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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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- Name: Eniggma

- Location: Liverpool

- GUID : 9389d8cdd2b4e7d1e9fe6afabecda2b0

- Reason: Friends on servers, and heard its hacker free,

NAME - Lord Crump


GUID -69ba322b501a08c0d3186dd83c9b0c7d

my friend plays on your server and tells be how awesome the community is and how hacker free the server is.


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Thankyou Panda and admins for bringing some night back to the server! <3

Nice troll

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what a great day.. D:

kissing a MI17 with a Huey.. (it was a accident..)

going back to electro (the middle of the fucking hell) and find my entire gear.. well well well :D

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Name - GangnamStyle

Location - London

GUID - fc33e1c90ffdc1fecd3292e4abf00a01

Reason - Wanna play on server without hackers

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Name: Dallerkit

Location: London

guid: 5979ff89d99ffcdb0b08e6b3e25199f0

reason: hackers are iritating

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Eh? it was night from before 8am gmt till passed 1pm maybe you log on before you open your mouth?...troll!

Well some of us have places to be and people to see!

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Name: "Wolf K."

Location: Hamburg, Germany


reason: searching for a nice server with a good community and no hackers.

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Das nächste mal bitte gleich in einem Post. :|

translate: added!

Edited by Weasel82
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Name in game: RandomNess

Real name: Henry

Location: England

Guid: 6843b99056049ddfe47a6fc4e2d088c2

i would like to join the server because my friend has been playing on the server for a while now and said he hasnt run into a hacker yet

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So DMR doesn't kill with 2 shots anymore? Shot a guy 2 times from 400m and he didin't die...

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So DMR doesn't kill with 2 shots anymore? Shot a guy 2 times from 400m and he didin't die...

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A couple of guys who applied via PM, ive added you both to the WL :)


Tag: GizmoXXL

GUID: 6aec965dbe27756fbc1f1fbb16317157

Country: The Netherlands

Tag: iVan

GUID: 19679a431207b5c62711998c89895869

Country: The Netherlands


(GizmoXXL) A 27 year old guy with a passion for sniping people. <fair bandit / heli transport guy for random people when tired of killing

(iVan) A 25 year old guy with a passion for being a careless bandit getting the other guy with him killed. <filthy bandit

(GizmoXXL) I've been playing Dayz from pretty much the start, got hooked, was forced to take a break from it for a couple of months due to actual life, and took it up again about 2 months ago.

You could say i'm a serious gamer, as i always try to play dayz like it's a tactical shooter, preferably in a ghillie suit with a sniper rifle, and with my mates :P.

I used to give people a chance when they mention being friendly, but that has pretty much always gotten me killed; I will shoot on sight, i don't trust anyone unless i've spend enough time on ts with the person to get a sense of his intentions.

I'm just getting sick and tired of all the hackers and their various missions to annoy/kill/help/feed other people, the admins that supposed to be there according to their server description and are not when they are needed, the people acting like giant douches through the sidechannel voip, and just being completely powerless against all of it.

(iVan) Agrees and can't be arsed to write a story himself,... so yeah.

Thanks in advance and we hope to see you in our scopes."

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So DMR doesn't kill with 2 shots anymore? Shot a guy 2 times from 400m and he didin't die...

All sniper rifles and Lee enfield were nerfed, people report to survive even 6 shots from DRM. Sometimes you can even survive shot from As50 or m107 but it's rare.

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- Name Mathew

- Location England

- GUID 29729f77d783331b3fa8abde5fa1c6ba

- Brief statement- I want the beans, all the beans ;D and to play with my friends already on the server without hackers.

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I would like to be whitelisted :)

Name: Neb

Location: Netherlands

GUID: ff367d7dfc1a4b0dafc2af98bb4c1271

Brief Statement: I would like to join my friends that already have been whitelisted on your server :).

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my name is : seek the bandit bitch

I'm from Stuttgart, Germany

My Guid is : c14bd9154727c3810a79bf46ce95a0bc

u hate it to be teleported like all the others on the server and then die, after u play 1-2h find a car and be rlly happy?

do i have to say more? ;)

just wanna play and die like it should be!

plz whitelist me. thanks ! ;)

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Another cool vid of our new dedicated server host :D

cool stuff

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So is the 40 slot server dead? It's a shame. Was a very good server, only needed a little more advertisement and 1 bug fix.

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So is the 40 slot server dead? It's a shame. Was a very good server, only needed a little more advertisement and 1 bug fix.

No, 40 slot is still alive mate, bug im busy transfering the server from one dedi box to a new one. Ill put mor etime in to making it become populated but atm my times taken up with other things, like getting the serve read for our main switch over.

Edited by -Panda

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