journalists for different kind of storys/videos/concepts.

Maybe this is the beginning of a Chernarus Free Press Network, including all the Journalists out there.

We were really excited about the interviews from the cherno journo and we look forward for your videos Rexarious15.

50 Tons of Flax

Edited by Apfelsator

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I'm a hoarder, often looked down on by the majority of the community, I can offer some insight on the other side of the coin of dayz, the almost singleplayer experience of gathering loot and possessions and all that I do to manage it and conserve it, effectively challenging the first rule in dayz

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I could help you with an interview, also just in recording them, if you need some help. I had a group of 6 people, but we didn't work together, were divided, had several people arguing for leadership, and did not communicate. From that, I also learned about how to create a proper group. I could talk about the times we had, and other such things. If you'd like an interview, that is.

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OP reading half the replies in this thread, you might consider doing an interview about what's wrong with us gamers in general. :)

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So I posted before some advice and got lots of beans - thanks to all that shared. Unfortunately the person who should have really taken heed didn't and this is the result.


Ahh the naivety of youth

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Keep it on-topic. I've hidden all the posts derailing the thread into a WarZ discussion.

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So I posted before some advice and got lots of beans - thanks to all that shared. Unfortunately the person who should have really taken heed didn't and this is the result.


Ahh the naivety of youth

That was just trying to try it out with a friend really did not want to upload it but friend wanted me to

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