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dirtysanchez (DayZ)

Some of the supermarkets and hospitals should be guarded by the military

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Hi all,

my suggestion:

Some of the supermarkets and hospitals should be guarded by the military, HERO players have free access there to propel trade (trade ammunition too beans etc.)

Bandits players will be rejected, and might somehow only entree against violence.

Survivors could buy the access.



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Never, NO npcs... see the NPCs thread on the first page...

This thread will go down like all like it before, sry.

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Agreed, not a good idea. I don't want NPC's all over the game, certainly not as intrusive as this suggestion.

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While I'm not for NPCs guarding stores or military bases, which is disavantage for a playstyle over one other, I would like to see death squad randomly spawning and killing everything on their path (zombies, survivors, heroes and bandits). Maybe some airstrikes from time to time, showing that the military is trying to check the epidemic. It would add a lot to the game atmosphere.

I remember this happening there's a while ago on some servers and players loved to be chased by those death squads. Nobody never knew if it was hackers or developpers testing new stuffs but it was pretty cool.



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While I'm not for NPCs guarding stores or military bases, which is disavantage for a playstyle over one other, I would like to see death squad randomly spawning and killing everything on their path (zombies, survivors, heroes and bandits). Maybe some airstrikes from time to time, showing that the military is trying to check the epidemic. It would add a lot to the game atmosphere.

I remember this happening there's a while ago on some servers and players loved to be chased by those death squads. Nobody never knew if it was hackers or developpers testing new stuffs but it was pretty cool.



i like thé airstrike part. maybe not the death squad. because i would like it to be more of a "player in charge" game like EVE.

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1. Acquire handgun

2. Shoot a military NPC

3. ????

4. You have an assault rifle (read profit)

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maybe people could choose to play as a soldier and gaurd these places? but they would not be able to kill heros or and they would have to kill bandits. and maybe there a limited amount of supplies in the hospitals/supermarkets so when they supplies run out you have to leave the base and go on scavenging missions. so survivors can buy gear and ammo and food

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maybe people could choose to play as a soldier and gaurd these places? but they would not be able to kill heros or and they would have to kill bandits. and maybe there a limited amount of supplies in the hospitals/supermarkets so when they supplies run out you have to leave the base and go on scavenging missions. so survivors can buy gear and ammo and food

No. There are no roles in this game that are predefined. You make your own way, whether that is someone who shoots everything that moves, or someone who goes around helping people. Your choice.

I grow tired of telling you the same thing over and over, apache25. As the majority of the forum likely has.

Anyway, to the point presented by the OP, which has been discussed at length several times.

I'm against any and all game mechanics that give such debilitating disadvantages to bandits. Punishing a playstyle is not what this game is about.

NPCs would detract from the game experience, so other than a very rare and random group of soldiers picking their way through the scenery, I'm against their inclusion into the standalone. I'm also against random airstrikes. Because that would be fun, running around gathering your stuff, when lady luck decides to take a dump on you and you get shredded by bombshells.

Back to this roaming 'death squad.' They should shoot on sight, regardless of what kind of player you are, and should kill anything that moves, Zed or player alike. Also, they should be sporting very heavy body armor, so it will take a great deal of firepower to take them out, and pistols would basically be useless against them. I'd like to see an inclusion of tactics into their AI, such as if a sniper takes down one of their members, most of the group would lay down a sheet of suppressive fire towards the suspected sniper's location, while one grabs the wounded or dead npc and drags him out of view. Then a portion of the squad would move in teams, alternating between suppressive fire and quick bursts of movement to flank the sniper.

Basically, though, NPCs are exploitable. The loot they could be carrying should have such a low chance of being good that most likely, if you can take them down, it would be a waste of your time. So what, they have between them a few assault rifles and ammunition. If you're able to take them out, you probably have a better weapon.

I could, however, see this as an endgame mechanic. These would be good ways to make sure your base and stockpiles are kept stocked.

Edited by Riem

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maybe no military npcs maybe the supermarkets/hospitals could just be fortified and when you go in there is a single npc shop keeper that cannot be killed. and you can buy gear from him even if your a bandit. or maybe players could set up these shops by fortifying supermarkets and putting up a sign saying trading post and when survivors go in they can rob the shop if they want to but you can kill them

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I thought something like that, the door is closed, you can tap and a supervisory slot opens ... no NPCs that can be sniped away like dolls.

by e.g. to complicate the loot, but the moment you suffocate to loot.

you live in a city with zombies, you'd run away or you stash in there where you can eat the most? and a rescue is possible?

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While I'm not for NPCs guarding stores or military bases, which is disavantage for a playstyle over one other, I would like to see death squad randomly spawning and killing everything on their path (zombies, survivors, heroes and bandits). Maybe some airstrikes from time to time, showing that the military is trying to check the epidemic. It would add a lot to the game atmosphere.

I remember this happening there's a while ago on some servers and players loved to be chased by those death squads. Nobody never knew if it was hackers or developpers testing new stuffs but it was pretty cool.



This is exactly what I would love to see - only the NPC's need to be made very difficult and hard to exploit - making it a challenge for even a well seasoned team of players. Currently, the end game is either enlessly run around looking for heli crash sites stockpiling gear and/or deathmatch at the airfield/stary or bambi hunting along the coast. This would be a great addition to the game, as well as a great addition to the story and overall feel of the game. I think that not only should it be one of the most difficult things to successfully accomplish, but taking out a death squad of soldiers could aslo be a way to get some of the best loot in the game, maybe even a looted humvee etc. Perhaps they could patrol around with a bradley light armored transport or something that the average player has NO chance to kill without a bazooka/c4/etc. so that you can't do the "spawn -> find pistold >shoot/kill soldier" thing. They should be deadly, tough (body armor, etc), and organzied into a team - just like in real life.

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