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Colten (DayZ)

Why do you like being a bandit?

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Why do you like being a bandit? personally, for me... it's the thrill I get watching somebody run like a decapitated chicken.

What about you?

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Shooting someone in the legs and listening to them beg ^_^

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Loot, and i survive longer when i trust no one=i shoot everyone (including my friends, trust me, i have done that)

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Now, I have a question. I have been utilizing a few tactics over the past few days (i.e. baiting), and people refer to me as a scumbag. Is there a point in banditry when it becomes "too much"? Are there boundaries in banditry?

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Loot and generally not giving a hoot about the destiny of the average player who happens to be on the same server I'm playing on.

Besides once you have all the equipment you want and need, a vehicle or two, what else is there to do?

And no, helping is not my cup of tea.

Now, I have a question. I have been utilizing a few tactics over the past few days (i.e. baiting), and people refer to me as a scumbag. Is there a point in banditry when it becomes "too much"? Are there boundaries in banditry?

The boundaries are defined by the victims of banditry. Some move on and get their shit back, others cry and moan, some even quit.

Edited by SquishyBear

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I'm a bandit. I don't shoot players with no gear and I don't exactly wait until they have gear. My cup of tea is stealing vehicles. SO damn funny.

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Laughs and shenanigans.

The sheer lulz of it all.

I frequent a private server where you start out with a hatchet and supplies. Can't tell you how much fun it is to chase down fellow new spawns and even folks who've been up and running for a bit, gibbering like a madman over direct comms all the while.

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In the worlds of an immortal British sniper: "I love to camp"

It's the thrill of the hunt, while fresh spawns are just target practice.

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Because gotta let dem noobs know who owns the office...My office stay the heck out.

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I'm a bandit. I don't shoot players with no gear and I don't exactly wait until they have gear. My cup of tea is stealing vehicles. SO damn funny.

Nice a good old car thief. I like that.

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what i like to do is to find a vehicle, put it somewhere, and then waiting for someone coming for it.

last time it was a bicycle in starys camp. hull/wheels were dead so the guy couldnt get anywhere with it, and i shot him right between the eyes. (ghillie/L85 aws ftw! and m16a2 acog for daytime! stanag for both so mags come easily! i just dont use stanag sd, precision sucks.)

oh, the first guy i killed in dayZ was a guy named Momie -friendly-. yes, friendly was in his name... but hey for a first kill who care if friendly or not? what if that was me in his scope? :)

love this game. i play since a little month, fear cheaters... but once you're full stuff, only thing left is to kill ppl lol, so i try as i can :P

i've only killed a single guy atm. but i broke some bones lol, just to see the guys deal with zombies running behind em. fun as hell!

and i'm sure there's 2 guyz that were scared, shitting in their pants while running in houses/tents to alt/f4 ASAP xD

i shat on me a couple times too lol, was cool... i really enjoy being a sick mofo from time to time :)

(sry for my english btw :P)

(edit: i have no problem to kill ppl with or without equipement, no matter if it's a survivor just spawned with no weapon, or a dude wearing ghillie using m107: if i see him first, i try my best to shoot first, and when i can take a vehicle hell i take it! there's no steal to me. next time: hide it better! ^^)

Edited by stoukette

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In my eyes, if you're between me, and my destination, then you need to die.

You can't trust anyone in DayZ, so why wait for the other person to shoot you first? If you don't think you can trust the guy, then kill him.

Mostly just for teh lulz though.

Edited by Simple Epicness
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Today I convinced a guy that I was friendly, and me and him tried to fix a chopper. As we were going to look for parts, I said, "I call dibs on the ALICE pack". He tried to dick around, and take it himself... so, I shot him in the head. I loled. I obtained an M4A3 CCO and a hatchet out of that ordeal.

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My survival is more important to me than your survival. If I reveal myself, then I will jeopardize my life- so I will not kill you if you are just walking around. That being said, you can expect no mercy from me if you interfere. If you enter a building that I am in, I will fire. If I happen upon you in a building, I will fire. If I see you stopped in front of me with a gun, I will fire.

I gave you chances by not seeking confrontation. I take your life when it is unavoidable.

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I am a bandit because I CAN and because it is easier than loot by myself. I am a lazy bastard, I know :lol: .



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Why for the joy of running around and killing people for their crap

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I became an actual bandit a couple of weeks ago. I found myself bored of sniping, countersniping, and general kos'ing. If I'm actually feeling serious on the day I play, I will trail people and tell them to lay on the floor and drop their shit, and if they move, i'd inflict some pain upon them. Otherwise all I do is chase people around while blasting such hits as "Safety Dance", the Bee Gee's "Stayin' Alive", and the Benny Hill Theme, all available to you for the low, low pr- Eh... Sorry. Just let my train of thought shift a little.

Anyways, With my Elektro/Cherno AS-50 TWS phase over with, I came to learn that player interaction is a fuckton more fun and important.

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I kill idiots or unobservant players, or players that a can't avoid but killing cause they see me or try to attract attention to me. I will normally camp in a pretty obvious location near the main road/tracks along the coast (Normally near Cap Glova because of its highly traversed path between Cherno and Electro) and just watch people. I normally won't kill a freshly spawned newbie that just has their flashlight out, cause they don't have a chance to fight back, but if they are acting stupid or running in circles or run right in front of the bush in crouched next to... they get shot... and normally die. I have an Mk 48 Mod 0 and it doesn't like to let people live very often... :P

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Sometimes for loot, sometimes for trills.

Stalking people for hours and patiently waiting for the absolute perfect moment to strike yields some of my most memorable Day Z moments.

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The challenge of hunting another player. No other game really touches on the intensity and provides a greater feeling of joy than this one does, after you spend time hunting a group of players and perfectly execute their demise.

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