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Bearded McGee

I met Shane Walsh not too long ago

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And I pulled a Rick Grimes. Almost.

Had to do it. We was detrimental to the security of the group. He was continuously "joking" with his AKM, pointing it at people at saying he would shoot. Often leading to nothing or him shooting just over others. He'd get into frisky situations which he oft needed to get bailed out of.

He pulled one of his joke again while we were nearing a point oft used as a camp. Shot right over me as I was in front and it took a few times before he admitted to the shot. He's getting obnoxious too, saying I wronged him (I'm basically ignoring him at this point) and his tone is getting higher and higher. he's pointing his AKM at me.

I decide to put him down, but he's not leading and he's not gonna get in front of me. Not wanting to handle his insufferable attitude one second longer, I turn around and unload with my AK74M. Hit him trice while he get me twice. I'm dead, he's probably around 400 blood.

Some players can't be argued with. They accept little more than tribal tribute and bongo chants.

Of all my online gaming life, he's the individual whom I hold the most hatred toward.

My only regret is that I couldn't pull a clear kill.


Edited by Axelord FTW
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Judging your pic and lack of clear and concise verbiage i thought you were speaking ebonix. Im no english teacher but your definitley a butcher slaughtering your own story... but i'll give you beans as it took me and hour to put together the context which kept me interested i guess kinda of like solving a crossword puzzle.

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Judging your pic and lack of clear and concise verbiage i thought you were speaking ebonix. Im no english teacher but your definitley a butcher slaughtering your own story... but i'll give you beans as it took me and hour to put together the context which kept me interested i guess kinda of like solving a crossword puzzle.

His story was extremely easy to read :\

I probably would've done the same myself. If it was a friend I knew doing it, I'd shrug it off, but if someone was doing that to me, I'd either just leave him behind or end him. Sure he wouldn't stay dead such as one would say in the Rick/Shane comparison you made and would just try to hunt you down, but some people just get to freaking insufferable to be around and if they can't be talked down, something has to be done.

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His story was extremely easy to read :\

I probably would've done the same myself. If it was a friend I knew doing it, I'd shrug it off, but if someone was doing that to me, I'd either just leave him behind or end him. Sure he wouldn't stay dead such as one would say in the Rick/Shane comparison you made and would just try to hunt you down, but some people just get to freaking insufferable to be around and if they can't be talked down, something has to be done.

i gave the guy beans doesnt that make everything better?

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Hmm... that seemed like one of the better written pieces to me. I understood every word.

Detrimental, Obnoxious, Insufferable +3

misspelled "Thrice" -1

"for whom I hold the most hatred" would be better... but I got it

But you've got my beans.

Now as for Steak and potatoes, I wouldn't be casting aspersions upon his post - misspellings of "Ebonics", I'm, and "definitely" -3

Also, it couln't have taken an hour, to read it because he posted at 1:13 and you posted at 1:27 tsk tsk...

If you're going to bust ass, you've got to do it from a more solid foundation.

I've grown to expect more from you than this tripe. <_<

I want better from you next time dammit!

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I wondered who the hell Shane Walsh was at first - thought he might have been an ice hockey player or something.

The thing i dont get - if you planned on taking him out surely you could have gotten a nice clean headshot without getting yourself killed? Or at least peppered the hell out of him before he could respond. Sounds like you gave him a chance and he killed you.

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you come and go, you come and go oh oh oh ......

(dammit, I wasn't quick enough)

Edited by Highspiral

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Hmm... that seemed like one of the better written pieces to me. I understood every word.

Detrimental, Obnoxious, Insufferable +3

misspelled "Thrice" -1

"for whom I hold the most hatred" would be better... but I got it

But you've got my beans.

Now as for Steak and potatoes, I wouldn't be casting aspersions upon his post - misspellings of "Ebonics", I'm, and "definitely" -3

Also, it couln't have taken an hour, to read it because he posted at 1:13 and you posted at 1:27 tsk tsk...

If you're going to bust ass, you've got to do it from a more solid foundation.

I've grown to expect more from you than this tripe. <_<

I want better from you next time dammit!

lawlz understood

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And I pulled a Rick Grimes. Almost.

Had to do it. We was detrimental to the security of the group. He was

this is where i blacked out

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this is where i blacked out

:facepalm: Props Steak - I walked right over that - Damn!

moar beans for U <-- (A little "webspeak" just for fun)

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I wondered who the hell Shane Walsh was at first - thought he might have been an ice hockey player or something.

The thing i dont get - if you planned on taking him out surely you could have gotten a nice clean headshot without getting yourself killed? Or at least peppered the hell out of him before he could respond. Sounds like you gave him a chance and he killed you.

It couldn't wait.

His AKM was trained on me already.

I was in front (and he wouldn't lead)

He was getting threatening

I also hold little value upon my own life, so I didn't have to play it down and bide my time.

P.S. cut some slack on the Frenchman. English is so basic that it's a chore to downgrade.

P.P.S. To Chicken Filet and Taters, Lets not get into this. At least I don't get "your" and "you're" mixed. Also, Jackson is as good as it can to use as an avatar. It aggravates me that you would think it a relation to my real-life person.

Edited by Axelord FTW
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Also, Jackson is as good as it can to use as an avatar. It aggravates me that you would think it a relation to my real-life person.

you beret wearing mime what are you attempting to say here. why would you be mad to be related to your avatar if you didn't want to be tied into it dont choose it.

p.s. your comeback took longer than your heritage to raise a white flag.

you can hold onto the beans as there are no croissants in dayz.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Newsflash, "Fenchman" doesn't necessarily mean from France itself.

You learn things everyday, eh?

Also, that phrase was perfectly constructed.

Your current reading comprehension seem to say you are either tired, drunk, high or a combination thereof.

I'm deeply sorry, but I've learned English by reading books like Stocker's Dracula and Lovecraft's bibliography.

It might be a bit out of date, but at least it's concise.

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zer iz so mush food in zis tread..i am, 'ow you say..starveeng !

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Newsflash, "Fenchman" doesn't necessarily mean from France itself.

You learn things everyday, eh?

Also, that phrase was perfectly constructed.

Your current reading comprehension seem to say you are either tired, drunk, high or a combination thereof.

I'm deeply sorry, but I've learned English by reading books like Stocker's Dracula and Lovecraft's bibliography.

It might be a bit out of date, but at least it's concise.

Hmm, are we transitioning into other languages now Hetstaine?

Might as well use what I know of German.

@Axelord FTW: Scheiße, es gab nichts in Ihrem Beitrag, die nicht in der Art und Weise der Alphabetisierung war korrekt.

In other words, bravo.

Edited by Inception.

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you beret wearing mime what are you attempting to say here. why would you be mad to be related to your avatar if you didn't want to be tied into it dont choose it.

p.s. your comeback took longer than your heritage to raise a white flag.

you can hold onto the beans as there are no croissants in dayz.

Newsflash, "Fenchman" doesn't necessarily mean from France itself.

You learn things everyday, eh?

Also, that phrase was perfectly constructed.

Your current reading comprehension seem to say you are either tired, drunk, high or a combination thereof.

I'm deeply sorry, but I've learned English by reading books like Stocker's Dracula and Lovecraft's bibliography.

It might be a bit out of date, but at least it's concise.

Keep it friendly now guys. No need for bickering on here.

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