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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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As you know all weapons were nerfed in Arma latest beta-patch. We made small Weapon damage test (400m).

.308 Win (M14/DMR, Fn Fal, M24/40, M240, Mk48) ~3000-5000 blood.

.223 Rem (M4/16, M249, G36) ~ 1000-2000 blood.

.303 British (Lee Enfield) ~ 2000-3000 blood.

Good or bad, what you think guys?

Edited by Котовский
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- Name : MornStar

- Location: Nottingham, England

- GUID: 763a777d3fbd1f6d694730bc512ccd64

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

I wish to play on UK#10 due to the professionalism of the forum/site which makes me expect the gaming experience to be the same.

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I would like to trade.

Search: m240 ammo

My offer: m14 incl. ammo

Search: M9 SD ammo

My offer: G17 incl. anmo

Search: Ghilie or NV

My offer: GPS

PM me!


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~Name: FusionBlu

~Location: London, England

~GUID: cd4755b52fd8fc8b423103e08948d331

~Brief Statement: Simply because I would like to play on a server with a lot of people, maybe join a clan and play DayZ as it should be played.

Edited by fusionblu
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Name: MetaFatal

Location: Latvia (LV)

guid: e6a63607f04cb8d5cff8e0fa0e2c7183

reason: Searching for a nice server with no hackers.


Edited by Faterror

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I cant get my GUID. I type #beclient GUID but it doesnt shows my GUID

try joining the server and i will get it from the log

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- Name Sirian

- Location Spain

- GUID 48950c8a2461409573cf9afca7bdf6d9

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 Because I'm looking for a stable server with no hacks, no more no less.

- Name Iker

- Location Spain

- GUID 7059598f2c21de0fb7347df3a452a537

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 The same as me

- Name Azkara22

- Location Spain


- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 The same as me

Edited by Daelios

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As you know all weapons were nerfed in Arma latest beta-patch. We made small Weapon damage test (400m).

.308 Win (M14/DMR, Fn Fal, M24/40, M240, Mk48) ~3000-5000 blood.

.223 Rem (M4/16, M249, G36) ~ 1000-2000 blood.

.303 British (Lee Enfield) ~ 2000-3000 blood.

Good or bad, what you think guys?

Lee Enfiled don't deserved this nerf in my opinion.

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As you know all weapons were nerfed in Arma latest beta-patch. We made small Weapon damage test (400m).

.308 Win (M14/DMR, Fn Fal, M24/40, M240, Mk48) ~3000-5000 blood.

.223 Rem (M4/16, M249, G36) ~ 1000-2000 blood.

.303 British (Lee Enfield) ~ 2000-3000 blood.

Good or bad, what you think guys?

Not really found of it, this game is a sniping simulation already it's too bad they take away some of the power of say the m14 or the assault rifles at range, I liked the fact that you could keep your ground against a sniper even when you did not have one yourself. And if this is true then it does make the as50 and the m107 the no-brainer choice, I guess it already was but I sometimes like to mix it up with DMR now that would be a silly idea if a DMR will do 3k. I guess if they dropped down the as50 and the m107 to 8k the nerf would make more sense.

Really bummed about the enfield though it was a really nice starters weapon and gave you a fair chance vs the well geared players if you had good aim and patience.

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Hey Panda i tried to join. Aaand got kicked :D

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Hey Panda i tried to join. Aaand got kicked :D

ok youre added! (your GUID is d0a3676d7610a36fc42030dee5972025)


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Name: Megaom

Location: Latvia (LV)

Guid: db88fc9e8439517c37be6c9439d7571d

Reason: Simply because I would like to play on a nice server without hackers.

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I guess it already was but I sometimes like to mix it up with DMR now that would be a silly idea if a DMR will do 3k.

Damage depends of range - I'm affraid on 800mtr it takes only 1K or 2K, therefore sniper has to be more accurate (headshot still kills one shot). On 100 meters .308 Win can take 6000-8000 blood as before I guess (will try it later). Lee Enfield remains a best starter 'cos most people use it on 50-100m and it has enough damage on this range.

Also I've noticed some kind of random damage, my mate shoots me twice (in same body part) and it took different number of blood.

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- Name (in game, e.g. Panda) Kaspa

- Location (in real life, e.g. England) Lithuania

- GUID (please note your GUID is case sensitive, triple check it for any errors before posting)

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 I want to play in whitelisted server. I have beeen playing in public servers for a month and its getting boring.

Name in game: TheSweetGuy

Place irl: Denmark

Guid: GUID: fe321452fb81974ab1f246f855af1857

i was looking for a good server, and i found yours. which i thougt would be a nice server. so now im looking forward to play on it.

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- Name: Jack

- Location: Holland, Amsterdam

- GUID: 7eedbaed7759cbe629a6f61815c88898

- Brief statement: Got friend here, like to play on hackerfree server.

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Sorry for 1st message

Hello Panda!!

Name: FrostiqQ

Location: Russian Federation

GUID: b0498c6893c81edf91b36a6ce746fa0

it seems correct

Reason: I want to play with good players without hackers


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Damage depends of range - I'm affraid on 800mtr it takes only 1K or 2K, therefore sniper has to be more accurate (headshot still kills one shot). On 100 meters .308 Win can take 6000-8000 blood as before I guess (will try it later). Lee Enfield remains a best starter 'cos most people use it on 50-100m and it has enough damage on this range.

Also I've noticed some kind of random damage, my mate shoots me twice (in same body part) and it took different number of blood.

Yeah but if It's 100 meters you might aswell take up your m4 or whatever weapon you keep in backpack other than your sniper :b, most my sniper kills is 300-400 meters. I can see where they are going I just wish IF they nerf the damage over range they bring all weapons down, including as50 m107 aswell. I usually keep the enfield over the AK actually just for the accuracy long range if what you posted is true then the AK would be a better pick for me. Thanks for the info anyway I did not know this, although I've noticed that people can take more DMR shots (thought it was due to lag though).

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Sicko33, you know, maybe nerf is going to be good for game balance. Lot of folks complain that there is too many sniper rifle and it makes people to play as campers. Now, due to nerf people got chance to survive even under sniper fire. Also snipers have to improve their skills - only headshot takes victim down instantly.

If weapons can't kill with one shot - it means more close firefights, more interesting encounters. Would you agree, now it is looks like that: see player, aim, one shotl, loot. See him first - you won. With nerf we need to get better and closer position to hit him many times, but it is not too easy 'cos of zeds or other players.

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Yeah but if It's 100 meters you might aswell take up your m4 or whatever weapon you keep in backpack other than your sniper :b, most my sniper kills is 300-400 meters. I can see where they are going I just wish IF they nerf the damage over range they bring all weapons down, including as50 m107 aswell. I usually keep the enfield over the AK actually just for the accuracy long range if what you posted is true then the AK would be a better pick for me. Thanks for the info anyway I did not know this, although I've noticed that people can take more DMR shots (thought it was due to lag though).

The problem with sniper rifles was that they outdamaged assault rifles, so people used sniper rifles on distance 200-400 meters. Sniper rifles were just so much more effective at range of 200-400 meters.

Basically this created paradox where players used sniper rifles as assault rifles.

In my opinion to balance game they should make it so sniper rifles do their high damage while shooting from 500+ meters, and nerf damage only on 0-400 meters so sniper rifles would not be better on that range from assault rifles. ( Lee Enfield should do unnerfed damage tho while shooting at 200+m and nerfed damage on 0-200 meters).

Edited by Frosti

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In my opinion to balance game they should make it so sniper rifles do their high damage while shooting from 500+ meters, and nerf damage only on 0-400 meters so sniper rifles would not be better on that range from assault rifles. ( Lee Enfield should do unnerfed damage tho while shooting at 200+m and nerfed damage on 0-200 meters).

Terrible idea and I don't even use sniper rifles!

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