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hacking in standalone ?

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hello this is my first day on the fourms and i was just wondering if hacking in the standalone would be possable as a player of dayz i have been hacked many time and do not support hacking but would like to make sure that people who would have such a desire to hack a sever or person would not be albe to do such a thing.

from thedropshot14

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Well making a game hacker free is a very very hard thing to accomplish. However most of the people who are hacking dayz atm probably don't know the first thing about what they're doing, and its easy to do right now. There was be significantly less of the hacking on the standalone, just how much they will manage to crack down on them though will remain to be seen.

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Hacking will be dramatically less in the standalone for the sole reason it won't be open to people running scripts. There will always be hackers in any online game you play, but it will be drastically less in the standalone because they are more prepared for it this time around. Or so we hope.

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It's too bad we call it hacking, because it really isn't. It's more like, exploiting Arma2's honesty. Arma2 trusts that you're going to play honestly and as such has little controls to prevent someone from running scripts that Arma2 was designed for, but were not intended to be used as part of the DayZ experience.

The standalone will most likely remove the ability for scripts to be executed but no gaming engine has ever stopped true hackers. True hackers are very skilled in their craft, and it is really too sad that their talents are wasted on breaking into a game engine to give themselves an unfair advantage. That said, someone who is that talented is going to find a way around any blockage, but people of that skill level are actually pretty rare.

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It will be possible, but much harder due to the fact that the engine can be modified. Expect much less hacking.

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