Bakst 98 Posted October 12, 2012 I just play on expert servers. No third person, no magic map, no crosshairs. You should try it, it's a far better game like that.Agreed. Magic map scares me more than any zombie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) Play on vet servers with 3rd person enabled.I enjoy playing on 3rd person servers, since the player model is fully rendered in the game, why not enjoy it. While first person is way more immersive and 3rd person is mandatory to exploit in PvP, I feel first person mode is lacking, when it comes to accuraccy of movement and physical awareness. I've seen alot of examples of players never switching to first person in firefights, forgetting that the elevated 3rd person camera, makes shooting alot more inaccurate.I don't see the point in why the standalone needs to seperate character saves for different difficulty settings. I mean it's not easier to get fully geared on a 3rd person server and a 3rd person player will be in a dissadvantage, when joining a first person server. On the other hand, being able to have two active characters seems like a positive.As long as server hosts can enforce their prefered difficulty settings for all, the playing field on the individual server is level. Edited October 12, 2012 by Dallas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) I just play on expert servers. No third person, no magic map, no crosshairs. You should try it, it's a far better game like that.I do almost the exact same, minus the third person. Remind me to ask Rocket for a "no first person" option.I'll say this again, the "fairness" problem only arises when first person players and third person players play on the same server. I say, force everyone into third person. That's the opposite side of the coin. Don't see why it's not as valid. Edited October 12, 2012 by SausageKingofChicago Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveLord 32 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) Rainbow 6 was one of the original games to feature this.....and it could not be disabled. It never really hampered gameplay at all. You could see a guy throwing a nade around the corner, rushing you or sitting at the end of a long hallway. It was accepted by the community completely. Although to be fair, it was mostly a CQB game. Edited October 12, 2012 by SteveLord Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bogroll (DayZ) 26 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) I think it pretty pathetic that 'pro-gamers' like Sacriel and Frankie use 3rd person. They, I'm sure would argue that it's a cheat that works both ways, so it's fair play all round.I disagree; it's the unfair use of close cover against far targets. For example: you're behind a wall, and somehow you can see over it giving you the huge advantage against your opponents. 15 foot tall shoulder mounted surveillance cameras anyone? Maybe we should carry around our own walls. It's a pretty lame game mechanic that does not fit in with DayZ, who's ultimate goal is to be a realish-life survival simulator set in extraordindary circumstances. Think of the many games released in first person and nobody complained that there was no third person view? Battlefield 3/ COD for instance?? You can think of tonnes more I am sure.Rocket has stated that he wouldn't take 3rd person away from the standalone. That's a purely commercial decision as once a feature is given, then taking it away would cause an uproar. Edited October 12, 2012 by bogroll Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billytehbob 6 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) 1st Person view is limited in your awareness in game when compared to reality.. this is why the ArmA devs implemented 3rd person. It's a military sim, and 3rd person is an acceptable evil. I like it when traveling or moving around in town, it gives me more awareness than I would get in 1st.So you can look over walls and around corners, in real life you'd be able to hear the other people and know that they were there, but ArmA doesn't do this, so it's substituted with seeing them instead. In real life, you could stick your gun around the corner without exposing yourself, but if they implemented that feature in ArmA, let alone DayZ, everyone would freak.It's give and take, people. Edited October 12, 2012 by billytehbob 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IncognitoNico 71 Posted October 12, 2012 Well, if you think About it both players can use Third person. So no one has has advantage or disadvantage.I like itYes they do, not for when looking from above a wall, the other dude can do that too, nut the snipers on the rooftops, are just prone and they can scout the whole area since they can zoom in while in third person (I think, if they disabled that it would be balanced) and try to see a sniper prone on the top of the fire house in cherno from street level. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted October 12, 2012 If Arma 2 was a better game, I could see myself in first person more, but like others have said, I personally just hate first person in this game. I've put tons of hours into first person games, where you spend a long time running around, Fallout, Skyrim, BF3, STALKEr, but I just hate it in this game. I'll go first person in buildings, but third person outside usually, especially for long runs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 300 Posted October 12, 2012 1st person is OK in outdoors. But indoors, especially in narrow corridors and small rooms, it gives me seasickness. Probably because of FOV settings. In OFP or Arma1 it was OK, but they changed something in Arma2 so now while navigating inside buildings it hurts my eyes, causes headache and feeling that I'm going to vomit. I have disabled PP and reduced head bob to the minimum but that didn't help. Running in 1st persond with a handgun is annoying as hell too since your character's right hand occupies half of the screen every fraction of a second. This causes pain in my right eye and makes me feel sick too. And I never experienced such annoyances in any other game.BTW I've never had a seasickness in the sea IRL. Pretty funny that I get it in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedyman 13 Posted October 12, 2012 i cant live without my 3rd person Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silenced (DayZ) 5 Posted October 12, 2012 The issue, especially with solid walls that are about 2m in height, is that the player directly behind the wall has that very big advantage, the one around 100 meters away does not but is seen by the other one without that one having to risk being exposed somehow.This is simply unfair. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irl-calibre 744 Posted October 12, 2012 1st person is greatly improved by dbl tapping the " - " key on numpad on your keyboard. That being said even with headbobbing turned off and the first person camera moved back, running is very. Meh! I just prefare 3d person for movement & in all honesty this is really strange as i'm not a fan of 3rd person shooters at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lappihuan 26 Posted October 12, 2012 I Have changed the View Changer to a Mouse Button and i Change the View just like i need it in the Situation.But most time in First Person, Only if i walk a long time i am longer then 1-2 mins in 3D Person Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bombolz (DayZ) 23 Posted October 12, 2012 Well keep the 3rd for players that want it, and it may be OP, but everyone can use it, so if it becomes fair, even though in certain situations like the one you stated are unfair, but a sniper camping always had the advantage straight from the start. