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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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You have flashlight.

Swap my sniper rifle for a flashlight? I think not

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Find none in over week, servers not restarted for an age and I find 3? that's not a coincidence.

Crashed helis aren't rarer it's just a different system...

The developer of that patch has pretty much stated that's it's a private hive/admin problem but hey it's Pandas server he can do what he wants with it, just mean's one less fun aspect of the game being reduced!

Edit: and by less fun* I obviously mean more and of course they are rarer but that's because how having more frequent restarts effects how many helis will be spawned in the cycle and one more thing could someone explain to me how having longer restarts would cause more lag? not being persnickety just never seen or read anything regarding it!

Also don't take this as me having a go at anyone or the server I obviously think it's one of the best around or I wouldn't play there as much, just like finding crashed helis as the only other place to find MiltaryS gear is the barracks and that's pretty much a death trap without a team!

Server's not restarted for an age... what exactly does that mean? The server is restarted every 3 hours, 6 hours maximum if one rarely gets missed.

The heli crashes are now rarer, and it is indeed the new system that makes them rarer.

Wrong, and their is no developer for this awefull update, its a community update with input from all over the place. It is not a private hive problem, even the vanilla hive servers have the same problems.

Everyone was so quick to want but hey, who gives a crap if it works eh? This update is fooking aweful and is ridden with problems and bugs, its a BIG step backward for DayZ.

Edited by -Panda
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ok i can get into the other uk#10 servers..just not the whitelisted one? Can anyone help...and yes I have been whitelisted as played on it for the last few weeks and last night just fine :D

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Hey i still cannot get into the game. I have turned off my computer then restarted dayz commander but it still hangs on the "wait for host". I can see other players joining but its not doing anything for me. It was fine last night.

nothing has changed with the server mate, and you are still whitelisted under GUID 6810f5f1428b612734e87496c8bfa80c // Russell Lee

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nothing has changed with the server mate, and you are still whitelisted under GUID 6810f5f1428b612734e87496c8bfa80c // Russell Lee

...so any idea why I cannot get in?

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Well i got into the lobby but all the slots said AI and all the players were grayed out??

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Well i got into the lobby but all the slots said AI and all the players were grayed out??

think youre joining the wrong server mate. make sure your joining the 80 slot server that starts with the same name as in my sig. If the server youre joining starts "UK#10 - ZombieWorld.eu - Chernarus #1/2...." then you are joining the wrong server...

Edited by -Panda

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Server's not restarted for an age... what exactly does that mean? The server is restarted every 3 hours, 6 hours maximum if one rarely gets missed.

The heli crashes are now rarer, and it is indeed the new system that makes them rarer.

Wrong, and their is no developer for this awefull update, its a community update with input from all over the place. It is not a private hive problem, even the vanilla hive servers have the same problems.

Everyone was so quick to want but hey, who gives a crap if it works eh? This update is fooking aweful and is ridden with problems and bugs, its a BIG step backward for DayZ.

There was no 9am or 12pm restart and wasn't started till I don't know, gone 1:30? hence the reason there were more helis spawned, with a 3 hour restart you're gonna get 3 maybe 4 max per cycle so you're never gonna get more than that on the entire map with it this way, that's all I'm pointing out.

Ok "community developer/modder whatever you want to call it update" and I'm just going by what he's said, http://dayzmod.com/f...st/page__st__60 and from what others have said and also from what I've experienced myself!

Yes this patch brought alot of shite along with it and I was quite quick to ponder how this passed testing! Zed gltching, AI issues etc etc aswell as a few positive things like new GUI but yes most definately a mixed bag to say the least!

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think youre joining the wrong server mate. make sure your joining the 80 slot server that starts with the same name as in my sig. If the server youre joining starts "UK#10 - ZombieWorld.eu - Chernarus #1/2...." then you are joining the wrong server...

Yes im in the correct server. I know the majority of the players on that and they are all on it.

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Sorry Panda I didn't properly recorded his guid made a mistake in the letter please make amends

Name:Roman Bagmanov

Location: Russia

GUID: d1df1297baaaac2f8239093484b1c8bd

I Want to play without the cheaters

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Hello Panda))

Name: Elros

Location: Ukraine

GUID: 8893cc41483ceb18567068c121505077

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Panda I don't want to rush things or something but I was just wondering when the problems with the tents atm are going to be fixed

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More from UK#'10! :D






LOL, nice, but unfortunate ending :D

I know :( They drove in in a UAZ when I was taking the shot, we (Copey and I) didn't hear them over my engine noise lol They were able to park 20m behind Copey without him hearing lmao. A valuable lesson learned today lol its not over untill its ALL over

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when its done.

srsly guys..we will announce it when its done..there is no need to ask every day 3-4 times for it.

Edited by Weasel82

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....can someone please help me. I have tried everything now, Even re-installed Battleye but still not working :(

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....can someone please help me. I have tried everything now, Even re-installed Battleye but still not working :(

Whats wrong? I didn't see the stuff you said before and im too lazy too look :D

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Whats wrong? I didn't see the stuff you said before and im too lazy too look :D

i cannot get into the game. It gets as far as "wait for host" and just stays on that screen. It worked fine yesterday and other servers work fine

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Hello Panda!

Name: Tondem

Location: Russian Federation

GUID: 2f28f859cdbe59156e4dee89d08e921a

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