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Had my first upsetting death last night.

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So I was pretty geared up (M14 AIM + 8 full mags, 1911 + 7 full mags, Alice pack full of food/beverages/medical supplies, wire traps, and just about every tool/gadget I needed to survive). All I wanted was a tent so I could start setting up my home base.

I was making my way from the NW Airfield to Berezino and decided to make a stop in Palona to loot the supermarket there. No problem, right? The town is relatively small and quiet, so I figured it should be a quick "smash n grab". WRONG!

I observed the streets and supermarket from the treeline before choosing my route. Once the freshly spawned infected mindlessly scattered I made my move. I made it inside the store without attracting the attention of even one Z. This is where shit goes south, fast.

I went to close the front door and some how "missed" the icon, effectively discharging a round from my M14 (which is super God damn loud). "No biggie" I thought, I'll just loot the back rooms real quick and be on my way. I was doing just that when some kind of super infected blasted through the wall, hit me once, and snapped my leg.

Before I could get to my morphine I was swarmed by, what seemed like, the whole damn town. I tried to crawl out to the front to no avail. There were just too damn many. I was consumed.

And totally bummed.

Edited by A_Typical_Noob
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Well... what happended???!

oh, you edited it. bummer by the way

Edited by Friday N

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Isn't the middle mouse button close/open doors? How did you manage to fire???

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1st: Didn't you have your morphine in the main inventory? You need it more often then you'd think.

2nd: Always try to use the middle / 3rd button of your mouse to get things done, avoids the possibility having that situation again ;-)

3rd: It might take a while, but eventually the "Zombie-Hitting-You-Through-Everything"-bug will be fixed.

Edited by kichilron

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Isn't the middle mouse button close/open doors? How did you manage to fire???

Honest answer: I was a bit intoxicated and just had a "durp" moment. I just couldn't believe how many had swarmed and how fast they arrived.

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some kind of super infected blasted through the wall, hit me once, and snapped my leg.

And totally bummed.

Supermarket and gaurdhouses alwaysproduce those phantom-z D:

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Look in your controls, remove "use active action"(can't recall name exactly) from left mouse and only use your action key for actions. This will prevent your from firing, when you mean use your action and prevents you from accidentally beginning an action, when you need to fire fast.

Btw I also died in Polana supermarket yesterday. I found two Winchesters and a Lee Enfield with lots of ammo and decided to kill all zombies in Polana. I picked up the Lee Enfield and called all the zombies. After killing 30 with the Enfield, I went to pick up a Winchester and some stupid zombie hardly touched me and knocked me over. There were not reasonable excuse for dying, yet I fucked up and did.

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Honest answer: I was a bit intoxicated and just had a "durp" moment. I just couldn't believe how many had swarmed and how fast they arrived.

Ah yes, playing DayZ whist pissed/smashed/muffed/under the influence ... isn't that a requirement now?

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Look in your controls, remove "use active action"(can't recall name exactly) from left mouse and only use your action key for actions. This will prevent your from firing, when you mean use your action and prevents you from accidentally beginning an action, when you need to fire fast.

Btw I also died in Polana supermarket yesterday. I found two Winchesters and a Lee Enfield with lots of ammo and decided to kill all zombies in Polana. I picked up the Lee Enfield and called all the zombies. After killing 30 with the Enfield, I went to pick up a Winchester and some stupid zombie hardly touched me and knocked me over. There were not reasonable excuse for dying, yet I fucked up and did.

Thanks, I'm going to do that when I get home.

This is why I love DayZ, though. You never know what grim fate awaits you around every corner, be it Super Zeds or Bandits or even a random drop off a mountain side (lol, yeah I did that). Now I get to start a new character tonight. Keeps the game fresh!

I think I'll just make a break for Berezino, gear up a bit, and try to get a vehicle running.

Edited by A_Typical_Noob

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Ah yes, playing DayZ whist pissed/smashed/muffed/under the influence ... isn't that a requirement now?

Lol, it helps keep me warm while I'm traversing the harsh and bitter cold wilderness of Chernarus!!

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If your leg gets snapped while a horde is rushing you there's not much you can do, morphine or no. This is what happened to a buddy of mine in Berenzino and he had 2 guys trying to help him and fend off the horde. But there were simply too many zombies rushing his prone position.