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skinup69 24 Posted October 12, 2012 I use both 3rd for tactical play and open ground running and 1st person for in door fire fights. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bakst 98 Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) I play on vet servers with no crosshairs, nameplates or magic maps, but I have yet to play on an expert server with 3dp off. When I think about it, this would probably serve me well, since I use 3dp pretty sparingly and other folks who have it on all the time are liable to get the drop on me. Usually I only switch to 3dp when I'm laying prone or crawling around, since there's always grass in your face in 1st-person view. I almost never use it to look around corners and prefer instead to use the lean function. Also, I like the fact that you can't completely get rid of the head bob, because dammit human feet just don't carry you across the landscape like a gliding camera on rails!I understand that it's necessary to counteract the fact that your visual and spacial awareness would be much better irl because you're able to use all of your senses (touch, smell, etc.), but personally I could do without 3dp. But taking it out now that people have gotten used to it would of course be mayhem. Hence, to each his own. Edited October 13, 2012 by Bakst Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted October 12, 2012 If u play the girl 3rd person is great for staring at her ass otherwise I see no reason for it... ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kebman 213 Posted October 12, 2012 1st person does not give the same field of view as you get when you use your real eyes. 3rd person gives a better approximation of how aware a player would be in real life - also next to windows and walls, where a real world person would be able to sneak a discreet peek (like peeping tom). Thus I'm all for 3rd person. Also, like the choire said, If you don't like 3rd person, choose a server that has it disabled. Personally, I like to change between them as it best suits me. When I shoot or I am on the lookout, I use 1st person. When I travel, and need to be tactically aware, I use 3rd person - also because 1st person seriously makes me sick when travelling. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bakst 98 Posted October 12, 2012 1st person does not give the same field of view as you get when you use your real eyes. 3rd person gives a better approximation of how aware a player would be in real life - also next to windows and walls, where a real world person would be able to sneak a discreet peek (like peeping tom). Thus I'm all for 3rd person.That's very true. There are many such disadvantages here, for example irl if I've got my back to a wall or tree I can sense my position relative to the object just by touch, so I could answer the question, "Am I fully covered?" without having to turn around and look at the tree to determine my exact position. The list goes on.The only real solution is virtual reality =] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted October 12, 2012 Steak and Potatoes uses 3rd person. Steak and Potatoes is stupid and not good at first person unless steak and potaotes is driving or flying.. Were supposed to put our posts in 3 rd person right?I always view the forums in 1st person but it's personal choice I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted October 12, 2012 I'll say this again, the "fairness" problem only arises when first person players and third person players play on the same server. I say, force everyone into third person. That's the opposite side of the coin. Don't see why it's not as valid.Removing 1st person serves no purpose.No need to rock the boat, this has been a BIS feature for 11 years and BIS has always allowed server hosts to enforce whatever difficulty setting he choses to. If you think 3rd person view is an unfair advantage, play on expert servers. Whenever I move into a large urban area, I know there's a great chance I'm being watched. This is why I constantly stay on the move, move unpredictablly, change direction at every corner, enter every backally, never sit still looting for more than a brief moment and always with my back against the wall. Sometimes 3rd person works against you, sometimes it doesn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkPunk 159 Posted October 12, 2012 The thing about third person, is that it's an advantage for everyone in the server. Sure, someone on a roof has an advantage that the person on the ground won't have, but that'll be the case anyway. If they're both in first person, then the person on the roof can easily crouch, have a slight view and be harder to see because that person on the ground is also in first person, thus limiting their view.But, if we're going to remove it, while we're at it I'd like to recommend we remove everything from the game that I don't like, too, rather than provide the choice for the individual players. Because choice is clearly an evil, horrible thing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrunkPunk 159 Posted October 12, 2012 The thing about third person, is that it's an advantage for everyone in the server. Sure, someone on a roof has an advantage that the person on the ground won't have, but that'll be the case anyway. If they're both in first person, then the person on the roof can easily crouch, have a slight view and be harder to see because that person on the ground is also in first person, thus limiting their view.But, if we're going to remove it, while we're at it I'd like to recommend we remove everything from the game that I don't like, too, rather than provide the choice for the individual players. Because choice is clearly an evil, horrible thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted October 12, 2012 1st person is so much more immersive and with the freelook feature, I don't mind the reduced FOV vs 3rd person view. The thing is, so many people are used to 3rd person by now that removing it is not an option. And if it's not getting removed, it means the majority of the servers will have it turned on, just like now which kinda sucks. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heiduk 265 Posted October 12, 2012 have you ever wondered why servers that have third person removed are always usually low population?This is pretty much only true of American severs. The best European servers with 3DP: Off have just as large of a population as the 3DP: On servers. This observation makes me think the dislike for first person here has more to do with cultural differences than the quality of BIS's 1st person game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites