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Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Hey! tooday when i was gona log onto the server, it said i have been banned for spawning a car or something vechiel, but i dont even have hack xD could somone look over this so ican join and play? couse something must be wrong here, i dont have any hack so i cant spawn any cars :P my ingame name is TIM , thanks

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i tried to get admin from half 9 but no luck, hopefully one will be on soon

Sorry panda was getting drunk, lol, server restarted and whitelist is back on.... strange why it didnt start with the server... someting we'll have to keep an eye on !!!!!

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- Name Aaron 1

- Location Manchester, UK

- GUID 5990dd6062ba38ad749dbfa7baf4902c

- After a popular uk based admined server

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Name: Demagos

Location: USA

GUID: 1f912df5429a52ea6bf37daa70542089

I wish to play on UK#10 because i want a hacker free environment where me and my friends can grow and have a lot of fun.

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I would advise peopel to stay off the server unti lthe issue is resolved! going on will most likely result in your death! remember, the admin crew cannt rollback going in while there is a confirmed hacker is at YOUR OWN RISK. Panda and the other admins are working on this ASAP, please, do not spam them, it will only slow things down.


Well said Sneeky.

Problem resolved now, the whitelist is back up and running, and I have investigated and banned the hackers from earlier.

Let this remind us all of how highly effective our whitelist is, i.e. this stuff only happens on the very rare times it fails to load on startup. Our whitelist keeps in excess of 99% of hackers out <3

I have passed my mobile number on to a few of our regular players so in the event of an admin not being on and the server needing a restart (to reload the WL) I can do it remotely via my phone (teamviewer for Android ftw) :)

The way to tell if our WL is running is by looking for the whitelist messages, e.g. "Player A joined the game and is on the Whitelist // OR, "Player A was kicked as they are not on the Whitelist" :)


:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:

Edited by -Panda
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- Name: Worthy

- Location: England

- GUID: c648a680f77ab67724a4e7bea4550225

- I'm a fair player and the server sounds a fantastic platform to be playing DayZ. A friend of mine got granted access so i'd like to play with him also.

ingame name : Raiden

location : Belgium (Flanders)

GUID : d09cd372cac2c67e86f6c708e96cd6f6

reason : Play with Camouflage (page 187) and mo (page 189) and have the same motivation and reasons for joining here as they have. Love to play this without hackers.

Added !! Enjoy playing on Uk10 :)

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Popa was on before the new requirements so his mates are ok to be added.

Ill update page 1 when I get more time later. At the zoo atm...

Please add my friend

Name : Faithless

Location : UK

GUID :eoe57a44ea206f0ie255428df368ef

He has tried to come on after 4 days of night shifts and it turns out he is a mug and copied down his GUID wrong.

Please can you amend it for me please

Correct GUID : e0e57a44ea20bf01e0255428df3683ef

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^^ GUID amended :)

Can you add my guid pleeeease


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- Name BiggerTings

- Location England, London

- GUID 73c1b2f64d68723cfc18487dd626e63f

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 : I wish to play on a hacker free server, so i enjoy the game more, and play along with others who also want to have some fun without any worries of hackers ruining the game.

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I would like to welcome Benny as an admin on UK#10 !

Please obey his instructions and respect his wishes as you would with any other UK#10 admin.

Thanks Benny for your help and support :)

Direct link to Benny's DayZMod profile: http://dayzmod.com/f...1052-bennybuss/


* Server Admin's, including point of contact *

- Panda http://dayzmod.com/f...er/37864-panda/

- Beast http://dayzmod.com/f...618-dayzofdoom/

- Cipher / Gari http://dayzmod.com/f...ser/41161-gari/

- Mr.Barrington http://dayzmod.com/f...7-mrbarrington/

- MindOfDave http://dayzmod.com/f...397-mindofdave/

- Benny http://dayzmod.com/f...1052-bennybuss/

Edited by -Panda
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So 3 rounds of ring of fire, with a jug of alchol filled each time and me losing twice, then playing apple aours snap.... Then 8/10ths of the brandy.... Then sitting in q hot tub for the last 2 hours :) in the snow looking into the woods :) been a prity good weekends... Ill be back tommorow to deal with bambis :) i love you all x

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I forgot to make an application for my friend, here it is :

Name: Johnny Wang

Location: Paris, France

GUID: ee0257d10cecfa711ab9f748861c8fea

Motivated by the high population on the server and the seemingly hacker-free community!

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I forgot to make an application for my friend, here it is :

Name: Johnny Wang

Location: Paris, France

GUID: ee0257d10cecfa711ab9f748861c8fea

Motivated by the high population on the server and the seemingly hacker-free community!

Added Enjoy your stay.

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- I'm looking to get involved in a good server that's safe to play on and generally have fun.


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- I'm looking to get involved in a good server that's safe to play on and generally have fun.


Added enjoy

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im 24, my friends are already playing on your server want to join them

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im 24, my friends are already playing on your server want to join them

Added enjoy

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Sorry for delay guy on the restart it should be up and running now, im new to the job my bad =P

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Just in time for your sunday hangover, here's the next episode of my new series! Mostly bandit-action.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4d95s_dgS0 (hangover not required).

Hope you enjoy!

Don't forget to comment, rate and/or subscribe!

Going for a vacation for 2 weeks, so next episode will not be up until I come back ( not that you couldn't live without it ;) ).

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Ok, so , weasel took a cheap shot on me as i was trying to help out a noob, i say fu to him in side chat, he bans me. I had no idea he was an admin, but isn't it a typical case of a kid abusing admin powers for personal reason?

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