Shit does go south fast, my sympathies.

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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If you're leg gets snapped while a horde is rushing you there's not much you can do, morphine or no. This is what happened to a buddy of mine in Berenzino and he had 2 guys trying to help him and fend off the horde. But there were simply too many zombies rushing his prone position.

Shit does go south fast, my sympathies.

Thanks man. Yeah, the second I hit the floor I knew I was in trouble. Then when I turned around and saw all the legs shambling towards me, I knew I was nothing more than a delicious, crawling, mouth watering Survivor Fillet. Oh well. Nobody ever said it would be easy living in an undead world.

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Ah yes, playing DayZ whist pissed/smashed/muffed/under the influence ... isn't that a requirement now?

Well someone had to empty those whiskey bottles.

On topic, I've been killed by a zed for a stupid reason too. I was on a medic mission and was getting a good look at the meeting point, then a silent zed comes out of the bush next to me and knocks me out while others swarm me. I didn't even make any noise. Luckily I spawned close and did what I needed to do, but those zombie ninjas suck.

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Being intoxicated has gotten be killed more times than I can count. It got to the point where my clan mates would start yelling at me to stop drinking around mid night I became such a liability.

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Three seconds is all it takes for things to go tits up.

Whilst many players (including myself) try out the big weapons in the game, I feel I need to sell people on the idea of the Remington shotgun. It takes some getting used to, with all the partial 2Rnd ammo you need to collect to form 8Rnd "mags", but it is possible to kill 2 or 3 or even 4 enemies at once with the pellets if you aim it right. There's YouTube video of one-shot-two-kills out there, but 3 or 4 is a little trickier, but still possible.

I've been swapping from AKM to Winchester to Remington and going back and forth depending on how secure I feel, but for the pure pleasure of multiple kills, the Remington is the bad-boy you need for swarms like that.

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I've had a similar thing happen to me. I was up at Berinzino sneaking around trying to get some loot, I peaked around a corner and there was a zombie1 walking at me. So I turned around only to see zombie2 was point blank in my face, I killed him but he hit me once and I started to bleed and I knew the zombie1 heard the shots and just before I could turn around he hit me in the back and broke my leg. I managed to kill him and didn't alert any other zombies, weird. So I bandage up, and in the middle of morphine a Lee Enfield takes me down. :(

I've also found that when faced with a hord of zombies, smoke grenades are a godsend. So now I always keep at least one in my inventory.

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Smoke grenades and flares are great for distracting hordes. If you have one or more zombies already chasing you, it can be tricky trying to set one off without them still following you.

Broken leg(s) is a real bummer though. Rocket is talking about having different fracture types in the Standalone. He mentioned ribs at the Eurogamer conference. I wonder if broken/fractured arms means you can't fire your weapon properly?

It's gonna be interesting anyway.

Edited by Hatchet_Man

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Smoke grenades and flares are great for distracting hordes. If you have one or more zombies already chasing you, it can be tricky trying to set one off without them still following you.

Broken leg(s) is a real bummer though. Rocket is talking about having different fracture types in the Standalone. He mentioned ribs at the Eurogames conference. I wonder if broken/fractured arms means you can't fire your weapon properly?

It's gonna be interesting anyway.

Interesting indeed. I can't wait for the standalone. I just hope they give us a lot more buildings that we can actually enter/loot.

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Always have 1 morphine 1 painkiller 1 water bottle/soda and a couple of steaks in your primary inventory. The water bottle isn't very important if you are low on space you can keep it in your backpack. The others are a must.

You should have shot the zed who got your leg through the wall hit the morphine and haul ass.

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Many more deaths like this will follow... Then once you get over that you can't get enough of those crazy intense fights in which leave you almost dead or killed, maybe taking a few with you.

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Bummed by Zombies. Not that is upsetting.

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Ah yes, playing DayZ whist pissed/smashed/muffed/under the influence ... isn't that a requirement now?

False courage my friend. The false bravado rarely trumps the loss of cognitive reasoning.

Personally i think everyone should drink more. My PvP success rate goes to almost 50% agaisnt wasted folks. :P

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False courage my friend. The false bravado rarely trumps the loss of cognitive reasoning.

Personally i think everyone should drink more. My PvP success rate goes to almost 50% agaisnt wasted folks. :P

Oh yeah?

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