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Bandits should have more consequences

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Why are heros special and admired? Because they are rare. Selfless people who act for the common good are extremely rare.

Because they are doing something good and asking nothing in return.

Because they are going against what is safe and can profit them in order to do "the right thing".

Of course, the "right thing" is a very subjective topic.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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It's not that players have no morals , it's just that people know it's a "game" and make decisions and take actions accordingly .

That is why I think it needs to be a "game" mechanic to provide the incentive not to just arbitrarily shoot any player that moves .

I don't think it's a sensible argument that "I should be able to do what I want , when I want , how I want , and there should be no consequences" , there are not that many psychopaths out there .

I remember some one saying on sidechat ( uggh ) one time , to a newer player , to just start shooting people because it's more fun .

It shouldn't be "fun" to just kill people at , it may be a necessity , at times , but it shouldn't come without consequence , because we know it is just a game .

Long story short , it needs to be the game that dispenses consequences , because it IS just a game .

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It's not that players have no morals , it's just that people know it's a "game" and make decisions and take actions accordingly .

That is why I think it needs to be a "game" mechanic to provide the incentive not to just arbitrarily shoot any player that moves .

I don't think it's a sensible argument that "I should be able to do what I want , when I want , how I want , and there should be no consequences" , there are not that many psychopaths out there .

I remember some one saying on sidechat ( uggh ) one time , to a newer player , to just start shooting people because it's more fun .

It shouldn't be "fun" to just kill people at , it may be a necessity , at times , but it shouldn't come without consequence , because we know it is just a game .

Long story short , it needs to be the game that dispenses consequences , because it IS just a game .

I disagree, i think much work need to be done on the game from a "social experiment" standpoint. Code based rules lack the elasticity that would be required for "consequences" to work. People will do what they always do in games, skirt round the rules and turn them in their favor. Maybe when DayZ is more fleshed out and there is a LOT more to do than beating eachothers up we might see a shift.

You have to admit that at the moment the game is probably covering 1% of what it should, at best.

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Playing DayZ alone is fun for about 2 days.... 5 days maximum,

the thrill is to play in group and have some objectives, when you play with a team of 5 friends, you plan something, but you always know something will happend to brake you at reaching your objective, thats my thrill,

or the other thrill that i have is to drive a little-bird over the big cities and scaring out the bambies!! btw i'm not a bandit at all ! i never kill unless a bamby attack me!

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The problem with assuming that player conscious will keep them from killing, is that the average DayZ player has no morals at all. I agree that Banditing is overpowered, but I was thinking more along the lines of the game forcing psychological trauma (hallucinations, ghosts, sounds, eventual suicide). The truth is, that in an apocalypse, not many people would revert to killing each other. Have you ever heard of the "solitary confinement" experiments? After being locked in a room for 2 days with no contact or anything really, people started losing the ability to keep track of time (it felt like 2 weeks), and signs of slight mental disturbances. What would happen if a person was left for months on end with no human contact, and the constant threat of death by starvation and zombies? The truth is that there would still be murderers and bandits, but in even smaller numbers than today (prison= zombie buffet) and at a ratio that would make them extremely rare. Yes, banditing should be kept an important part, but please remember: this is DayZ, not Call or Chernarus, and most certainly not GTA: Chernarus.

Why would you dig up this old pile of crap?

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I was warned repeatedly by my clan mates about how awful people are to each other, but so far, I guess I've just been lucky - plenty of people have been super nice to me on servers too, handing me gear and warning me about bandits.

I'm not sure what consequenes you could have without NPCs being involved, whether military remnants decide randomly that particular bandits need some heavy handed justice, or whether you just leave it to other heroes to sort things out. Perhaps a leaderboard showing who the most awful bandit is and wanted posters, maybe with bounties.

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The bottom line is get used to the KOS mentality it's not going to change in the SA and I don't know why some around here think it will be different. Rocket and the team can put various shit in to expand the survival aspects but at the end of the day he can't do shit about the players.

I know for one if I see somebody in the SA with a gun before they see me there dead. I won't be asking them if there friendly I'll KOS and steal there gear. Just because it's the SA won't change that.

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well of course PVP is just a main core of the mod. nobody wants this to suddenly vanish. and when talking about PVP of course we talk about KOS as well. Or why are there still sniper guns in the game, pretty much for KOS only!

But it seems that many also prefer the surviving, scavenging and interacting part of the game.

the idea is simple:

the harder the environment is to conquer the more ppl interact with each other instead of just KOS over and over again. but if this will work that way, that is another thing...

Edited by joe_mcentire
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Bandits should get light sabers :(

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Bandits should get light sabers :(

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I was warned repeatedly by my clan mates about how awful people are to each other, but so far, I guess I've just been lucky - plenty of people have been super nice to me on servers too, handing me gear and warning me about bandits.

I'm not sure what consequenes you could have without NPCs being involved, whether military remnants decide randomly that particular bandits need some heavy handed justice, or whether you just leave it to other heroes to sort things out. Perhaps a leaderboard showing who the most awful bandit is and wanted posters, maybe with bounties.

I like the idea of NPC's having a taste for bandits!, being a hero myself I think it would be a nice solution to atleast try and introduce on a modded version of DayZ???

(obviously NPCs not attacking new survivors and heros)

At least then the bandits have to watch for the extremely deadly bandit hunters!.

But then again,with all this "there will be no NPC's in DayZ",

I could not see it being implimented to the standalone just because the DayZ team dont want to do a 180 on what their intentions were lined out fairly clear in my opinion for the game or mod.


Edited by Roger_Shrubz

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