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i RP my way throu the game world, but alas few others do..

most just play murder-sim 3000 mode.

shame really. but when u build a game without rules, thats what you get..

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I arrange meetups with fellow Bronies quite often and i like a little RP when playing with them guys, same with the clan, we have rankings and ways witch we RP, ie medics, scouts and assault. Good to really get into the game, almost becoming part of it

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I may make my server a RP server when I'm done modding it. So far I have made the zombies walk only, increased there numbers, they spawn and attack vehicles if your in them, and loot spawns while in vehicles. Also added sandbags to industrial spawns and increased tent spawn rate in stores. Still trying to figure out what else I want to change on my server before I decide anything else.

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I like to play as a survivor doing what he can to survive, I play the way I like to think I would react given the same circumstances.

I'm not a roleplayer, but neither am I a murderdeathkiller.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt will get me killed, but that's what you get for being nice.

I may make my server a RP server when I'm done modding it. So far I have made the zombies walk only, increased there numbers, they spawn and attack vehicles if your in them, and loot spawns while in vehicles.

That sounds like it would be awesome!

I like the DayZ runny zeds myself, but if they'll still spawn and attack when you're in a car, your walkers sound like a MASSIVE improvement.

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I go to sleep in houses (log out) and then like to think in the night some tweaker came by and stole all the empty cans and bottles from my house and surrounding houses to take in for recycling.

Am I doing it right?

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Yeah i was testing it the other night and man it was intense. There were me and my brother in electro working on a huey and 250 zombies coming in from all sides staggering at us. I accidently ended up hitting my bro in the chaos. But yeah when i say RP I mean merely surviving day to day in the world for myself.

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Xaden,I think a way to make a server more geared for RP is to make surviving harsher as the main draw.There are some private hives that are starting to reduce spawns but its more towards weapons.I think a good server would be....

Food spawns should be very low and same with drinks.Get rid of the one stop shopping feel of supermarkets and load them with empty cans.

Add in blood regeneration when hunger icon is not blinking at 1000 blood per hour.

Double the thirst icon blinking "time to death" to allow you to find watering holes here and there(mark your map!) and make maps easy to find in most supermarkets and gas stations.

Get rid of cows and make animals that spawn the type that would be able to run from the infected,rabbits etc!!

This will foster a whole new way of playing Dayz.End the spawn and run to gear up as fast as you can mindset and instead spawn and start trying to last as long as you can.You wanna be near death and having to constantly move from town to town searching.

Oh and reduce the run speed to jogging.This to me is a big immersion killer when I press W and just run full steam ahead for 1/2 hour.Then change sprint so that when you do sprint it is as fast as running is right now and slows down to jogging after a minute or two.I would then speed up the infected so that they could catch you if your jogging.This way to escape you can sprint and have to do things like time your escape paths properly.

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Yeah i was testing it the other night and man it was intense. There were me and my brother in electro working on a huey and 250 zombies coming in from all sides staggering at us. I accidently ended up hitting my bro in the chaos. But yeah when i say RP I mean merely surviving day to day in the world for myself.

I would love to play in that server.

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I would like to add a stamina function at some point but im not sure how yet. Make it so that you have to stop and "sit" for a while to recover. As for the loot that sounds like a good plan may look into it as well.

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If you would like to test it when I get off work in a couple hours I can send you the dayz_code.pbo file. You just have to backup yours and simply place mine in the addon folder and Ill give you server and pw.

Edit: Could use the feedback and stability testing as its only been 2 people on at a time so far.

Edited by Xaden

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I would love to play in that server.

Have you also considered the mod that allows towns to have lights at night? It adds a lot of atmosphere to the game at night!

Either way I would still love to play on this server.

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I think having lights at night would kill the suspense in my opinion.

Never know until you try.

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Forgot to add......if you drop down food and drink spawns drastically(most important is supermarkets)you also need to remove the bloodloss when hunger icon is blinking since most players will die after a few hours.Instead,if your hunger icon is blinking it means you are starving and so health will not increase till you eat.Also you will lose no blood so you can go forever without food.Hydration though is different where you will die if you have nothing to drink.So drinks to prevent bloodloss and food to build back any health you do lose(at 1000 blood per hour).Maybe have canned foods drop the hunger icons faster than a nice juicy steak.This pushes food and drink as main drive in surviving and since everything is severely reduced.....YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE!!!

LOL love that phrase from Project Zomboid game and feel that making Dayz so that you will die in a few days could make for some great struggles.I feel this would make Dayz be a more realistic type simulation of how would you actually survive.Just a hunch but I feel it would fit better for people trying to RP as you now have to constantly be on the move from town to town looking for consumables.

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Or make it so loot doesnt respawn until server restart. Force people to gather supplies and hold out.

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I may make my server a RP server when I'm done modding it. So far I have made the zombies walk only, increased there numbers, they spawn and attack vehicles if your in them, and loot spawns while in vehicles. Also added sandbags to industrial spawns and increased tent spawn rate in stores. Still trying to figure out what else I want to change on my server before I decide anything else.

How about the server name to "I ruined the concept of DayZ"?

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I used to own a large (if not the largest) RP server on San Andreas Multiplayer, the RP there is extremely heavy compared to other games.

On DayZ though, I find it hard to RP due to the CoD kids here.

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Exactly why I wont dignify there posts with a response. Also why private servers are a blessing.

Edit: Just to be clear, I have no problem with bandits. Its the random deathmatchs that ruined DayZ. Wont be allowed on my server.

Edited by Xaden

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I think having lights at night would kill the suspense in my opinion.

Flickering lights could build on it.

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