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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: TheZohan

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne

GUID: 7f818a0d9dee4b87b149699471a61f4a


Can you resubmit me to the list please Panda its saying I am not whitelisted?

Thanks again

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- Name MrMpsv

- Location Portugal

- GUID 31c3bc3a08c50c6791bcaa8587f9c363

- Brief i have some friends in your server and i really want try your servercc

Edited by BlackShooter
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I' d like to add to whitelist another LAMA clanmember:

Name: Gharty

Location: Czech republic

GUID: 20233e7101f8807bbdc2c087a7c0150c

He wants to play wit us on hackers free server :)


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Any particular reason why night time has been changed so it is at the peak hours? Seems a bit crazy and if you look at the server population it has halved since night time is now at peak. Hoping it will be changed back i am one of those that enjoys night time play however it makes no sense for it to be at the peak play time of a UK server.

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- Name : KACTET

- Location : Ukraine

- GUID : 51a694246ea205a77a7059e500a4fbf7

- I like whitelist servers and that you have antihack protection.

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- Name Frank

- Location (Russia)

- GUID 4a228460f73f661c8e530b10d469ec34

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

PRIVATE HIVE - 6 Heli's - Double Vehicles - 24.7 Admin - NEW - Gotcha Anti-Hacks - No Hackers, safe games

I like it

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Nice idea, although not simple to implement...


Oke well I just saw it on a youtube movie and was like I would like to wear a red barret aswell.

But I don't wan't you to be busy with that for hours. We can still have fun playing

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Name: WarZeer

location: england


reason: got me bud playing on the server plus it sounds hack free sounds champion mate

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Time is a bit off!

Any particular reason why night time has been changed so it is at the peak hours? Seems a bit crazy and if you look at the server population it has halved since night time is now at peak. Hoping it will be changed back i am one of those that enjoys night time play however it makes no sense for it to be at the peak play time of a UK server.

Was a mistake, back to 'normal' now :)

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- Name: ScottYT

-Location: Canada

- GUID : e88daf9bd4276a2682723c69e0cfe44a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10:

I would like to join this whitelisted server as i am tired of hackers constantly ruining the game for me.

plain and simple ^^

Edited by xScottYT
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- Name: Bandages

- Location: England

- GUID: 6980cd426e92ed7afb009ea69ee885f2

I have some friends that are already white-listed on this server and would like to play somewhere that is hacker free.

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Name: Sikki

Location: Pirkanmaa, Finland

Guid: 9ccfdbaf1a51c79bc38186cf4efeea2e

Your server seems to be perfect place to play!

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- Name: ScottYT

-Location: Canada

- GUID : e88daf9bd4276a2682723c69e0cfe44a

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10:

I would like to join this whitelisted server as i am tired of hackers constantly ruining the game for me.

plain and simple ^^

- Name: Bandages

- Location: England

- GUID: 6980cd426e92ed7afb009ea69ee885f2

I have some friends that are already white-listed on this server and would like to play somewhere that is hacker free.


Name: Sikki

Location: Pirkanmaa, Finland

Guid: 9ccfdbaf1a51c79bc38186cf4efeea2e

Your server seems to be perfect place to play!

Welcome to UK#10 !!!!!

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Ingame name: Tom Twice

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

GUID: dc8af84f9d8a7026fb30a138668a8431

My name is Jonathan and the fact that UK#10 is 99.43% hacker free means everything to me - I would love to be able to play on this server. I do also love the fact that UK#10 has the capability of running a 100 player slot server! I would LOVE to get whitelisted.

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Name: KURD

Location: Russia

GUID: e9b9c052ac77482f34f63d188b730e75

Reason: Whitelistet server with lot of admins - seems it's protected from hackers and i like that.

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Name: Anachoretes



Reason: Want to play with familiars.Good latency, private status, watchful admins.

Edited by Anachoretes
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Name: SpicyWeiner

- Location: USA

- GUID: bc258793ec8c340bcb0d7a1c3155a78f

Reason for being here:

I've been looking for a good private hive I can call home. I used to be dedicated to another server, but it's population declined to the point where it's no longer fun. I would love to find a good server with a great admin, great community, and a great experience. I am hoping this server can offer those things.

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United States, Indiana

Guid: 315497ea00536ad7b574005df2b2ae6d

Wanting to play with a bunch of good folks that don't hack.

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