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Tent Stuck in Tree?

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I placed down my tent, next to a tree thinking it would be a good idea and well hidden. I then realised that I couldn't enter the tent, or pick it up and repack it. Half of the tree trunk was block my way into the tent. post-117567-0-44826300-1350075067_thumb.

Is there anything i can do to get it back?


- Dizoh.

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Nope, try going into first person and look at every angle, but it's probably stuck now. I think in the lastest patch they removed the fail safe that didn't allow you do place obstructed tents, so now they can get stuck. Just remember that when you place the next one, it will appear in front of you, with the short side facing you, i.e. don't be looking at the trunk if you're trying to hide it in the tree.

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Heh, I placed my first 2 tents too close to pine trees. You'll learn the proper distance with trial and hopefully not too much error. :)

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Also if you place it on a slope It might slide a bit down every restart. I had a tent I couldn't use for a week, because it passed slowly through a tree.

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