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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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It didnt restart at 9am either, i've been poppin in and out to check, but I cant play cause I can't see anything lol. Don't get me wrong I don't mind night time but I dont have anything to light my way so I can see nothing :(

You have flashlight.

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control panel is offline.

Edited by Weasel82

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control panel is offline.


Edited by Lewwy
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Hey Panda and admins, I think the server restarts need to reduced I'd say to every 6hrs!

I don't find a crashed heli since the patch. Server is not restarted for several hours and I find 3!! crashed helis in as many hours, I don't think that's a coincidence TBH!!

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Hey Panda and admins, I think the server restarts need to reduced I'd say to every 6hrs!

I don't find a crashed heli since the patch. Server is not restarted for several hours and I find 3!! crashed helis in as many hours, I don't think that's a coincidence TBH!!

A few buddies and I were at NWAF the other day and there was nobody there so we decided to move out. When we went close to the outside of the fence (near the south barracks) a chopper crash spawned on the runway. I think they just spawn randomly, maybe close to players?

EDIT: We also found a chopper crash in Gorka, but it was looted! :(

Edited by Lewwy

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Yes Lewwy that's how the system works now, they're spawned in over time and the cycle of the server is paramount to that, shorter server cycle less crashed helis, or that's how I see it anyway.

They are a few threads about alduing to how the system works but tis along those line, every 30 mins or so there's a chance for a crashed heli spawning up to a certain number which I've read is around 6-8.

There's no way I don't spot a crashed heli in what over a week? I then find 3? nah ain't happening!

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Resubmitting an application for my friend as last time the GUID was too short.

Name: Jay Walker

Location: USA

GUID: af3d0d9d9d5b99f1aa3149f646bbcc2d

Screen cap of it: http://img191.images...20905100842.png

Reason: Same as before, wants to join up with me and my other friend.

u suk

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Hey Panda and admins, I think the server restarts need to reduced I'd say to every 6hrs!

I don't find a crashed heli since the patch. Server is not restarted for several hours and I find 3!! crashed helis in as many hours, I don't think that's a coincidence TBH!!

Reducing the server restart time would cause lag during peak times.....I have found 4 crash sites since the patch.....yes there more rare then before but i think overall that's a good thing

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Reducing the server restart time would cause lag during peak times.....I have found 4 crash sites since the patch.....yes there more rare then before but i think overall that's a good thing

agree on this

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Name: Julian

Location: The Netherlands

GUID: da8b97ea541e7a2044c27fc1b3b00813

STATEMENT: I would like to join a server without hackers.

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Reducing the server restart time would cause lag during peak times.....I have found 4 crash sites since the patch.....yes there more rare then before but i think overall that's a good thing

Find none in over week, servers not restarted for an age and I find 3? that's not a coincidence.

Crashed helis aren't rarer it's just a different system...

The developer of that patch has pretty much stated that's it's a private hive/admin problem but hey it's Pandas server he can do what he wants with it, just mean's one less fun aspect of the game being reduced!

Edit: and by less fun* I obviously mean more and of course they are rarer but that's because how having more frequent restarts effects how many helis will be spawned in the cycle and one more thing could someone explain to me how having longer restarts would cause more lag? not being persnickety just never seen or read anything regarding it!

Also don't take this as me having a go at anyone or the server I obviously think it's one of the best around or I wouldn't play there as much, just like finding crashed helis as the only other place to find MiltaryS gear is the barracks and that's pretty much a death trap without a team!

Edited by Bandito

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retype it plz...... you just typed it wrong last time and I cant read that resolution

Okey 7d4b1a746ef4cf7b2b73798e723349b7

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- Location: England

- GUID:9129acac92131156204d9408a2333f4b

- Reason: i have been told by freinds who also play this server that it is a hacker free enviroment and i would like to play with my friend on the server

(this now has the right guid i think)

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- "=[bRY]=DasSchnitzelX"



I want to play on your server,because im pissed of the hacker.

I like to play on an hackerfree server...that give my new fun to play DayZ :D

Sry for my bad english...

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My Reason:

I play Dayz since 6 months and get killed so often from hackers . I hate this so i haerd from a friend that this server is hacker-free .

Also i want to get killed by fair players and not from a hacker .

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Hey i still cannot get into the game. I have turned off my computer then restarted dayz commander but it still hangs on the "wait for host". I can see other players joining but its not doing anything for me. It was fine last night.

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