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Charachter development

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Dude's and possible dudettes,

I've just started to write down my suggestion on this blog wonderloops (It gives me more space to present it orderly then here).

Updates will follow all through this week, so be sure to check it out and post feedback/suggestions/flaming here.

The model suggests a balanced way of 'charachter development' (not in the classical sense of leveling, etc.) for different playstyles.

I present 4 skills one can 'train', who all open new windows during mid- and endgame.

As time passes I will go in deeper and explain the underlieing mechanichs such as psychological effects and advancements.


Just think of someone robbing you at gunpoint over direct-chat. You now have to make an assesment of the risk, is your life worth your gear?

Think of someone asking you at gunpoint where your buddies are camping, what do you do?

Right now, you have to assess, is my life worth the risk?

Worst case-scenario; You die, spawn on the coast, run back to your camp and gear up.

The idea behind the 'experience gained' is that you actually have something to loose when you die, and life itself becomes more valuable to a player.

In my opninion this will open brand new windows during the game.

Check it out, and let me know what you think.

I will update soon.

Have fun,

Edited by gooogle

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You do know you have actually not posted a suggestion. You have told us that you have an idea, and linked us to a website apperently containing the idea, but neither this post or the afforementioned website tells us anything concrete. Character development, 4 classes with skills, with big fancy titles on them.

No word about what the classes actually do, or what is required to train the specific skills. No comparing it to the game of today, and what it could change. No explanations, no general information.

I kinda like the idea, and you say you will update, but please dont make a new topic untill you have something a bit more concrete. That will also get more people unto your idea.

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I don't like the idea of experience or skill points at all. There are so many other good ideas out there to make you feel attached to your character without resorting to such artificial means.

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It was merely my intention to use this thread as a sort of log to share idea's during the process of putting it all together.

Danny is perhaps right, I will come back as soon as I have something to show for.

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Im certain at something with skill has to be implemented to get value for the life. Not everyone can be supersoldies with ability to heal players and fix a helicopter with few scapmetals...People in RL are not multitalented like in this game..

Edited by Zeppa

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Not to be rude at all... but please, for the love of god, learn how to spell "character."

Edited by Excision
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