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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: lifeofshadow

Location: United States

Guid; a1021abde7894d974c4daa226921d123

Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on: Some of my friend are playing on it and they said it was really good. and also i'm trying to find a server that dose not get hacked in to that easy.

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Good Morning Survivors! All new Guys are added and good to go!


Weasel out.

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Name: Cutzero


Location: Germany

Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on: My brother plays on this server and recommended it because of it's great community and the hacker free experience. :-)

Edit: Me and my brother share the same internetconnection through a router. Hopefully this will not get a problem. We experienced on other server that one of us will time out when the other one joined.

Edited by Cutzero
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Really enjoying the server guys, approaching 10 members from our squad now whitelisted on your server so expecting some good action over the weekend!

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This server really is awesome, I had one of my best nights tonight, but this battleeye issue kicking ppl randomly really sucks, if you could sort it out it would be tits. (I've been kicked like 5 times for script restriction #42)

Not really much I can do mate, its down to BE to release an update that fixes these issues that are brought on by the update. I can remove line 42 but its not the only line thats causing issues, people are getting kicked for a variety of different lines :(

Edited by -Panda

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Really enjoying the server guys, approaching 10 members from our squad now whitelisted on your server so expecting some good action over the weekend!

Sounds good! Glad to hear youre all enjoying the server :D

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Name: Ecioh

Location: Germany

GUID: 1cb5b63ef4af90d5f333f4cba13d7677

Sorry about the reason: My brothers are playing also on this and said good things about it. So i decided to paly with them on their (this) server

Edited by Ecioh

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Name: ZiegoslavSwaston

Location: Russia

GUID: 2446766171e5b1c6a6ce84c46dcc082e

Reason 4 wanting 2 play: good ping, a lot of players, antihax, not russian server :). I think it would be a nice server.

Edited by ZiegoslavSwaston
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- Location: Ukraine

- GUID: 0f17cd46b19e1d58ab6a618eb26110eb

- I think you server is better than other servers, private, more vehicles.

Edited by COOLWIND
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Name: Ecioh

Location: Germany

GUID: 1cb5b63ef4af90d5f333f4cba13d7677

Sorry about the reason: My brothers are playing also on this and said good things about it. So i decided to paly with them on their (this) server

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Name: DECK

Location: Russia

GUID: ae063e3c37d1542e3dad596ee81322c2

Cheaters bothered. There are a wish to play quietly in dayz without excess problems with friends.

Edited by DECK34
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Name: JusiKo_senKo

Location: Ukraine

GUID: 8ed6d7b408d5f76e3c09cbc0154a3129

I think you server is better than other servers!

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Thanx for bringing me in! I know that i'm new and all but, could we get some night back? I like the safety of darkness. Maybe we could have a poll or something about it. <3 the server in all other regards though!

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Location: Finland

GUID: 71dae49a13e32b59fc7a453289502ee7

Reason: Can't be bothered with cheaters. Your server seems to have good rules & settings. And I want to play on an active server which has players there.

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Name: Nasse

Location: Finland


Reason: I don't like hackers.

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Thanx for bringing me in! I know that i'm new and all but, could we get some night back? I like the safety of darkness. Maybe we could have a poll or something about it. <3 the server in all other regards though!

We try and do mon-fri darkness 2am-12pm, weekends darkness 3am-9am. Sometimes its a bit messed up tho as we have to manually set the time each time we change it.

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name: ztranger

location: portugal

guid: 3f70d62c309e8597dd27c91ea8f17f9e

reason: try out the latest dayz version in a hacker free server.


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Really enjoying the server guys, approaching 10 members from our squad now whitelisted on your server so expecting some good action over the weekend!

Cya online

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- Name Ian

- Location Philippines

- GUID 86bfebf41e3470df8p4c7b5410b33da0

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10. For once i want to experience a server with more active player but less hackers.

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