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Mudpuppy (DayZ)

New player. Love the game but...

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I've been following DayZ for a while on youtube and last night finaly decided to get the ARMA2 pack on Steam and download the mod. I'm loving but for some reason I'm a magnet for zombies miles around. I only have to fart and I attract zombies which leaves me no option then to die or abort (which seems like cheating) If I'm lucky, like really lucky I might find an axe or a shotgun before I bleed out.

Having watched tonnes of videos from people like FRANKIEonPCin1080p or Rhinocrunch who seem to just walk around zombies and the few that do bother to notice them they take down quickly. I know they are the best or "pro" players but what am I doing wrong?

Can anyone give a total newb a few bit of advice or point to a guide. Just fyi I'm not running around all crazy, I do crouch around and try to avoid zombies it's just that they are everywhere.

Edited by Mudpuppy

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First, pick a low population server as chances of scripters diminishes with the population. when you picked a server and entered the game. Stay away from big cities like elektro and Cherno for now. Prone more and crouch more, you shouldn't sprint when you don't have a weapon unless you know what you are doing. :D and get the feel of the map at first. and the most important tip is to have fun. :D

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I've been following DayZ for a while on youtube and last night finaly decided to get the ARMA2 pack on Steam and download the mod. I'm loving but for some reason I'm a magnet for zombies miles around. I only have to fart and I attract zombies which leaves me no option then to die or abort (which seems like cheating) If I'm lucky, like really lucky I might find an axe or a shotgun before I bleed out.

Having watched tonnes of videos from people like FRANKIEonPCin1080p or Rhinocrunch then seem to just walk around zombies and the few that do bother to notice them they take down quickly. I know they are the best or "pro" players but what am I doing wrong?

Can anyone give a total newb a few bit of advice or point to a guide. Just fyi I'm not running around all crazy, I do crouch around and try to avoid zombies it's just that they are everywhere.

If you're interested in some one on one training, the Trusted Mentors of the Wasteland have a training program that's designed to give you the basics of Day Z in a personal experience level.

{EDIT} Our website is back up ... just click on the link in my sig line to request the training.

But hang in there in any case, it's a great game once you get over the hump.


Edited by Joe Shaw
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Thanks for the replies. I'm checking out the stickies (should have done that first :P ) The game seems like lots of trial and error which is awesome. Fed up with games who hold your hand from start to finish.

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Sorry. Final question... I'm told that my character will follow me when I switch servers but this seems false, I must have 4 or 5 characters by now alive on verious servers

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for navigating servers, I recommend using DayZ commander, since it allows you to see if the server you are attempting to join is official or not.

Basicaly, there are two types of servers out there. Official servers, which are connected to the central Hive. On these ones, your character will carry over between servers.

Then, there are unofficial servers or private hives. These ones are not linked to the central hive, which means that your character is bound to that server.

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Sorry. Final question... I'm told that my character will follow me when I switch servers but this seems false, I must have 4 or 5 characters by now alive on verious servers

There are public hive servers (all connected together) and private ones. The private ones are by not connected to any other servers and the character you make on it is for that server only.

Public hive servers are the ones that let you despawn somewhere and spawn on another server in the same location with all your gear. Keep in mind, the look (clothing) of your survivor will change, but the gear will tell you it is the same guy.

If you're using DayZ commander, you can filter the search results to only show you public hive servers.

Seraphim Ninja! :ph34r:

Edited by klesh
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God damn.. I hate the patronising / condescending tone FrankieonPCin1080p uses when he converses with people ingame using direct chat, it's the same tone people who work in nursing homes take with their residents. makes me wanna shoot him in the face, just talk like you do in your narration Frankie.. as for the OP's problem. you just get used to the zombies and their little quirks after a while the become less than an annoyance..

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Hi Mudpuppy. Your best off finding one good private server and sticking with it. That way you'll get a feel for the server and also get to know people. What country are you in? I'll recommend you one.

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Hi Mudpuppy, just to clarify. On the main gamespy server list you will see some server missions are Dayz and others are Dayz Chernarus. As far as I am aware, all the Dayz ones are part of the official hive. The ones called Dayz Chernarus are different groups of private hives. Private doesn't mean passworded though many of them are. It just means they are part of another hive, not the official main one.

Some example of private hives, where you'll have a different character: there's the vilayer hive (you will have the character across all of the vilayer server, the BLISS hive, again the same character across the BLISS servers but it will be different to the character you have on the main hive servers, and different to the character on the vilayer hive servers, and so on for each of the private hives and their shared servers.

I hope that makes sense and is helpful. Have fun! :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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You've all been a lot of help, thank you very much. I'm now useing DayZ Commander and have a much better grasp of the game. Hopfully I'll improve for day 2! :D

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Hi Mudpuppy. Your best off finding one good private server and sticking with it. That way you'll get a feel for the server and also get to know people. What country are you in? I'll recommend you one.

I'm based in London UK. Knowing a good server would be awesome.

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I've been following DayZ for a while on youtube and last night finaly decided to get the ARMA2 pack on Steam and download the mod. I'm loving but for some reason I'm a magnet for zombies miles around. I only have to fart and I attract zombies which leaves me no option then to die or abort (which seems like cheating) If I'm lucky, like really lucky I might find an axe or a shotgun before I bleed out.

Having watched tonnes of videos from people like FRANKIEonPCin1080p or Rhinocrunch who seem to just walk around zombies and the few that do bother to notice them they take down quickly. I know they are the best or "pro" players but what am I doing wrong?

Can anyone give a total newb a few bit of advice or point to a guide. Just fyi I'm not running around all crazy, I do crouch around and try to avoid zombies it's just that they are everywhere.

You sound like me when I started out. Zombies can keep pace with you but they can't hit you wile you are running. So if you have a few after you just keep moving. If there are any barns or buildings with 2 exits go in them and come out the other end. Zombies can only walk in buildings. Also if there are no buildings near by dodge in and out of bushes and trees the will eventually loose site of you. It took me like 3 days to kill my first zombie it is hard at first. Look in barns as there the most likely places to find a gun from a shotgun to a sniper rifle.

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I'm a Londoner too, living on the outskirts of the city. I love the BLISS servers and the vilayer ones are good too. Just try any low ping, low pop servers at first. :thumbsup:

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I started playing DayZ this weekend, wow. It's like I'm made for the game. I play on high pop servers and I've only died once, to bandit douches. When I died, I had everything, from nv goggles to a GPS. But I guess sh*t happens :P I just hoped that they looted me so that all my stuff atleast didn't go to waste

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One thing people don't seem to have mentioned is buildings. If you have a bunch of zombies on you, run into the closest building. Don't run into those houses with just the kitchen and the hallway though, because you'll most likely get stuck. The zombies are forced to walk indoors and losing your line of sight also makes them more likely to stop chasing you.


This thread also has some questionable, but undoubtedly useful stuff in it too.

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