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And this is why I don't bother with anything but PvP

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Sos just do as I do, use tents as Geo caches. I have over 25 tents on 12 different servers. My squad also has a camp, but that server is pretty dead, so no real worries there. It does suck that jerks cheat just to ruin your hard earned camps. This is why i have so many, and none have much more then the basic supplies or parts in them. Also only "collect" 2 wheeled vechicles and you'll keep them abit longer.

I do agree tho it sucks and sometimes feels pointless to make a camp. I do disagree about making them 100% secure tho. There has to be some chance it'll be robbed/destroyed. Hopefully the SA will have boobytraps we can use to secure it better.

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Places like near small towns are the best.

Hell with that, I put all my shit on the runway of NWAF, right by the northern barracks.

No one will EVER find it there.

Got my choppah and Ural there too.

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I've had a camp held for over a month on one server.. At least an average of 10 players each day.

What were you saying?

But with the tent bug your tents could have been found and looted and server restarted and you wouldn't have noticed. I have a few tents on random servers I've found where I loot them a few things at a time that I need and a few hours later they're replenished.

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He's just making a point that there is nothing to do with high-end items other than hoard it and then have it destroyed. It sure is fun to pointlessly labor to be destroyed instantly....that's all he is saying, he isnt whining, and he is spot on :)

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This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the hackers magically finding everything with zero effort.

I wouldn't mind a tent being tied to a player but that would raise even more problems.

Then this is no problem with the game, its a problem with hackers..we all know hackers are a problem, but we can't base the game around them, we just have to play private hive or wait for the standalone as I..

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You don't build a game mechanic for magically keeping your shit safe while you're offline, you build a group who can keep your shit safe while you're offline.

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It's the name of the game player..I have had the same base site for over 2 months now and no one's found it yet.

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Killing players up in the north who are geared makes sense, who might be looking for tents, but hunting down new spawns who probably will die and switch servers is just plain stupid, that is exactly the biggest reason why anyone dislikes this game, just adding fuel to the fire for no reason.

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Every game has hackers. The standalone will be no different in that respect, although things will be a lot better than they are now.

no it doesnt.

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