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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Hows the Lama's finding things? Its good to hear feedback :)

We have some break from DayZ, because of BF3 tournament and Arma 2 ULTRA league, we play. :)

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name chase

Location nottingham

guid number 82faa57de80e1ea4d9b52da869428d

my firends play on this

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Please stop the ninja restarts!

Today at 14.35 pm (ish) an admin made a restart, giving a one minute warning in side chat. No red text no nothing.

Most of us don't know who all the admins are, and as a result of that around 6-7 vehicles were lost, and some made complaints about tents disappearing aswell. So far i've loved the server, but if there's something that's been bothering me it's these kinds of things. Same goes for admins writing "5 minutes to restart" then restarting after around 2-3 minutes.

I don't like complaining but when people waste my time (as in spent getting a vehicle, then losing it) i have to.

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Please stop the ninja restarts!

Today at 14.35 pm (ish) an admin made a restart, giving a one minute warning in side chat. No red text no nothing.

Most of us don't know who all the admins are, and as a result of that around 6-7 vehicles were lost, and some made complaints about tents disappearing aswell. So far i've loved the server, but if there's something that's been bothering me it's these kinds of things. Same goes for admins writing "5 minutes to restart" then restarting after around 2-3 minutes.

I don't like complaining but when people waste my time (as in spent getting a vehicle, then losing it) i have to.

Had one yesterday too just got a 1 min warning and it restarted after 20 secs, it used to be alright you usually had the time but since patch its not always so easy to logout that quick due to zombies and whatnot making it impossible to logout inside towns.

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Please stop the ninja restarts!

Today at 14.35 pm (ish) an admin made a restart, giving a one minute warning in side chat. No red text no nothing.

Most of us don't know who all the admins are, and as a result of that around 6-7 vehicles were lost, and some made complaints about tents disappearing aswell. So far i've loved the server, but if there's something that's been bothering me it's these kinds of things. Same goes for admins writing "5 minutes to restart" then restarting after around 2-3 minutes.

I don't like complaining but when people waste my time (as in spent getting a vehicle, then losing it) i have to.

I will look in to the auto restarts and their warning messages. But just because the server restarts doesnt make vehicles blow up, unless all 6-7 vehicles were choppers!

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Server has been being weird today people have been losing tents my bus went after the restart and now the server isn't up?

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OK the BEC auto restarts are set again, every 2hrs from 00:00 with warning messages every 15 mins, 5 mins, and 1 min, before the restarts :thumbsup:

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Has everyones text disappeared since the 6.1 hotfix? 2 of mine have.

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Its only 2 gone for some reason hmmmm :( lol oh well lol any satchel charges for sale? :)

P.S. Have I missed something or why is there only 50 slots on the server now?

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OK, to combat the desyncs when we have between 60-80 players, I have split the server into 2 servers, both 50 slots as this is what DayZ can handle. Character data will be the same for both servers, but vehicles and tents will be unique to each server :)

We will have dedicated admins for each server :)

Enjoy :D


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Hey Panda, you gave me your beans but I still get the message that I'm not whitelisted :)

Can you help me out ? :)

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Name- 3220

Location- Lithuania

GUID- 1d7783e611d923fb2662e72a573012c5

My friend recommended this server and seems like a nice and friendly community. On top of that- no hackers.. so I'd like to join. :)

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Dear Administrator Panda

I killed the player Cipher and was immediately banned. This is the second case on this week

Ffirst time a player who killed him was banned to

Is it restricted to kill him? If so make players nicknames visible so we will not kill untouchable players, and run away ... or maybe better dissconnect from server to avoid the ban if we see them.

Edited by franklin80

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Its only 2 gone for some reason hmmmm :( lol oh well lol any satchel charges for sale? :)

P.S. Have I missed something or why is there only 50 slots on the server now?

OK, to combat the desyncs when we have between 60-80 players, I have split the server into 2 servers, both 50 slots as this is what DayZ can handle. Character data will be the same for both servers, but vehicles and tents will be unique to each server :)

We will have dedicated admins for each server :)

Enjoy :D

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Dear Administrator Panda

I killed the player Cipher and was immediately banned. This is the second case on this week

Ffirst time a player who killed him was banned to

Is it restricted to kill him? If so make players nicknames visible so we will not kill untouchable players, and run away ... or maybe better dissconnect from server to avoid the ban if we see them.


7/7 makarov hits at 500m in 5 seconds is not possible

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500m o_O !???????

i shooted him when i was close to him on the coast, there was 50-100 metters to target. I saw him standing still even after i shooted few makarov magazines in him. After some time damage messages appeared and target died. Idk how it is possible that logs shows 400 metters, maybe it was server lag and i was far away on your client in lag, while on my i came closer.

Edited by franklin80

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Hey Panda I applied for whitelist a few days ago, you gave me beans but i still can't get on.

Please double check your GUID ....

Edited by -Panda

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Name- 3220

Location- Lithuania

GUID- 1d7783e611d923fb2662e72a573012c5

My friend recommended this server and seems like a nice and friendly community. On top of that- no hackers.. so I'd like to join. :)

Give this person some beans for god's sake. We want to play :D

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t took 2 hours for me yesterday to run away from elektro snipers. Would i run on the coast with makarov if i were a hacker ?

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